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Closed Form

If you currently have a fanlisting listed as either upcoming or current and you no longer wish to run it, please fill out this form to notify a staff member that you have lost interest. The staff member will then remove your fanlisting and it will be open for application by other fans, so please make sure you wish to close your fanlisting before filling out this form!

Please remember:

  • Use this form only to notify a staff member of a closed fanlisting!
  • The fanlisting MUST to be one that you are currently approved for. We cannot process forms from anyone other than the currently listed owner.
  • You must use the same email address and name we have on record for you. If you're unsure of which email address or name you used (though we advise you to stick to one only) then provide all possibilities in the comments section.
  • Please select the correct category from the drop-down menu. If your fanlisting is listed in more than one category, fill out this form for every category it was approved in.
  • Please submit only ONE fanlisting per form. If you have multiple closed fanlistings, fill out the form for each of them separately.
  • NEW: If your fanlisting was previously listed in one of the Anime/Manga categories, you will need to send in your form at The Anime Fanlistings Network. [?]

This field is optional, and should only be filled in if your fanlisting is on the approved list of fanlistings, and is not upcoming.
Any comments/questions?

Support Us

TFL relies on donations and advertising to keep running. There are several ways you can help! Make a donation and get access to the TFL donators package or visit our advertisers. We also have a banner rotation for fanlistings and fansites. Every bit helps! More information can be found on the Support page.

Did You Know?

It's unfortunate that we have to reject people for fanlistings they apply for, but it's what has to be done if more than one person applies for a fanlisting. If you've received more than one rejection from us, please don't take it personally. It may be due to a number of reasons -- the most likely one is that there was more than one applicant for the fanlisting and a final decision had to be made. Often these are very difficult and it isn't a "problem" with you.