February 18, 2015
Nature: All
This is a complete update of all forms for the Nature category.
Upcoming Nature
No applications have been received since the last update.
Finished Nature
Beaches (General); Lilies: Orange (Plants/Flowers/Herbs); Planet: Jupiter (Space/Sky)
Moved Nature
One moved form was received that could not be processed.
Closed Nature (Open for application)
No closed forms have been received since the last update.
Troubled Nature (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on February 25th, 2015. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem/send in a finished form and reply to the troubles email!
Thanks to Deborah and Loki, for doing the trouble check!
Dead Link: 404/403: Lapis Lazuli (Rocks/Gems/Crystals)
Inactivity: 2 Months +: Space (Space/Sky)
Overdue: Meadows (General); Ponds (General); Trees: Oak (Plants/Flowers/Herbs); Planet: Neptune (Space/Sky); Planet: Uranus (Space/Sky)
Overdue: Temporary Layouts: There are no overdue layouts.
Report Forms: No report forms have been received since the last update.
January 11, 2015
Nature: All
This is a complete update of all forms for the Nature category.
Upcoming Nature
Beaches (General); Meadows (General); Ponds (General); Lilies: Orange (Plants/Flowers/Herbs); Trees: Oak (Plants/Flowers/Herbs); Planet: Jupiter (Space/Sky); Planet: Neptune (Space/Sky); Planet: Uranus (Space/Sky)
Finished Nature
No finished forms have been received since the last update.
Moved Nature
Sunsets (Weather/Seasons/Time)
Closed Nature (Open for application)
No closed forms have been received since the last update.
Overdue: There are no overdue fanlistings.
Overdue: Temporary Layouts: There are no overdue layouts.
Report Forms: No report forms have been received since the last update.
December 5, 2014
Nature: All
This is a complete update of all forms for the Nature category.
Upcoming Nature
One application was received for a subject that was removed in the last update and will be held until the next applications update.
Finished Nature
No finished forms have been received since the last update.
Moved Nature
One moved form could not be processed on this update.
Nature (General)
Closed Nature (Open for application)
Beaches (General)
Overdue: There are no overdue fanlistings.
Overdue: Temporary Layouts: There are no overdue layouts.
Report Forms: No report forms have been received since the last update.
November 29, 2014
Nature: Troubles
This is a complete update of problem resolved and removals for the Nature category.
Removed From Troubles: Problem Resolved (Not open for application): Lilies: White (Plants/Flowers/Herbs)
Removed From Troubles (Open for application): Alexandrite (Rocks/Gems/Crystals); Topaz: Mystic (Rocks/Gems/Crystals); Planet: Jupiter (Space/Sky); Planet: Mercury (Space/Sky)
Nature: Troubles
This is a complete update of problem resolved and pending removal for the Nature category.
Removed From Troubles: Problem Resolved (Not open for application): Dew (General); Planet: Saturn (Space/Sky); Rain (Weather/Seasons/Time)
Troubled Nature (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal within the next 24 hours. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email!
Pending Removal: Flowers: Lilies: White (Plants/Flowers/Herbs); Alexandrite (Rocks/Gems/Crystals); Topaz: Mystic (Rocks/Gems/Crystals); Planet: Jupiter (Space/Sky); Planet: Mercury (Space/Sky)
November 22, 2014
Nature: T/O
This is a complete update of removals and troubles for the Nature category.
Removed From Overdue: Finished (Not open for application): Roses: Pink (Plants/Flowers/Herbs)
Removed Nature (Open for application): Evolution (General)
Troubled Nature (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on November 28th, 2014. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem/send in a finished form and reply to the troubles email!
Thanks to Deborah and Susanna, for doing the trouble check!
Inactivity: 2 Months +: Dew (General); Flowers: Lilies: White (Plants/Flowers/Herbs); Alexandrite (Rocks/Gems/Crystals); Topaz: Mystic (Rocks/Gems/Crystals); Planet: Jupiter (Space/Sky); Planet: Mercury (Space/Sky); Planet: Saturn (Space/Sky); Rain (Weather/Seasons/Time)
November 7, 2014
Nature: All
This is a complete update of all forms for the Nature category.
Upcoming Nature
No applications have been received since the last update.
Finished Nature
Ice (General)
Moved Nature
No moved forms have been received since the last update.
Closed Nature (Open for application)
No closed forms have been received since the last update.
Troubled Nature (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on November 13th, 2014. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email!
Overdue: Roses: Pink (Plants/Flowers/Herbs)
Report Forms: No report forms have been received since the last update.
Overdue: Temporary Layouts: There are no overdue layouts.
October 5, 2014
Nature: All
This is a complete update of all forms for the Nature category.
Upcoming Nature
Ice (General); Roses: Pink (Plants/Flowers/Herbs)
Finished Nature
Islands (General); Plumeria (Plants/Flowers/Herbs)
Moved Nature
Trees: Pine (Plants/Flowers/Herbs); Lapis Lazuli (Rocks/Gems/Crystals)
Closed Nature (Open for application)
Hawthorn (crataegus) (Plants/Flowers/Herbs); Roses: Yellow (Plants/Flowers/Herbs); Planet: Pluto (Space/Sky)
Report Forms: No report forms have been received since the last update.
Overdue: There are no overdue fanlistings.
Overdue: Temporary Layouts: There are no overdue layouts.
September 3, 2014
Nature: Troubles
This is a complete update of problem resolved and removals for the Nature category.
Removed From Troubles: Problem Resolved (Not open for application): Lilies: White (Plants/Flowers/Herbs); Planet: Saturn (Space/Sky)
Removed From Troubles (Open for application): Ice (General); Flowers: Orange (Plants/Flowers/Herbs); Lilies (Plants/Flowers/Herbs); Roses: Hybrid Tea (Plants/Flowers/Herbs); Roses: Pink (Plants/Flowers/Herbs); Roses: White (Plants/Flowers/Herbs); Aquamarine (Rocks/Gems/Crystals)
September 2, 2014
Nature: Troubles
This is a complete update of problem resolved and pending removal for the Nature category.
Removed From Troubles: Problem Resolved (Not open for application): Trees: Lombardy Poplars (Plants/Flowers/Herbs)
Troubled Nature (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal within the next 24 hours. This update is of pending removal fanlistings. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email!
Pending Removal: Ice (General); Flowers: Orange (Plants/Flowers/Herbs); Lilies (Plants/Flowers/Herbs); Lilies: White (Plants/Flowers/Herbs); Roses: Hybrid Tea (Plants/Flowers/Herbs); Roses: Pink (Plants/Flowers/Herbs); Roses: White (Plants/Flowers/Herbs); Aquamarine (Rocks/Gems/Crystals); Planet: Saturn (Space/Sky)