October 26, 2012
Characters: TV – F/U/C/O
This is a update of for the Characters: TV category.
Finished Characters: TV
Sweets, Lance (Bones); Chang, Mike (Glee); Rose, Marley (Glee); Renard, Captain Sean (Grimm); Sabbith, Sloan (Newsroom, The); Sampat, Neal (Newsroom, The); Montgomery, Aria (Pretty Little Liars)
Updated Characters: TV
Rachel (Animorphs); Giles, Rupert (Buffy the Vampire Slayer); Lahey, Isaac (Teen Wolf)
Closed Characters: TV (OPEN for application)
Mott, Wilfred (Doctor Who series); Forman, Eric (That 70s Show)
Removed From Troubles (NOT OPEN for application)
Sabbith, Sloan (Newsroom, The); Sampat, Neal (Newsroom, The)
Overdue Characters: TV
None at this time.
Report Forms
None at this time.
October 20, 2012
Characters: TV – TLOU
This is a update of for the Characters: TV category.
Extension Granted (NOT OPEN for application)
Sampat, Neal (Newsroom, The) to October 22nd
Sabbith, Sloan (Newsroom, The) to October 22nd
Removed From the Network (OPEN for application)
Davis, Alexis (General Hospital)
October 16, 2012
Characters: TV – Trouble Removals
This is a update of for the Characters: TV category.
Removed From Troubles – Problem Resolved (NOT OPEN for application)
Keeler, Payson (Make It or Break It); Halpert, Jim (Office, The (US))
Removed From the Network (OPEN for application)
Monsoon, Edina ‘Eddy’ (Absolutely Fabulous); Poirot, Hercule (Agatha Christie’s Poirot); [+] All Characters (Angel); Wick, Daisy (Bones); Borgia, Cesare (Borgias, The); Bianca (Charmed); Halliwell, Piper (Charmed); Casey, John (Chuck); Lacroix, Lucien (Forever Knight); Scorpio, Malcolm ‘Mac’ (General Hospital); Archibald, Nate (Gossip Girl); Aldrin, Lily (How I Met Your Mother); Benson, Olivia (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit); Novak, Casey (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit); Pace, Charlie (Lost); Hua Ze Lei (Meteor Garden); [+] F4 (Meteor Garden); Turner, Joy (My Name Is Earl); Reid, Elliot (Scrubs); Bashir, Julian (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine); [+] Vulcans (Star Trek series)
Pending Removal – Overdue (NOT OPEN for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal within the next 24 hours. If your fanlisting is listed below, please submit a finished form and reply to the troubles email. Thank you.
Davis, Alexis (General Hospital); Sabbith, Sloan (Newsroom, The); Sampat, Neal (Newsroom, The)
October 13, 2012
Characters: TV – Pending Removals and Trouble Replies
This is a update of for the Characters: TV category.
Removed From Troubles – Problem Resolved (NOT OPEN for application)
Choi Han Kyul (1st Shop of Coffee Prince, The); [+] Camden Family (7th Heaven); Tenjo, Night (Absolutely Boyfriend (Zettai Kareshi)); Coleman, Henry (As the World Turns); Munson, Will (As the World Turns); Hathaway, Carol (ER); Malucci, Dave (ER); Shanu, Sikozu (Farscape); Foster, Gillian (Lie to Me); Lord Zedd (Power Rangers); Oliver, Tommy (Power Rangers); Rocca, Vida (Power Rangers); Scotts, Jen (Power Rangers); Sloan Tanya (Power Rangers); Martin, Siobhan (Ringer); Carver, Hal (Roswell); Beckett, Carson (Stargate: Atlantis); Malone, Jack (Without a Trace)
Pending Removal (NOT OPEN for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal TOMORROW, October 14, 2012. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email. Thank you.
Dead Link: 404/403
Keeler, Payson (Make It Or Break It); Bashir, Julian (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
Dead Link: Account Suspended
Halliwell, Piper (Charmed)
Inactivity: 2 Months +
Poirot, Hercule (Agatha Christie’s Poirot); Borgia, Cesare (Borgias, The); Benson, Olivia (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit); Halpert, Jim (Office, The (US))
Inactivity: 2 Months + (0 Pending)
Monsoon, Edina ‘Eddy’ (Absolutely Fabulous); [+] All Characters (Angel); Wick, Daisy (Bones); Bianca (Charmed); Casey, John (Chuck); Lacroix, Lucien (Forever Knight); Archibald, Nate (Gossip Girl); Aldrin, Lily (How I Met Your Mother); Novak, Casey (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit); Pace, Charlie (Lost); Hua Ze Lei (Meteor Garden); [+] F4 (Meteor Garden); Turner, Joy (My Name Is Earl); Reid, Elliot (Scrubs)
Members List Neglect: Spam Members
Scorpio, Malcolm ‘Mac’ (General Hospital)
Update Date: No Date
[+] Vulcans (Star Trek series)
October 6, 2012
Characters: TV – F/U/C/O
This is a update of for the Characters: TV category.
