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April 25, 2016

Relationships: Real Life – Troubles and Removal

Posted by Julia [7:29 pm] (link)

This is a complete update of troubles and one removal for the Relationships: Real Life category.

Removed From Network (OPEN for application)
Harrison, George and Pattie Boyd Harrison

Troubled Relationships: Real Life (NOT OPEN for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on May 2nd, 2016. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email!

Dead Link: 404/403 Error
Arnaz, Desi and Lucille Ball; Dallas, Josh and Ginnifer Goodwin; Interspecies Friendships; Lachey, Drew and Lea Lachey; Lachey, Drew and Nick Lachey; Price, Molly and Jason Wiles

Inactivity: 2 months + (0 pending)
Cast: Marvel’s The Avengers; Cho, Kyuhyun and Jongwoon Kim ‘Yesung’; de Havilland, Olivia and Bette Davis; Evans, Chris & Chris Pratt; Hurley, Dorothea and Jon Bon Jovi

TFL Link: No Link
Anderson, Gillian and David Duchovny


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