Love TheFanlistings.org? Want to get involved in a volunteer-run, group-driven network project? Then consider sending an application form to be a TheFanlistings.org category staffer or a trouble checker! We're always accepting applications from volunteers who are interested in helping TheFanlistings.org run and grow.
We have a large team of volunteers who keep the network up-to-date and smoothly running, but we're frequently in need of extra staffers to deal with the increasing workload. Our main staff is made up of the senior staff and the category staffers, but we're also recruiting permanent trouble checkers to help us out. Please select the appropriate link below to view the requirements, then consider filling out an application to join us!
If you have applied to be a staffer or trouble checker and want to check your information or edit it, please contact the senior staff
Category Staff application form
Our category staffers are in charge of the network's individual categories. The
larger categories are usually divided between several staffers, each responsible
for different forms, while the smaller categories are each run by one staffer.
Even for a small category, being a category staffer can be a very demanding job,
so we require people with lots of patience and a great deal of free time.
Trouble Checkers application form
We also take on additional staff members to act as permanent trouble checkers.
Each trouble checker will be assigned to a particular category, but may also
need to be available if another category's staffer needs his or her help. You
should have a fair amount of free time for this job and be able to follow