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October 5, 2014

Characters: Book/Movie – F/C/Pending Removals

Posted by Reshi [9:28 pm] (link)

This is a complete update of finished, closed and pending removals for the Characters: Book/Movie category.

Closed Characters: Book/Movie (Open for application)
Maebara, Keiichi (Higurashi no Naku Koro ni); Rue (Hunger Games, The); Mutou, Toru (Shiki (Corpse Demon)); Ozaki, Toshio (Shiki (Corpse Demon)); Tatsumi (Shiki (Corpse Demon)); Yuuki, Natsuno (Shiki (Corpse Demon)); Gardner, Alyssa (Splintered Series);

Finished Characters: Book/Movie
Scrubb, Eustace (Chronicles of Narnia); de Barbarac, Danielle (Ever After); Everdeen, Katniss (Hunger Games, The); Mellark, Peeta (Hunger Games, The); Faramir (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Ori (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Heron, Cady (Mean Girls); Poole, Riley (National Treasure and National Treasure: Book of Secrets); Hale, Rosalie (Twilight series);

Pending Removal (Not Open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal tomorrow, October, 6. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email.
de Romanus, Marius (Vampire Chronicles);

September 15, 2014

Characters: Book/Movie – F/U/C/O/T

Posted by Reshi [2:43 am] (link)

This is a complete update of finished, closed, updated, overdue and troubles for the Characters: Book/Movie category.

Closed Characters: Book/Movie (Open for application)
No forms received since last update

Troubles report
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on September, 21. If your fanlisting is listed below, please send in a finished form and reply to the email.
de Romanus, Marius (Vampire Chronicles);

Finished Characters: Book/Movie
Pevensie, Edmund (Chronicles of Narnia); Vetinari, Havelock (Discworld Series); Kili (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Kirk, James T. (Star Trek series);

Overdue: Temporary Layout (Not open for application)
No overdue fanlistings since last update

Overdue (Not open for application)
No overdue fanlistings since last update

Updated Characters: Book/Movie
No forms received since last update

September 14, 2014

Characters: Book/Movie – Applications

Posted by Kristina [1:12 am] (link)

This is a complete update of applications for the Characters: Book/Movie category.

Upcoming Characters: Book/Movie (Not open for application)
Scrubb, Eustace (Chronicles of Narnia); Mellark, Peeta (Hunger Games, The); Kirk, James T. (Star Trek series)

September 12, 2014

Characters: Book/Movie – Applications

Posted by Kristina [5:45 am] (link)

This is a complete update of applications for the Characters: Book/Movie category.

Upcoming Characters: Book/Movie (Not open for application)
Pevensie, Edmund (Chronicles of Narnia); de Barbarac, Danielle (Ever After); Steele, Anastasia ‘Ana’ (Fifty Shades series); Potter, Harry (Harry Potter series); Everdeen, Katniss (Hunger Games, The); Hawthorne, Gale (Hunger Games, The); Rue (Hunger Games, The); Brandybuck, Meriadoc ‘Merry’ (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Eomer (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Faramir (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Kili (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Heron, Cady (Mean Girls); Poole, Riley (National Treasure and National Treasure: Book of Secrets); Fraser, Claire Beauchamp (Outlander series); Gardner, Alyssa (Splintered Series); O’Neil, April (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Series); Sif (Thor); Hale, Rosalie (Twilight series)

August 19, 2014

Characters: Book/Movie – Finished and removals

Posted by Reshi [5:00 pm] (link)

This is a complete update of finished and removals for the Characters: Book/Movie category.

