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May 31, 2020

Characters: Book/Movie – Troubles: Removals

Posted by Evie [1:16 pm] (link)

This is a complete update of troubles and removals for the Characters: Book/Movie category.

Removed From Troubles – Problem Resolved (NOT open for application)
Metatron (Dogma); Sloane, Bethany (Dogma); [+] Angels (Dogma); Shaw, Jerry (Eagle Eye (2008)); Ravenwood, Marion (Indiana Jones series); Williams, Henry ‘Mutt’ (Indiana Jones series)

Removed From Network (OPEN for application)
Asher (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter Series); Wolfe, Gabriel (Dark Visions trilogy); Ryugamine, Mikado (Durarara!!); Toretto, Dominic (Fast and the Furious Series, The); Black, Sirius ‘Padfoot’/’Snuffles’ (Harry Potter series); Heron, Cady (Mean Girls); Chairman, The (Memoirs of a Geisha); Toshikazu, Nobu (Memoirs of a Geisha); Poole, Riley (National Treasure and National Treasure: Book of Secrets); Redfern, Ash (Night World series); Calhoun, Noah (Notebook, The); Armstrong, Nick (Secret Circle trilogy, The); Beaubier, Jean-Paul ‘Northstar’ (X-Men series); D’Ancanto, Marie ‘Rogue’ (X-Men series); Drake, Robert ‘Bobby’ ‘Iceman’ (X-Men series); LeBeau, Remy ‘Gambit’ (X-Men series); Madrox, Jamie ‘Multiple Man’ (X-Men series); Starsmore, Jonothan ‘Chamber’ (X-Men series)

Removed From Characters: Book/Movie (OPEN for application)
Dearheart, Adora Belle ‘Spike’ (Discworld series); Ironfoundersson, Carrot (Discworld series); Dresden, Harry (Dresden Files, The); Murphy, Karrin (Dresden Files, The); Holtzmann, Jillian (Ghostbusters series); Norrington, James (Pirates of the Caribbean series); Holmes, Sherlock (Sherlock Holmes); Baelish, Petyr ‘Littlefinger’ (Song of Ice and Fire Series, A); Prince, Diana ‘Wonder Woman’ (Wonder Woman)

Extensions Granted (NOT OPEN for application)
The following fanlistings have been granted an extension until 5 June 2020:
Fitzgerald, Brigitte ‘B’ (Ginger Snaps series); Carrow, Amycus (Harry Potter series); Crabbe, Vincent (Harry Potter series); Pettigrew, Peter ‘Wormtail’ (Harry Potter series); [+] Durmstrang Institute: Students (Harry Potter series); [+] Werewolves (Harry Potter series); [+] Lycans (Underworld series)

The following fanlistings have been granted an extension until 11 June 2020:
Yubari, Go Go (Kill Bill); Brandybuck, Meriadoc ‘Merry’ (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books)


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