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Category Information

This page is here to give our visitors an idea of the current status of all of our categories, and to let them know who's in charge of each section. If the category is currently experiencing some issues, they will be detailed in the status, along with the date the issue was added to this page. We endeavor to keep this page fully updated on a regular basis, however, if you do see a delay/problem in a category, please let the senior staff know.

As you can see, some of our larger categories have more than one staff member. This key explains the different positions, so that you can see who runs each category and the jobs they do.

a - applications / general contact forms
f - finished forms
u - update info forms
c - closed forms
t - troubles / report forms


Staffed By: Mikh (250+) and Tec (500+)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category.
Category information last updated February 2021


This category will be for education and learning. Universities and schools have been moved from Places. Academics and scientists may be applied for here. Sub-categories found here: Class Of, Concepts/Theories, Miscellaneous, Schools/Universities and Subjects.
Staffed By: Carisma (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are unaware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated June 3rd, 2014


Male persons seen in movies, TV shows, etc.
Staffed By: Mandy (a) and Sofie (f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated July 5th, 2016


Female persons seen in movies, TV shows, etc.
Staffed By: Candy (a) and Sofie (f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated July 5th, 2016


This is the category where all adult fanlistings go, such as those for adult movie stars or other sexual things. Topics in this category cannot be cross-listed to other categories at TFL. Current sub-categories are: Accessories/Clothing, Art/Literature, Bodies/Appearance, Entertainment, Pornstars/Models, Sexual Interests/Activities, Websites/Internet.
Staffed By: Demora (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems with this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated June 23rd, 2014

Advertising/TV Channels

All television commercials, print advertisements, characters from advertising, and television channels. Trailers are also listed in this category. Current sub-categories here are: Movie Trailers & TV Promos, TV Channels, TV Commercials, TV Commercials: Characters
Staffed By: Sara (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated March 18th, 2019


This category covers all music CDs, including soundtracks.
Staffed By: Dylan (a) and Crissy (f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated January 24th, 2022


All kinds of living things that are not humans or plants. Animal characters from TV, movies or books go into the appropriate Characters category. Famous animals from commercials, etc. go into TV/Movie Stuff.
Staffed By: Tiffany (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated May 22nd, 2014


All things animated. This includes animated movies (such as Disney movies), TV shows (such as The Simpsons), episodes, characters (such as Tweety, Homer, Winnie The Pooh), relationships (all-emcompassing - romantic/platonic/antagonistic/family), etc. Current sub-categories are: Characters, Companies, Digital Animation, Episodes, General, Miscellaneous, Movies, Relationships, Short Films, TV Shows, TV/Movie Stuff.
Staffed By: Buruma (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are unaware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated June 14th, 2011

Arts and Design

Painters, sculptors, etc. Performing arts are now accepted in this category as well. Current sub-categories are: Architecture/Architects, Fine Arts/Artists, Graphic Arts/Artists, Individual Works, Miscellaneous, Modern and Contemporary Arts/Artists, Movements and Schools, Performance Arts/Performers, Photography/Photographers, Shapes/Designs.
Staffed By: Jessica (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are unaware of any problems with this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated January 31st, 2024


Novel authors, screenplay writers, people that write for television shows, etc. Fanfiction authors go into the Fan Works category.
Staffed By: Lily (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are unaware of any problems with this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated April 2nd, 2014

Calendar Events

This category is only for calendar holidays and events. Natural events (summer, midnight, etc.) will still be located in Nature.
Staffed By: Kylie (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated January 30th, 2017

Characters: Book/Movie

All individual characters or named organisations/clubs/teams/groups from books and movies. Please note that animated characters go into Animation and comic/comic book characters go into Comics.
Staffed By: Kristina (a), Harley (f/u/c) and Abby (t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated February 7th, 2024

Characters: TV

All individual characters or named organisations/clubs/teams/groups from TV shows and mini-series. Please note that animated characters go into Animation.
Staffed By: Lindsey (a) and Deborah (f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated May 3rd, 2016


