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Report A Fanlisting

If you visit a fanlisting listed at TFL and find that it has a problem that makes it impossible or difficult to navigate or join the fanlisting, then you can use this form to report it to a category staffer.

You can report a fanlisting for a reason such as:

  • Dead link(s) - for the entire site, or important pages like the join form. You may also report a site that has exceeded its bandwidth.
  • Breaking TFL rules - for instance, not adding certain members or not asking for countries.
  • No last updated date or problems with last updated date - if there is no update date, or if the date is unclear
  • Not updating - TFL asks that fanlistings are fully updated once every two months.
  • Undefined/Expired Hiatus - if the site goes on hiatus with no return date or has passed a set date
  • Browser/Script problems - for instance, a fanlisting script error
  • Not linking TFL - we ask for a link back to us

IMPORTANT: make sure this fanlisting isn't already on the troubles list! If it is, that means that the staffer in charge is already fully aware of all problems with that particular fanlisting. Also, check that the fanlisting is listed at TFL (i.e. don't report dead links from your joined fanlistings).

The form will be sent to the staff member in charge of troubles for that category and that staff member will then look into the matter and take action where needed. This way, you can help us to keep the inactive fanlistings in the network to a minimum.

Fanlisting URL:
Fanlisting Subject:
What are you reporting it for?
Anything else we should know?
Please note that the more specifically you explain the problem to us, the sooner we'll be able to deal with it.

Support Us

TFL relies on donations and advertising to keep running. There are several ways you can help! Make a donation and get access to the TFL donators package or visit our advertisers. We also have a banner rotation for fanlistings and fansites. Every bit helps! More information can be found on the Support page.

Did You Know?

The TFL Board has a forum devoted just to finding a host, or advertising spaces at your domain. A quick fix if you have any hosting problems! Visit the forum to find out more.