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February 16, 2025

Reminder: False Last Update Date

Posted by Senior Staff [10:06 am] (link)

This is a update of rules reminder: false last update date for the General category.

It has come to our attention that some fanlisting owners are using an auto-updater script/text file/etc. to simultaneously manipulate the last update date across multiple fanlistings. This technique is in direct violation of rule #10, section two:

“Your fanlisting must not use a JavaScript or PHP-generated last update date intended to create an inaccurate and false update date or any method that simultaneously updates the last update on multiple fanlistings. Update dates must reflect the last member update.”

If you are using such a method, please make the necessary adjustments and remove this scripting violation from your fanlistings ASAP to ensure that the updates reflected on your fanlistings are relaying accurate, individual information.

December 23, 2024

Happy Holidays!

Posted by Senior Staff [10:03 am] (link)

This is a update of holiday wishes for the General category.


October 3, 2024

Navigation issue: Viewing subjects under #

Posted by Senior Staff [12:10 pm] (link)

This is a update of navigation issue for fanlistings under # for the General category.

Clicking on the # symbol to view subjects that begin with a symbol or number (Example: 50 First Dates in the Movies category), gives the following error message:

Error: there was an error in the query.

Because of this, to view the fanlistings that are listed under #, please click on ‘View All Fanlistings in the ______ Category’ until further notice.

July 15, 2024

TFL Is Back!

Posted by Senior Staff [12:47 pm] (link)

This is a update of network for the General category.

The network has finished propagating, so you can now resume submitting forms. Please let us know if you come across any issues. 🙂

July 8, 2024

TFL Downtime: Switching Hosting Packages

Posted by Senior Staff [12:41 pm] (link)

This is a update of network downtime for the General category.

We are switching hosting packages, so please don’t submit any more forms until further notice. We will also be placing the message board in maintenance mode today, and will post an announcement on the main page. Hopefully, the migration will go smoothly and we will be able to return sometime this week or next Monday, at the latest.

UPDATE: As of July 9th, the nameservers have been updated and while propagation is going on, until it’s complete, the site may go up and down between the next 24-72 hours.

April 18, 2024

TFL Donation Drive

Posted by Senior Staff [12:34 pm] (link)

This is a update of donation drive for the General category.

It’s been quite a while since we have done one of these, but starting today, we are running another donation drive. These donation drives have ensured the TFL Network a place on the Internet with our web hosting provider, KnownHost. If you’ve been considering donating to TFL, now is the time to do it! The donation drive is to ensure that the Senior Staff isn’t solely funding the Network out of our own pockets. We love you guys, we truly do, but we’re not made of money! We’ve got a couple of options for those of you that are able to help out, with a few perks to say thanks!

At the moment, we offer a variety of “web goodies” for our donators. The donation package for any amount allows private messaging on the board with fellow donators, staff members and Senior Staff. Along with this useful privilege, anyone who makes a $20 or more donation to TFL will receive a zip package of useful web resources: brushes and textures, even wallpapers to decorate your computer and show your support for TFL!

Of course, there is another way to help out TFL. As many of you know, we also have a banner rotation available for you to advertise your fanlistings, collectives, fansites, etc., at $2.50 per month, per banner/site.

As always, we encourage donations both big and small and we appreciate everything that our wonderful visitors have contributed over the years. (However, please keep in mind that Paypal charges us fees, therefore donations LESS than $1 are generally eaten up entirely by those fees.)

We appreciate everything the visitors put into the Network and we are incredibly grateful for your continuing contributions.

December 24, 2023

Happy Holidays!

Posted by Senior Staff [11:52 am] (link)

This is a update of holiday wishes for the General category.


March 17, 2023

Developers Call!

Posted by Senior Staff [7:17 pm] (link)

This is a developers call update of for tech savvy people with coding and script management experience for the General category.

Sadly, we haven’t heard from our Developer, Tess, in a very long time (hopefully she’s ok!), and TFL desperately needs to have some issues resolved and/or codes, etc., brought up to date.

We are specifically looking for people with some experience in coding and script management. This can either be professionally or personally. Our network is operated solely by volunteers, so unfortunately, we don’t have funds available to pay someone, but we would be eternally grateful for the help. If you are willing to help get TFL running smoothly, please email the senior staff at: seniorstaff @

January 13, 2023

Reminder: Pending Removal Emails

Posted by Senior Staff [7:04 pm] (link)

This is a announcement reminder update of for all fanlisting owners for the General category.

This is a reminder/re-post of the original announcement.

In response to the ongoing requests from the majority of our Troubles and Overdue staffers and help ease some of the daunting process when it comes to Troubles and Overdue, Pending Removal emails (aside from the warning email that is sent out for ‘Overdue by 2 Months +’) will no longer be sent.  This means that if your fanlisting(s) is/are troubled, you will only receive the initial Troubles email and then either the Problem Resolved or Removed email.  The Pending Removal updates will continue to be posted here on the Updates Blog.

As always, each fanlisting owner is expected to fix the issue/send in a finished form before the scheduled removal date and reply to the Troubles/Overdue email, check the Updates Blog on a regular basis, and definitely no less than on a weekly basis, so that in the event a Troubles/Overdue email doesn’t arrive, you will know when a fanlisting of yours is on Troubles/Overdue, as well as when it’s scheduled to be removed from the network.

December 23, 2022

Happy Holidays!

Posted by Senior Staff [9:00 pm] (link)

This is a update of holiday wishes for the General category.



Support Us

TFL relies on donations and advertising to keep running. There are several ways you can help! Make a donation and get access to the TFL donators package or visit our advertisers. We also have a banner rotation for fanlistings and fansites. Every bit helps! More information can be found on the Support page.

Did You Know?

It's unfortunate that we have to reject people for fanlistings they apply for, but it's what has to be done if more than one person applies for a fanlisting. If you've received more than one rejection from us, please don't take it personally. It may be due to a number of reasons -- the most likely one is that there was more than one applicant for the fanlisting and a final decision had to be made. Often these are very difficult and it isn't a "problem" with you.