Finished Characters: Book/Movie
Lipwig, Moist von (Discworld Series); Teatime, Mr. Jonathan (Discworld Series); Atreides, Paul ‘Muad’Dib’ (Dune series); Butler, Rhett (Gone With the Wind); [+] Ravenclaws (Harry Potter series); Nuada (Hellboy and Hellboy II);

Removed from Network (Open for application)
Aubrey, Jack (Aubrey-Maturin Series); Potter, Harry (Harry Potter series); Kirk, James T. (Star Trek series);

Removed from Troubles (NOT OPEN for application)
[+] Cullen Family (Twilight series);

August 14, 2014

Characters: Book/Movie – Applications

Posted by Kristina [6:10 am] (link)

This is a complete update of applications for the Characters: Book/Movie category.

This update includes all applications received through 11 August 2014. Applications received after that date will be processed on the next applications update.

Upcoming Characters: Book/Movie (Not open for application)
Lipwig, Moist von (Discworld Series); Teatime, Mr. Jonathan (Discworld Series); Vetinari, Havelock (Discworld Series); Atreides, Paul ‘Muad’Dib’ (Dune series); Nuada (Hellboy and Hellboy II); Ori (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books)

August 12, 2014

Characters: Book/Movie – F/U/C/O/Removals & Pending Removals

Posted by Reshi [6:51 pm] (link)

This is a complete update of finished, closed, overdue, updated, removals and pending removals for the Characters: Book/Movie category.

Closed Characters: Book/Movie (Open for application)
Sedgwick, Edie (Factory Girl); Arbus, Diane (Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus); McCullough, Bonnie (Vampire Diaries series, The);

Finished Characters: Book/MovieY
Langdon, Robert (Da Vinci Code, The / Angels & Demons); Gandalf (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Maleficent (Maleficent);

Overdue (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on August 19th, 2014. If your fanlisting is listed below, please send in a finished form and reply to the email.

Butler, Rhett (Gone With the Wind);

Overdue (pending removal) (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal tomorrow, August 13th, 2014. If your fanlisting is listed below, please send in a finished form and reply to the email.

Aubrey, Jack (Aubrey-Maturin Series); [+] Ravenclaws (Harry Potter series);

Removed from Network (Open for application)
Lupin, Teddy (Harry Potter series); Potter, James ‘Prongs’ (Harry Potter series); [+] Lupin Family (Harry Potter series); Heimdall (Thor); Sif (Thor);

Updated Characters: Book/Movie
Slytherin, Salazar (Harry Potter series); McMillian, Tricia ‘Trillian’ (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The); Odair, Finnick (Hunger Games, The); Amalthea/The Unicorn (Last Unicorn, The); Calhoun, Noah (Notebook, The); Honeycutt, Matt (Vampire Diaries series, The); Witch Baby (Weetzie Bat Series, The);

Pending Removal (Not Open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal tomorrow, August 13th, 2014. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email.

Potter, Harry (Harry Potter series); [+] Cullen Family (Twilight series);