Comics, comic books and comic/comic book characters. Current sub-categories are: Artists/Writers, Characters, Companies/Franchises, General, Miscellaneous, Relationships, Series/Titles.
Staffed By: Melissa (a), Kieran (f/u/c) and Tabitha (t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated February 7th, 2024


This category lists companies - this ranges from game and animation creators to movie studios to food companies such as McDonalds. Fanlistings for brands (such as Toyoto cars, fashion brands and toy brands) are found in their respective categories (Transportation, Fashion/Beauty and Toys/Collectibles).
Staffed By: Lisa (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated April 17th, 2014

Computer Miscellany and Internet

Anything related to computers, software and the internet is found here. Specific brands of computers and hardware can be found in Objects. Current sub-categories are: Browsers, Companies, Computers / Operating Systems, Graphics / Layouts / Effects, Languages / File Types, Miscellaneous, Programs, Scripts, Tools / Appliances, Websites / Web Stuff.
Staffed By: Annie (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated February 3rd, 2019


The people behind the movies and TV shows.
Staffed By: Andrisima (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated July 5th, 2016


TV show episodes. Please note that you can't sign up for whole TV show seasons in this category, they go into the TV Shows category. Episodes from animated shows go into Animation.
Staffed By: Ethan (a) and Crissy (f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated January 24th, 2022

Fan Works

Fanfiction, fanfiction authors, fanart, fanart arists, and fan-made music videos. Current sub-categories are: Fan Videos, Fanart: Artists, Fanart: Characters, Fanart: Fandoms, Fanart: Real Life, Fanart: Relationships, Fanart: Websites, Fanfiction: Authors, Fanfiction: Characters, Fanfiction: Crossovers, Fanfiction: Fandoms, Fanfiction: Original Characters, Fanfiction: Real Life, Fanfiction: Relationships, Fanfiction: Stories, Fanfiction: Virtual Series, Fanfiction: Websites, Miscellaneous. Please note: fanlistings for subjects regarding Animation, Sports Entertainment and Games should be applied for in their respective categories.
Staffed By: Jenn (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated September 1st, 2017


From designer labels, to clothing, to make-up products, to hairstyles. Current sub-categories are: Accessories, Appearance Modification, Brand Items/Collections, Brands, Clothing & Shoes, Designers, Fragrances, General, Health & Beauty Brands, Health & Beauty Products, Prints & Fabrics.
Staffed By: Sarina (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems with this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated February 4th, 2019


Yum, everything eat- and drinkable. Includes restaurants and food brands. Current sub-categories are: Baked Goods, Candy / Sweets, Cereals, Grain Products & Nuts, Dairy & Sorbets/Ices, Dishes, Drinks (Alcoholic), Drinks (Non-Alcoholic), Flavourings, Condiments & Sauces, Fruit & Vegetables, Meat, Poultry & Seafood, Regional Cuisine, Restaurant Items, Restaurants & Stores, Snacks & Junk Foods, Vegetarian & Eggs.
Staffed By: Deborah (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated January 28th, 2019


Computer games, console games, handheld games, board games, etc. Also includes game characters, relationships, game consoles, game companies, and music. Current sub-categories are: Board, Card, RPG, Etc. Games, Computer, Console, Video, & Web Games, Fan Works, Game Characters, Game Companies, Game Music, Game Systems, Miscellany, Relationships.
Staffed By: Buruma (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated July 23rd, 2020


Things that happened in the past, historical figures, kings, castles, dynasties, etc. (Includes current royals.) Current sub-categories are: Animals and Nature, Artifacts and Objects, Civilizations and Societies, Eras and Events, Historical Relationships, Miscellany, Organisations, People: Groups, People: Individuals.
Staffed By: Mindy (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated January 20th, 2022

Hobbies and Recreation

This category is for hobbies and activities. Recreation rides will also be found here.
Staffed By: Lacy (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated May 21st, 2012


Books, novels, short stories, poems, etc. - anything readable except for plays (these go into Stage/Theatre), comics (these go into Comics), and fanfiction (these go into Fan Works).
Staffed By: Angie (a), Elise (f/u/c) and Michele (t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated February 7th, 2024