Finished Characters: TV
Pearson, Dennis aka Phantom Dennis (Angel); Brennan, Temperance (Bones); Sweets, Lance (Bones); Johnson, Brenda Leigh (Closer, The); Leery, Dawson (Dawson’s Creek); [+] Time Lords (Doctor Who series); D’Argo, Ka (Farscape); Pa’u Zotoh, Zhaan (Farscape); Rygel XVI (Farscape); Brienne of Tarth (Game of Thrones); Ygritte (Game of Thrones); Jones, Andrew ‘Frisco’ (General Hospital); Evans, Sam (Glee); Monroe, Adam / Takezo Kensei (Heroes); Cara (Legend of the Seeker); DiNozzo, Anthony ‘Tony’ (NCIS); Monty (NCIS: Los Angeles); Ruby (Supernatural); Lahey, Isaac (Teen Wolf); Swynford De Beaufort, Pamela (Pam Ravenscroft) (True Blood)
Updated Characters: TV
Washburne, Hoban ‘Wash’ (Firefly); Puckerman, Noah ‘Puck’ (Glee); Munch, John (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)
Closed Characters: TV (OPEN for application)
Geller, Paris (Gilmore Girls); Cohen-Chang, Tina (Glee); Cappie (Greek); Cooper, Marissa (O.C., The); Roberts, Summer (O.C., The); Hastings, Spencer (Pretty Little Liars); Marin, Hanna (Pretty Little Liars); Sullivan, Jordan (Scrubs); Blake, Cassie (Secret Circle, The); Chamberlain, Faye (Secret Circle, The); Teller, Jackson ‘Jax’ (Sons of Anarchy)
Overdue Characters: TV (NOT OPEN for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on October 13, 2012. If your fanlisting is listed below, please submit a finished form and reply to the troubles email. Thank you.
Davis, Alexis (General Hospital); Sabbith, Sloan (Newsroom, The); Sampat, Neal (Newsroom, The)
Characters: TV – Troubles
This is a update of for the Characters: TV category.
Many thanks to Amanda, Cheryl, Katja, Kristen, Jme, Monica, Laura, and Raina for checking the category. 🙂
Troubled Characters: TV (NOT OPEN for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on October 13, 2012. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email. Thank you.
Dead Link: 404/403
Cohen-Chang, Tina (Glee); Keeler, Payson (Make It Or Break It); Martin, Siobhan (Ringer); Bashir, Julian (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
Dead Link: Account Suspended
Halliwell, Piper (Charmed); Boyd, Ashley (Cinderella) (Once Upon a Time); Sheriff Graham (The Huntsman) (Once Upon a Time)
Inactivity: 2 Months +
Poirot, Hercule (Agatha Christie’s Poirot); Borgia, Cesare (Borgias, The); Benson, Olivia (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit); Halpert, Jim (Office, The (US)); Lord Zedd (Power Rangers); Oliver, Tommy (Power Rangers); Rocca, Vida (Power Rangers); Scotts, Jen (Power Rangers); Sloan, Tanya (Power Rangers); Malone, Jack (Without a Trace)
Inactivity: 2 Months + (0 Pending)
Choi Han Kyul (1st Shop of Coffee Prince, The); [+] Camden Family (7th Heaven); Monsoon, Edina ‘Eddy’ (Absolutely Fabulous); [+] All Characters (Angel); Coleman, Henry (As the World Turns); Munson, Will (As the World Turns); Wick, Daisy (Bones); Bianca (Charmed); Casey, John (Chuck); Hathaway, Carol (ER); Malucci, Dave (ER); Lacroix, Lucien (Forever Knight); Archibald, Nate (Gossip Girl); Aldrin, Lily (How I Met Your Mother); Novak, Casey (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit); Foster, Gillian (Lie to Me); Pace, Charlie (Lost); Hua Ze Lei (Meteor Garden); [+] F4 (Meteor Garden); Turner, Joy (My Name Is Earl); Carver, Hal (Roswell); Reid, Elliot (Scrubs); Beckett, Carson (Stargate: Atlantis)
Members List Neglect: Spam Members
Scorpio, Malcolm ‘Mac’ (General Hospital)
Navigation: Broken Image Map
Tenjo, Night (Absolute Boyfriend (Zettai Kareshi))
Update Date: No Date
[+] Vulcans (Star Trek series)
October 3, 2012
Characters: TV – Applications
This is a update of for the Characters: TV category.
Applications for new subjects will be processed on the next applications update. =)
Upcoming Characters: TV
Oswin (Doctor Who series); Chang, Mike (Glee); Rose, Marley (Glee); Monroe (Grimm); Renard, Captain Sean (Grimm); Cara (Legend of the Seeker); Monty (NCIS: Los Angeles); Montgomery, Aria (Pretty Little Liars); Hood, Robin (Robin Hood); Vaisey (Sheriff of Nottingham) (Robin Hood); Teller, Jackson ‘Jax’ (Sons Of Anarchy)