Removed from Network (Open for application)
White Queen (Alice in Wonderland Series); Jean-Claude (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter Series); Butler, Juliet (Artemis Fowl Series); Blakeney, Midshipman (Aubrey-Maturin Series); Kawada, Shougo (Battle Royale series); Kiriyama, Kazuo (Battle Royale series); Kuninobu, Yoshitoki (Battle Royale series); Nanahara, Shuya (Battle Royale series); [+] SaDiablo Family (Black Jewels trilogy, The); Standish, Claire (Breakfast Club, The); Caulfield, Holden (Catcher in the Rye, The); Pevensie, Edmund (Chronicles of Narnia); Prince Caspian (Chronicles of Narnia); Prince Cor ‘Shasta’ (Chronicles of Narnia); Reepicheep (Chronicles of Narnia); Monroe, Ada (Cold Mountain); Hargrove, Annette (Cruel Intentions series); Neveu, Sophie (Da Vinci Code, The / Angels & Demons); Ventresca, Carlo / McKenna, Patrick (Da Vinci Code, The / Angels & Demons); Frank (Donnie Darko); [+] All Characters (Dune series); Azver (Earthsea Trilogy); Brom (Eragon and Eldest); Kruczynski, Clementine (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind); [+] All Characters (Ever After); Emiya, Kiritsugu (Fate/Zero series); Eggelhoffer, Franck (Father of the Bride); Grey, Elliot (Fifty Shades series); Grey, Mia (Fifty Shades series); Kavanagh, Ethan (Fifty Shades series); Steele, Anastasia ‘Ana’ (Fifty Shades series); Narrator ‘Jack’ (Fight Club); Entreri, Artemis (Forgotten Realms Series); Nogerelli, Johnny (Grease Series); Zinone, Stephanie (Grease Series); Doyle, Gemma (Great and Terrible Beauty, A and Rebel Angels); Libby, Kate ‘Acid Burn’ (Hackers); Figg, Arabella (Harry Potter series); Kreacher (Harry Potter series); Sorting Hat, The (Harry Potter series); Thomas, Dean (Harry Potter series); Tonks, Andromeda Black (Harry Potter series); Weasley, Bill (Harry Potter series); Weasley, Charlie (Harry Potter series); [+] Dragons (Harry Potter series); [+] House Elves (Harry Potter series); [+] Hufflepuffs (Harry Potter series); [+] Magical Creatures (Harry Potter series); [+] Quidditch Seekers (Harry Potter series); MacLeod, Connor ‘The Highlander’ (Highlander Series); Wanderer ‘Wanda’ (Host, The); Driftwood, Otis B. (House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil’s Rejects); Spaulding, Captain (House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil’s Rejects); Everdeen, Katniss (Hunger Games, The); Hawthorne, Gale (Hunger Games, The); Mellark, Peeta (Hunger Games, The); Prueba (Hunger Games, The); Landa, Col. Hans (Inglourious Basterds); Potts, Pepper (Iron Man series); Tristan (King Arthur); Hospitaler (Kingdom of Heaven); d’Anjou, Isabeau (Ladyhawke); Uncas (Last of the Mohicans, The); Prince Lir (Last Unicorn, The); Thenardier, Eponine (Les Miserables); Johnston, Jo (List, The); Brandybuck, Meriadoc ‘Merry’ (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Eomer (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Eowyn ‘Dernhelm’ (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Faramir (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Gollum ‘Smeagol’ (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Kili (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); [+] Sindarin Princes of the Silvan Elves (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Nitta, Sayuri/Chiyo Sakamoto (Memoirs of a Geisha); [+] All Characters (Memoirs of a Geisha); Terasawa, Michio (Moonlight Jellyfish); Terasawa, Seiji (Moonlight Jellyfish); Bay, Ardeth (Mummy Series, The); Fujieda, Naoki (Nana); Serizawa, Reira (Nana); Coulson, Sam (Never Been Kissed); Darling, Wendy (Peter Pan); Tinkerbell (Peter Pan); Jack / Kyra (Pitch Black & Chronicles of Riddick, The); Mrs. Bennet (Pride and Prejudice); Tezuka, Kunimitsu (Prince of Tennis (Tennis no oujisama)); Eilonwy (Prydain Chronicles, The); Dinkley, Velma (Scooby Doo series); Chau, Knives (Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World); [+] Nurses (Silent Hill); Bailey (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, The); Dorme (Star Wars series); [+] Clone Troopers (Star Wars series); Baelish, Petyr (Step Up); Carton, Sydney (Tale of Two Cities, A); Renton, Mark ‘Rent Boy’ (Trainspotting); Banes, Mikaela (Transformers); Optimus Prime (Transformers); Black, Jacob (Twilight series); Hale, Rosalie (Twilight series); Katrina ‘Kate’ (Twilight series); Lucian (Underworld Series); [+] Male Characters (Van Helsing); Captain Nicholls (War Horse); Sandstorm (Warriors Series (Warrior Cats)); Apirana, Paikea (Whale Rider); al’Thor, Rand (Wheel of Time Series, The); Bashere, Zarine ‘Faile’ (Wheel of Time Series, The);

Removed from Troubles (Not Open for application)
Loki (Thor);

July 25, 2014

Characters: Book/Movie F/U/C/T/O

Posted by Reshi [7:23 pm] (link)

This is a complete update of finished, closed, updated, overdue, troubles for the Characters: Book/Movie category.

