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TFL Staff Team

This is where you can learn about all of the people who help to keep The Fanlistings Network up and running. This includes our senior staff members, our development team, our category staffers, and our permanent trouble checkers. If you are interested in knowing exactly what each group does, then please see our TFL Job Descriptions.

TFL Senior Staff

We make important decisions about the running of the network. Some of us run categories too, but most of our time is put into discussing what is best for the network and implementing changes. There are currently 7 of us.

TFL Developers

We are the people who help maintain the backend of the site. There are currently 2 of us.

TFL Category Staff

We are the people who receive and process your applications, finished forms, moved forms, closed forms and trouble reports. We also work with the trouble checkers to make sure the fanlistings in our categories remain trouble-free. There are currently 57 of us.

TFL Trouble Checkers

We are the people who work with the category staffers to help keep the network trouble-free. Each of us is assigned to a particular category (though some categories have several trouble checkers) and it is our job to check fanlistings for problems. There are currently 24 of us.

Akira · Amber · Celeste · Deanna · Deborah · Emelie · Evie · Janna · Jen · Kristin · Laura · Lorian · Michelle · Miriallia · Nicki · Nicole · Penny · Rose Myst · Selenia · Sofie · Stephanie · Susanna · Tec · Tess

Support Us

TFL relies on donations and advertising to keep running. There are several ways you can help! Make a donation and get access to the TFL donators package or visit our advertisers. We also have a banner rotation for fanlistings and fansites. Every bit helps! More information can be found on the Support page.

Did You Know?

To quickly find out the latest news from the Network, you can view the Network News section of the updates blog. In this section the senior staff will post any big Network news, and also changes to TFL rules and requirements.