September 11, 2020
Authors/Writers – Troubles
This is a complete update of removals for the Authors/Writers category.
Removed Authors/Writers (Open for application)
Brent-Dyer, Elinor M.; Burns, Edward; Cocteau, Jean; Kyo (Tooru Niimura); Merle, Robert; Nothomb, Amélie; Parker, Alan; Smith, L.J. (Lisa Jane); Willis, Connie
September 10, 2020
Authors/Writers – All
This is a complete update of all forms, problem resolved, pending removal and removals for the Authors/Writers category.
Upcoming Authors/Writers
No applications have been received since the last update.
Finished Authors/Writers
No finished forms have been received since the last update.
Moved Authors/Writers
No moved forms have been received since the last update.
Closed Authors/Writers (Open for application)
No closed forms have been received since the last update.
Removed From Troubles – Closed (Open for application)
Poe, Edgar Allan
Removed From Troubles – Problem Resolved (Not open for application)
Cameron Bure, Candace; Dickens, Charles; Johnston, Kristen; Olsen, Ashley; Olsen, Mary-Kate; Sagan, Carl
Troubled Authors/Writers (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal within the next 24 hours. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem/send in a finished form and reply to the troubles email!
Pending Removal
Brent-Dyer, Elinor M.; Burns, Edward; Cocteau, Jean; Kyo (Tooru Niimura); Merle, Robert; Nothomb, Amélie; Parker, Alan; Smith, L.J. (Lisa Jane); Willis, Connie
Overdue Authors/Writers
No overdue fanlistings.
Overdue: Temporary Layouts
No overdue layouts.
Report Forms
No report forms have been received since the last update.
July 29, 2020
Authors/Writers – All
This is a complete update of all forms and troubles for the Authors/Writers category.
Upcoming Authors/Writers
No applications have been received since the last update.
Finished Authors/Writers
Rice, Anne
Moved Authors/Writers
Didion, Joan
Closed Authors/Writers (Open for application)
Bujold, Lois McMaster; Canavan, Trudi; Duane, Diane; Eddings, David; McGuire, Seanan (Mira Grant); Pierce, Tamora
Troubled Authors/Writers (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on August 5, 2020. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem/send in a finished form and reply to the troubles email!
Dead Link
Cameron Bure, Candace; Cocteau, Jean; Johnston, Kristen; Kyo (Tooru Niimura); Merle, Robert; Nothomb, Amélie; Olsen, Ashley; Olsen, Mary-Kate; Parker, Alan; Poe, Edgar Allan; Willis, Connie
Inactivity: 2 Months +
Dickens, Charles; Sagan, Carl
Navigation: Script Errors
Brent-Dyer, Elinor M.; Burns, Edward; Smith, L.J. (Lisa Jane)
Overdue Authors/Writers
No overdue fanlistings.
Overdue: Temporary Layouts
No overdue layouts.
July 2, 2020
Authors/Writers – All
This is a complete update of all forms for the Authors/Writers category.
Upcoming Authors/Writers
Rice, Anne
Finished Authors/Writers
No finished forms have been received since the last update.
Moved Authors/Writers
One moved form was received that could not be processed.
Closed Authors/Writers (Open for application)
Dahl, Roald
Overdue Authors/Writers
No overdue fanlistings.
Overdue: Temporary Layouts
No overdue layouts.
Report Forms
No report forms have been received since the last update.
May 10, 2020
Authors/Writers – All
This is a complete update of all forms for the Authors/Writers category.
Upcoming Authors/Writers
No applications have been received since the last update.
Finished Authors/Writers
Didion, Joan
Moved Authors/Writers
No moved forms have been received since the last update.
Closed Authors/Writers (Open for application)
No closed forms have been received since the last update.
Overdue Authors/Writers
No overdue fanlistings.
Overdue: Temporary Layouts
No overdue layouts.
Report Forms
No report forms have been received since the last update.
March 23, 2020
Authors/Writers – All
This is a complete update of all forms for the Authors/Writers category.
Upcoming Authors/Writers
Didion, Joan
Finished Authors/Writers
No finished forms have been received since the last update.
Moved Authors/Writers
No moved forms have been received since the last update.
Closed Authors/Writers (Open for application)
No closed forms have been received since the last update.
Overdue Authors/Writers
No overdue fanlistings.
Overdue: Temporary Layouts
No overdue layouts.
Report Forms
No report forms have been received since the last update.
February 15, 2020
Authors/Writers – All
This is a complete update of all forms and removals for the Authors/Writers category.
Upcoming Authors/Writers
No applications have been received since the last update.
Finished Authors/Writers
No finished forms have been received since the last update.
Moved Authors/Writers
No moved forms have been received since the last update.
Closed Authors/Writers (Open for application)
No closed forms have been received since the last update.
Removed Authors (Open for application)
Cocteau, Jean
Overdue Authors/Writers
No overdue fanlistings.
Overdue: Temporary Layouts
No overdue layouts.
Report Forms
No report forms have been received since the last update.
December 21, 2019
Authors/Writers – All
This is a complete update of all forms for the Authors/Writers category.
Upcoming Authors/Writers
No applications have been received since the last update.
Finished Authors/Writers
No finished forms have been received since the last update.
Moved Authors/Writers
No moved forms have been received since the last update.
Closed Authors/Writers (Open for application)
Marlowe, Christopher
Overdue Authors/Writers
No overdue fanlistings.
Overdue: Temporary Layouts
No overdue layouts.
Report Forms
No report forms have been received since the last update.
November 5, 2019
Authors/Writers – Troubles
This is a complete update of problem resolved and removals for the Authors/Writers category.
Removed From Troubles – Problem Resolved (Not open for application)
Burns, Edward; O’Brien, Conan
Removed Authors (Open for application)
Cohen, Leonard; Rice, Anne; Steinbeck, John
November 4, 2019
Authors/Writers – Troubles
This is a complete update of problem resolved and pending removal for the Authors/Writers category.
Removed From Troubles – Problem Resolved (Not open for application)
Ahern, Cecelia; Aiken, Clay; Brent-Dyer, Elinor M.; Meyer, Stephenie; Patterson, James; Smith, L.J. (Lisa Jane)
Troubled Authors/Writers (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal within the next 24 hours. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem/send in a finished form and reply to the troubles email!
Pending Removal
Burns, Edward; Cohen, Leonard; O’Brien, Conan; Rice, Anne; Steinbeck, John