Closed Characters: Book/Movie (Open for application)
Celeste (Celeste in the City); Dantes, Edmond ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’ (Count of Monte Cristo, The); [+] Vampires (From Dusk Till Dawn); Schmendrick (Last Unicorn, The); Walker, Capt. Danny (Pearl Harbor); Penelope (Penelope); Robinson, Detective Inspector John ‘Jack’ (Phryne Fisher Series, The); [+] All Characters (Pirates of the Caribbean series); Chewbacca (Star Wars series); Mal Doran, Vala (Stargate);

Extension Granted (August, 1)
Langdon, Robert (Da Vinci Code, The / Angels & Demons); Gandalf (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); [+] Cullen Family (Twilight series);

Finished Characters: Book/Movie
Banner, Bruce ‘The Hulk’ (Avengers, The (2012)); Barton, Clint ‘Hawkeye’ (Avengers, The (2012)); Harkonnen, Feyd-Rautha (Dune series); Godzilla (Godzilla Series); Stark, Tony ‘Iron Man’ (Iron Man series); Yamamura, Sadako (Ringu Series); Fett, Boba (Star Wars series); Maximoff, Peter ‘Quicksilver’ (X-Men series);

Overdue (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on August, 1. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email.
Aubrey, Jack (Aubrey-Maturin Series); [+] Ravenclaws (Harry Potter series);

Overdue (pending removal) (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal tomorrow, July, 26. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email.
Lupin, Teddy (Harry Potter series); Potter, James ‘Prongs’ (Harry Potter series); [+] Lupin Family (Harry Potter series); Heimdall (Thor); Sif (Thor);

Updated Characters: Book/Movie
Ayasato, Mayoi (Maya Fey) (Ace Attorney (Gyakuten Saiban)); Armacost, Commander Spencer (Astronaut’s Wife, The); [+] Avengers (Avengers, The (2012)); Mr. Tumnus (Chronicles of Narnia); McClane, John (Die Hard Series); Pistone, Joseph D. ‘Donnie Brasco’ (Donnie Brasco); Delacour, Fleur (Harry Potter series); Williams, Henry ‘Mutt’ (Indiana Jones Series); Wilmot, John aka Earl of Rochester (Libertine, The); Cassandra (Saved!); Lane, Lois (Superman Series); Grape, Gilbert (What’s Eating Gilbert Grape?); James aka Logan ‘Wolverine’ (X-Men series);

