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March 30, 2014

Relationships: Real Life – A/F/U/C/O/T and Troubles

Posted by Julia [12:17 am] (link)

This is a complete update of applications, finished, updated, closed, overdue, report forms and troubles for the Relationships: Real Life category.

Upcoming Relationships: Real Life
Fallon, Jimmy and Justin Timberlake; Luft, Lorna and Liza Minnelli

Finished Relationships: Real Life
DeHaan, Dane and Daniel Radcliffe

Updated Relationships: Real Life
No forms received since the last update.

Closed Relationships: Real Life (OPEN for application)
No forms received since the last update.

Overdue (NOT OPEN for application)
No fanlistings overdue.

Overdue: Temporary Layouts (NOT OPEN for application)
No fanlistings overdue.

Troubles – Report Forms
No forms received since the last update.

Troubled Relationships: Real Life (NOT OPEN for application)

A huge thank you to Cheryl for trouble checking the category. 🙂

The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on April 6th, 2014. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email!

Dead Link: 404/403 Error
Agron, Dianna and Lea Michele; Bacall, Lauren and Humphrey Bogart; Black, Claudia and Ben Browder; Burke, Cheryl and Drew Lachey; Carter, Aaron and Nick Carter; Cho, Kyuhyun and Jongwoon Kim; Depp, Johnny and Winona Ryder; Grohl, Dave and Taylor Hawkins; Page, Jimmy and Robert Plant; Radcliffe, Daniel and Emma Watson; Rossdale, Gavin and Gwen Stefani; Stiller, Ben and Christine Taylor

Dead Link: Site Is Not The Fanlisting
Ahn, Chil Hyun (Kang Ta) and Moon Hee Jun; Barnes, Ben and Anna Popplewell; Bennington, Chester, Rob Bourdon, Brad Delson, Dave Farrell, Joe Hahn and Mike Shinoda; Cast: Merlin (2008); Chu, Alex and Shin-ae Jo; Delfino, Majandra and Brendan Fehr; Grant, Clare and Seth Green; Grint, Rupert and Emma Watson; Meester, Leighton and Ed Westwick

Inactivity: 2 months +
Aebischer, David and Patrick Roy; Barratt, Julian and Noel Fielding; Blumenfeld, Amir and Jake Hurwitz; Groff, Jonathan and Lea Michele; Harold, Gale and Randy Harrison; Harrison, George and Pattie Boyd Harrison; Jang, Woo Hyuk and Tony An Seung Ho; Key (Kim Kibum) and Jonghyun (Kim Jonghyun); Lam, Raymond and Leila Tong; Lee, Hyuk Jae (EunHyuk) and Lee Dong Hae; Lee, Min Woo and Jun Jin Park; Piper, Billie and David Tennant

Inactivity: 2 months + (0 pending)
Christensen, Hayden and Natalie Portman; Harris, David Ryan and John Mayer; Labruyere, David (Dela) and John Mayer; Levine, Adam and John Mayer; Rooney, Coleen and Wayne Rooney; Wong, Bosco and Myolie Wu

Navigation: Menu Not Visible
Aebischer, David and Patrick Roy


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Did You Know?

It's unfortunate that we have to reject people for fanlistings they apply for, but it's what has to be done if more than one person applies for a fanlisting. If you've received more than one rejection from us, please don't take it personally. It may be due to a number of reasons -- the most likely one is that there was more than one applicant for the fanlisting and a final decision had to be made. Often these are very difficult and it isn't a "problem" with you.