July 13, 2015
Actresses: F/U/C/O
This is a complete update of finished, moved, closed and overdue for the Actresses category.
Finished Actresses
Bello, Maria; Gellar, Sarah Michelle; Smulders, Cobie; Stewart, Kristen
Moved/Updated Actresses
Choi, Sooyoung; Dormer, Natalie; Francis, Genie; Ryan, Jeri
Closed Actresses (Open for application)
No closed forms have been received since the last update.
Troubled Actresses (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on July 19, 2015. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email!
Overdue Actresses
Wood, Evan Rachel
Overdue Layouts
No overdue layouts since the last update.