Pending Removal (Not Open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal tomorrow, July, 26. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email.
White Queen (Alice in Wonderland Series); Jean-Claude (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter Series); Butler, Juliet (Artemis Fowl Series); Blakeney, Midshipman (Aubrey-Maturin Series); Kawada, Shougo (Battle Royale series); Kiriyama, Kazuo (Battle Royale series); Kuninobu, Yoshitoki (Battle Royale series); Nanahara, Shuya (Battle Royale series); [+] SaDiablo Family (Black Jewels trilogy, The); Standish, Claire (Breakfast Club, The); Caulfield, Holden (Catcher in the Rye, The); Pevensie, Edmund (Chronicles of Narnia); Prince Caspian (Chronicles of Narnia); Prince Cor ‘Shasta’ (Chronicles of Narnia); Reepicheep (Chronicles of Narnia); Monroe, Ada (Cold Mountain); Hargrove, Annette (Cruel Intentions series); Neveu, Sophie (Da Vinci Code, The / Angels & Demons); Ventresca, Carlo / McKenna, Patrick (Da Vinci Code, The / Angels & Demons); Frank (Donnie Darko); [+] All Characters (Dune series); Azver (Earthsea Trilogy); Kruczynski, Clementine (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind); [+] All Characters (Ever After); Sedgwick, Edie (Factory Girl); Emiya, Kiritsugu (Fate/Zero series); Eggelhoffer, Franck (Father of the Bride); Grey, Elliot (Fifty Shades series); Grey, Mia (Fifty Shades series); Kavanagh, Ethan (Fifty Shades series); Steele, Anastasia ‘Ana’ (Fifty Shades series); Narrator ‘Jack’ (Fight Club); Entreri, Artemis (Forgotten Realms Series); Arbus, Diane (Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus); Nogerelli, Johnny (Grease Series); Zinone, Stephanie (Grease Series); Doyle, Gemma (Great and Terrible Beauty, A and Rebel Angels); Libby, Kate ‘Acid Burn’ (Hackers); Figg, Arabella (Harry Potter series); Kreacher (Harry Potter series); Slytherin, Salazar (Harry Potter series); Slytherin, Salazar (Harry Potter series); Sorting Hat, The (Harry Potter series); Thomas, Dean (Harry Potter series); Tonks, Andromeda Black (Harry Potter series); Trelawney, Sybill (Harry Potter series); Weasley, Bill (Harry Potter series); Weasley, Charlie (Harry Potter series); [+] Dragons (Harry Potter series); [+] House Elves (Harry Potter series); [+] Hufflepuffs (Harry Potter series); [+] Magical Creatures (Harry Potter series); [+] Quidditch Seekers (Harry Potter series); MacLeod, Connor ‘The Highlander’ (Highlander Series); McMillian, Tricia ‘Trillian’ (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The); Wanderer ‘Wanda’ (Host, The); Driftwood, Otis B. (House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil’s Rejects); Spaulding, Captain (House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil’s Rejects); Everdeen, Katniss (Hunger Games, The); Hawthorne, Gale (Hunger Games, The); Mellark, Peeta (Hunger Games, The); Rue (Hunger Games, The); Landa, Col. Hans (Inglourious Basterds); Potts, Pepper (Iron Man series); Tristan (King Arthur); Hospitaler (Kingdom of Heaven); d’Anjou, Isabeau (Ladyhawke); Uncas (Last of the Mohicans, The); Amalthea/The Unicorn (Last Unicorn, The); Prince Lir (Last Unicorn, The); Thenardier, Eponine (Les Miserables); Johnston, Jo (List, The); Brandybuck, Meriadoc ‘Merry’ (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Eomer (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Eowyn ‘Dernhelm’ (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Eowyn ‘Dernhelm’ (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Faramir (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Gollum ‘Smeagol’ (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Kili (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); [+] Sindarin Princes of the Silvan Elves (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Nitta, Sayuri/Chiyo Sakamoto (Memoirs of a Geisha); [+] All Characters (Memoirs of a Geisha); Terasawa, Michio (Moonlight Jellyfish); Terasawa, Seiji (Moonlight Jellyfish); Bay, Ardeth (Mummy Series, The); Fujieda, Naoki (Nana); Serizawa, Reira (Nana); Coulson, Sam (Never Been Kissed); Calhoun, Noah (Notebook, The); Darling, Wendy (Peter Pan); Tinkerbell (Peter Pan); Jack / Kyra (Pitch Black & Chronicles of Riddick, The); Mrs. Bennet (Pride and Prejudice); Tezuka, Kunimitsu (Prince of Tennis (Tennis no oujisama)); Eilonwy (Prydain Chronicles, The); Dinkley, Velma (Scooby Doo series); Chau, Knives (Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World); [+] Nurses (Silent Hill); Bailey (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, The); Baelish, Petyr (Song of Ice and Fire Series, A); Dorme (Star Wars series); [+] Clone Troopers (Star Wars series); Carton, Sydney (Tale of Two Cities, A); Loki (Thor); Renton, Mark ‘Rent Boy’ (Trainspotting); Banes, Mikaela (Transformers); Optimus Prime (Transformers); Black, Jacob (Twilight series); Hale, Rosalie (Twilight series); Katrina ‘Kate’ (Twilight series); Lucian (Underworld Series); [+] Male Characters (Van Helsing); Captain Nicholls (War Horse); Sandstorm (Warriors Series (Warrior Cats)); Witch Baby (Weetzie Bat Series, The); Apirana, Paikea (Whale Rider); al’Thor, Rand (Wheel of Time Series, The); Bashere, Zarine ‘Faile’ (Wheel of Time Series, The);

