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April 19, 2016

TV Shows – A/F/U/C/O

Posted by Crissy [8:35 am] (link)

This is a complete update of applications, finished, updated, closed and overdue for the TV Shows category.

Upcoming TV Shows (NOT OPEN for application)
Blue Mountain State; Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders; Fear The Walking Dead; It started with a kiss; Longmire; RuPaul’s Drag Race; Shannara Chronicles, The; Wire, The

Finished TV Shows (NOT OPEN for application)
Academy Awards, The; Dead Like Me; Hannah Montana; Doctor Who 2005: Season 1; Superstore

Moved TV Shows (NOT OPEN for application)
Dick Van Dyke Show, The; X-Files, The: Season 4

Closed TV Shows (OPEN for application)
No closed forms received since the last update.

Overdue TV Shows (NOT OPEN for application)
No overdue fanlistings since the last update.

Overdue: Temporary Layout (NOT OPEN for application)
No overdue layouts since the last update.


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