Everything that doesn't fit into any other category goes here. Please thoroughly check through all categories before applying under Miscellaneous! Current sub-categories are: Colours, Concepts and Ideas, Tobacco and Drugs and Un-Categorised.
Staffed By: Lucy (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated February 4th, 2019


People on the catwalk or models in magazines. This category is split into three sub-categories: groups and male and female models.
Staffed By: Rachel (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are unaware of any problems with this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated June 9th, 2012


All non-animated movies go into this category, including TV movies. Animated movies go into Animation.
Staffed By: Christine (a) and Tec (f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated July 24th, 2017

Music Miscellany

Everything music-related that doesn't fit into Musicians, Albums or Songs, such as instruments and instrument brands, types of music, etc. Current sub-categories are: B-sides of, Band types, Choreography & Dancers, Concerts of, Documentaries, Events/Festivals, General Music Related, Genres, Instruments, Managers, Miscellaneous, Music of, Music videos of, Performances, Re-mixes of, Record labels, Song genres, Songwriters & Producers, Tours, TV Specials.
Staffed By: Sara (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated January 20th, 2022

Musicians: Bands/Groups

Musical bands and groups.
Staffed By: Samantha (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated February 6th, 2024

Musicians: Female

Individual female musicians. This includes composers (classical or modern), solo artists, and individual members of bands/groups. All contestants of music reality TV shows should be applied in these categories and not Personalities.
Staffed By: Brenda (a), Jennifer (f/u/c) and Jef (t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated February 7th, 2024

Musicians: Male

Individual male musicians. This includes composers (classical or modern), solo artists, and individual members of bands/groups. All contestants of music reality TV shows should be applied in these categories and not Personalities.
Staffed By: Michelle (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated February 6th, 2024


Includes everything from Greek Gods to Saints to current Religions. Current sub-categories are: Arthurian Legends, Folklore, Mythology: Celtic, Mythology: Egyptian, Mythology: Greek, Mythology: Norse, Mythology: Other, Mythology: Roman, Religion: Christianity, Religion: Other, Religion: Paganism.
Staffed By: Stephanie (a) and Jordan (f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated July 23rd, 2020


Sun, trees, flowers, everything natural that is not an animal. Current sub-categories are: General; Metals; Plants, Flowers, Herbs; Rocks, Gems, Crystals; Space, Sky; Weather, Seasons, Time.
Staffed By: Sonya (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are unaware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated January 30th, 2017


A category for objects. Obviously ;)
Staffed By: Kelly (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated June 27th, 2014

People Miscellany

This category is for fanlistings relating to people. It does not include fanlistings for specific people. Sub-categories in this category are: Language and Culture, Lifestyles, Love and Relationships, Occupations, People, Physical Appearance and Voices.
Staffed By: Jill (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated May 27th, 2012


This category includes fanlistings for people who do not belong in any other category (actors, actresses, etc.), such as TV presenters, VJs, stage magicians and comedians. People who participate in shows such as Big Brother and Survivor belong in this category too.
Staffed By: Kris (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated February 7th, 2024


Countries, cities or even buildings like nightclubs, etc. Fictional places from books and movies go into TV/Movie/Book Miscellany. Current sub-categories are: Accomodation (Hotels, Motels, etc.), Clubs, Continents, Countries/Nations, General Places, Natural Places (Islands, Mountains, etc.), Parks, Schools/Universities, Sights, States/Provinces/Regions, Theme Parks, Towns/Cities.
Staffed By: Tec (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated July 24th, 2017

Politics and Organisations

Includes politicians, political parties and political movements. Current sub-categories are: Flags, Groups and Organisations, Laws and Documents, Miscellaneous, Movements, People, Philosophies, Political Parties.
Staffed By: Lindy (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated February 5th, 2017

Relationships: Book/Movie

Relationships (all-emcompassing - romantic/platonic/antagonistic/family) between characters in books and movies. This does not include relationships from animation or games, which should be applied for under the Animation or Games categories.
Staffed By: Jamie (a), Autumn (f/u/c) and Joliana (t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated February 7th, 2024