Removed from Troubles (Not Open for application)
Sam (Benny & Joon); Conan (Conan Series); Kramer, Chas (Constantine); Garwin, Reid (Covenant, The); Walker, Wade ‘Cry-Baby’ (Cry-Baby); Dresden, Harry (Dresden Files, The); Murphy, Karrin (Dresden Files, The); Brom (Eragon and Eldest); Chang, Cho (Harry Potter series); Dumbledore, Aberforth (Harry Potter series); Flitwick, Prof. Filius (Harry Potter series); Longbottom, Neville (Harry Potter series); Lupin, Remus ‘Moony’ (Harry Potter series); Jekyll, Dr. Henry/Mr. Edward Hyde (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The); Baggins, Bilbo (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); [+] Dwarves (Dwarrows) (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); [+] Elves: Sindar (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Poppins, Mary (Mary Poppins); Martinez, Martina (Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth); Crane, Ichabod (Sleepy Hollow); Kyon (Suzumiya Haruhi Series); Barker, Benjamin ‘Sweeney Todd’ (Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007));

Troubled Characters: Book/Movie (Not Open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on August, 1. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email.

Trouble Reports – Inactivity: 2 Months +
Potter, Harry (Harry Potter series);

July 10, 2014

Characters: Book/Movie – Applications

Posted by Kristina [6:30 am] (link)

This is a complete update of applications for the Characters: Book/Movie category.

Upcoming Characters: Book/Movie (Not open for application)
Banner, Bruce ‘The Hulk’ (Avengers, The (2012)); Barton, Clint ‘Hawkeye’ (Avengers, The (2012)); Harkonnen, Feyd-Rautha (Dune series); Butler, Rhett (Gone With the Wind); Stark, Tony ‘Iron Man’ (Iron Man series); Maleficent (Maleficent)

June 26, 2014

Characters: Book/Movie – F/U/C/O/T

Posted by Reshi [8:00 pm] (link)

This is a complete update of finished, updated, closed, overdue and troubles for the Characters: Book/Movie category.

Closed Characters: Book/Movie (Open for application)
Collins, Chase (Covenant, The); Zidler, Harold (Moulin Rouge); Nilsson (Night World series);

Finished Characters: Book/Movie
Bane (Batman series); Collins, Chase (Covenant, The); [+] Zombies (General and Miscellaneous); [+] Black Family (Harry Potter series); [+] All Characters (Phantom of the Opera, The); [+] Ghostface Killers (Scream series); Tam, River (Serenity); Kent, Clark ‘Superman’ (Superman Series);

Overdue (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on July 3, 2014. If your fanlisting is listed below, please send in a finished form and reply to the email.
Lupin, Teddy (Harry Potter series); Potter, James ‘Prongs’ (Harry Potter series); [+] Lupin Family (Harry Potter series); Heimdall (Thor); Sif (Thor);

Updated Characters: Book/Movie
Waldorf, Blair (Gossip Girl Series); Gilbert, Elena (Vampire Diaries series, The); Salvatore, Damon (Vampire Diaries series, The);

Troubled Characters: Book/Movie (Not Open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on July 3, 2014. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email.

Dead Link: Account Suspended
Trelawney, Sybill (Harry Potter series); Renton, Mark ‘Rent Boy’ (Trainspotting); Hale, Rosalie (Twilight series); Katrina ‘Kate’ (Twilight series);

Dead Link 404/403
Ayasato, Mayoi (Maya Fey) (Ace Attorney (Gyakuten Saiban)); White Queen (Alice in Wonderland Series); White Queen (Alice in Wonderland Series); Jean-Claude (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter Series); Butler, Juliet (Artemis Fowl Series); Armacost, Commander Spencer (Astronaut’s Wife, The); Blakeney, Midshipman (Aubrey-Maturin Series); Kiriyama, Kazuo (Battle Royale series); Standish, Claire (Breakfast Club, The); Caulfield, Holden (Catcher in the Rye, The); Celeste (Celeste in the City); Mr. Tumnus (Chronicles of Narnia); Prince Caspian (Chronicles of Narnia); Prince Cor ‘Shasta’ (Chronicles of Narnia); Reepicheep (Chronicles of Narnia); Dantes, Edmond ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’ (Count of Monte Cristo, The); Hargrove, Annette (Cruel Intentions series); Ventresca, Carlo / McKenna, Patrick (Da Vinci Code, The / Angels & Demons); Pistone, Joseph D. ‘Donnie Brasco’ (Donnie Brasco); Frank (Donnie Darko); Azver (Earthsea Trilogy); [+] All Characters (Ever After); Sedgwick, Edie (Factory Girl); Emiya, Kiritsugu (Fate/Zero series); Emiya, Kiritsugu (Fate/Zero series); Eggelhoffer, Franck (Father of the Bride); Grey, Elliot (Fifty Shades series); Grey, Mia (Fifty Shades series); Kavanagh, Ethan (Fifty Shades series); Steele, Anastasia ‘Ana’ (Fifty Shades series); Narrator ‘Jack’ (Fight Club); Arbus, Diane (Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus); Nogerelli, Johnny (Grease Series); Zinone, Stephanie (Grease Series); Doyle, Gemma (Great and Terrible Beauty, A and Rebel Angels); Delacour, Fleur (Harry Potter series); Figg, Arabella (Harry Potter series); Kreacher (Harry Potter series); Slytherin, Salazar (Harry Potter series); Sorting Hat, The (Harry Potter series); Thomas, Dean (Harry Potter series); Tonks, Andromeda Black (Harry Potter series); Weasley, Bill (Harry Potter series); Weasley, Charlie (Harry Potter series); [+] House Elves (Harry Potter series); [+] Hufflepuffs (Harry Potter series); [+] Magical Creatures (Harry Potter series); [+] Quidditch Seekers (Harry Potter series); MacLeod, Connor ‘The Highlander’ (Highlander Series); McMillian, Tricia ‘Trillian’ (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The); Wanderer ‘Wanda’ (Host, The); Driftwood, Otis B. (House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil’s Rejects); Spaulding, Captain (House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil’s Rejects); Everdeen, Katniss (Hunger Games, The); Mellark, Peeta (Hunger Games, The); Rue (Hunger Games, The); Williams, Henry ‘Mutt’ (Indiana Jones Series); Potts, Pepper (Iron Man series); Tristan (King Arthur); Hospitaler (Kingdom of Heaven); d’Anjou, Isabeau (Ladyhawke); Uncas (Last of the Mohicans, The); Amalthea/The Unicorn (Last Unicorn, The); Prince Lir (Last Unicorn, The); Schmendrick (Last Unicorn, The); Thenardier, Eponine (Les Miserables); Wilmot, John aka Earl of Rochester (Libertine, The); Johnston, Jo (List, The); Eowyn ‘Dernhelm’ (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Kili (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); [+] Sindarin Princes of the Silvan Elves (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Bay, Ardeth (Mummy Series, The); Fujieda, Naoki (Nana); Calhoun, Noah (Notebook, The); Penelope (Penelope); Darling, Wendy (Peter Pan); Tinkerbell (Peter Pan); Robinson, Detective Inspector John ‘Jack’ (Phryne Fisher Series, The); Mrs. Bennet (Pride and Prejudice); Cassandra (Saved!); Dinkley, Velma (Scooby Doo series); Chau, Knives (Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World); [+] Nurses (Silent Hill); Bailey (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, The); Baelish, Petyr (Song of Ice and Fire Series, A); Chewbacca (Star Wars series); Dorme (Star Wars series); [+] Clone Troopers (Star Wars series); Lane, Lois (Superman Series); Banes, Mikaela (Transformers); Optimus Prime (Transformers); Black, Jacob (Twilight series); [+] Male Characters (Van Helsing); Sandstorm (Warriors Series (Warrior Cats)); Witch Baby (Weetzie Bat Series, The); Grape, Gilbert (What’s Eating Gilbert Grape?); al’Thor, Rand (Wheel of Time Series, The); Bashere, Zarine ‘Faile’ (Wheel of Time Series, The);