Relationships: Real Life

Relationships (all-encompassing - romantic/platonic/antagonistic/family) between real people.
Staffed By: Amber (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated January 31st, 2024

Relationships: TV

Relationships (all-encompassing - romantic/platonic/antagonistic/family) between characters on TV. This does not include relationships from animation or games. Please apply for these relationships in the appropriate category.
Staffed By: Lenay (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated February 6th, 2024

Songs: Bands/Groups 0-M

All songs by bands or groups with names ranging between 0 and M.
Staffed By: Brittany (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated February 7th, 2024

Songs: Bands/Groups N-Z

All songs by bands or groups with names ranging between N and Z.
Staffed By: Nicole (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated February 7th, 2024

Songs: Female Solo

All songs by female solo artists.
Staffed By: Denise (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated February 7th, 2024

Songs: Male Solo

All songs by male solo artists.
Staffed By: Lila (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated February 7th, 2024

Songs: Various

All songs from TV/movie soundtracks (note: songs from animation or games belong in the Animation or Games category), TV/movie theme songs, collaborative songs (ie. a song by two or more artists [duets, etc.]), and general songs unrelated to artists, such as Christmas carols or national anthems.
Staffed By: Amanda (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated February 6th, 2024


Players, a whole sport, sport teams and so on. Sports Entertainment, such as Wrestling goes in the Sports Entertainment category. Current sub-categories are: Baseball, Basketball, College Sports, Cricket, Dancing, Equestrian/Horse Racing, Figure Skating, Football: AFL, Football: NFL, Football: Rugby, Football: Soccer, Gymnastics, Hockey, Misc. Sports, Motorsports, Skateboarding, Tennis, Water Sports, Winter Sports.
Staffed By: Chris (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems with this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated April 14th, 2022

Sports Entertainment

Wrestling personalities, TV shows, relationships, federations and companies. Current sub-categories are: Fanworks, Feds/Companies, Misc, Pay-Per-Views, Relationships: Real Life, Relationships: Storyline, Theme Songs, TV Shows, Wrestling Personalities: Factions/Groups, Wrestling Personalities: Female, Wrestling Personalities: Male, Wrestling Personalities: Tag Teams.
Staffed By: Amber (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are unaware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated December 3rd, 2014


As the category's title suggests, anything performed on-stage such as plays and musicals but NOT music concerts (i.e. performances of singers) - these go into Music. Current sub-categories are: Ballets, Musicals, Operas, Operettas, Other Stage Shows, Plays, Stage Show Characters, Stage Show Relationships, Stand-Up Shows, Miscellany.
Staffed By: Kristina (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated August 3rd, 2008


Anything you can play with or used to play with when you were little that is not an actual game. Collectible figurines, plates, gift franchises, etc. also go into this category. All games go into the Games category. Current sub-categories are: Dolls, Merchandise Lines, Miscellaneous and Stuffed Toys.
Staffed By: Deborah (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated January 28th, 2019


From Harleys, to trains, to Ferraris.
Staffed By: Mindy (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated April 2nd, 2019

TV Shows

All your favorite shows from the past and the present.
Staffed By: Chrissy (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated August 12th, 2016

TV/Movie/Book Miscellany

Anything from books, movies or TV shows that is not a character. This includes places, objects, etc. This does not include animated or game stuff. These go into the appropriate categories.
Staffed By: Isadonna (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated January 24th, 2022


The people who design and maintain websites. Applications for specific webmasters should be made to the webmasters category.
Staffed By: Megan (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated December 8th, 2012


Specific websites. Current sub-categories are: Auction/Retail Sites, Computer/Web Related, Doll Sites, Fan Sites, Graphics/Tutorials Sites, Message Boards/Forums, Misc, News/Politics, Official Sites.
Staffed By: Laurie (a/f/u/c/t)
Status: We are not aware of any problems in this category. Is this incorrect? Let us know!
Category information last updated February 3rd, 2019

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