Inactivity: 2 Months +
Neveu, Sophie (Da Vinci Code, The / Angels & Demons); Brom (Eragon and Eldest); Kruczynski, Clementine (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind); Libby, Kate ‘Acid Burn’ (Hackers); Lupin, Remus ‘Moony’ (Harry Potter series); [+] Dragons (Harry Potter series); Hawthorne, Gale (Hunger Games, The); Landa, Col. Hans (Inglourious Basterds); Jekyll, Dr. Henry/Mr. Edward Hyde (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The); [+] Dwarves (Dwarrows) (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); [+] Elves: Sindar (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Crane, Ichabod (Sleepy Hollow); Barker, Benjamin ‘Sweeney Todd’ (Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007)); Carton, Sydney (Tale of Two Cities, A); Loki (Thor);

Inactivity: 2 Months + (0 Pending)
Kawada, Shougo (Battle Royale series); Kuninobu, Yoshitoki (Battle Royale series); Nanahara, Shuya (Battle Royale series); Sam (Benny & Joon); [+] SaDiablo Family (Black Jewels trilogy, The); Pevensie, Edmund (Chronicles of Narnia); Monroe, Ada (Cold Mountain); Conan (Conan Series); Kramer, Chas (Constantine); Garwin, Reid (Covenant, The); Walker, Wade ‘Cry-Baby’ (Cry-Baby); Dresden, Harry (Dresden Files, The); Dresden, Harry (Dresden Files, The); Murphy, Karrin (Dresden Files, The); [+] All Characters (Dune series); Entreri, Artemis (Forgotten Realms Series); Chang, Cho (Harry Potter series); Dumbledore, Aberforth (Harry Potter series); Flitwick, Prof. Filius (Harry Potter series); Longbottom, Neville (Harry Potter series); Baggins, Bilbo (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Brandybuck, Meriadoc ‘Merry’ (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Eomer (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Eowyn ‘Dernhelm’ (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Faramir (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Gollum ‘Smeagol’ (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Poppins, Mary (Mary Poppins); Nitta, Sayuri/Chiyo Sakamoto (Memoirs of a Geisha); [+] All Characters (Memoirs of a Geisha); Terasawa, Michio (Moonlight Jellyfish); Terasawa, Seiji (Moonlight Jellyfish); Serizawa, Reira (Nana); Coulson, Sam (Never Been Kissed); Jack / Kyra (Pitch Black & Chronicles of Riddick, The); Tezuka, Kunimitsu (Prince of Tennis (Tennis no oujisama)); Eilonwy (Prydain Chronicles, The); Martinez, Martina (Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth); Kyon (Suzumiya Haruhi Series); Lucian (Underworld Series); Captain Nicholls (War Horse); Apirana, Paikea (Whale Rider);

MySQL Problems
Mal Doran, Vala (Stargate);

Hiatus: Long-Term
[+] Cullen Family (Twilight series);


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