March 19, 2014
Authors/Writers – All
This is a complete update of all for the Authors/Writers category.
Upcoming Authors/Writers
Yankovic, Weird Al
Finished Authors/Writers
Alcott, Louisa May
Moved Authors/Writers
Kyo (Tooru Niimura)
Closed Authors/Writers (Open for application)
Depp, Johnny; Eden, Barbara; Koontz, Dean; Mortensen, Viggo; Wheaton, Wil
Troubled Authors/Writers (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on March 26, 2014. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem/send in a finished form and reply to the troubles email!
Overdue Authors/Writers
Heyer, Georgette
Report Forms
No report forms have been received since the last update.
February 26, 2014
Authors/Writers – A/F/U/C
This is a complete update of applications, finished, moved and closed for the Authors/Writers category.
Upcoming Authors/Writers
Alcott, Louisa May; Cameron Bure, Candace
Finished Authors/Writers
Simons, Paullina
Moved Authors/Writers
Asimov, Isaac; Carbonell, Nestor; DiCaprio, Leonardo; Nation, Kaleb
Closed Authors/Writers (Open for application)
Allen, Woody; Armstrong, Kelley; Lindskold, Jane; McEntire, Reba; McNaught, Judith; Stackpole, Michael A.; Wilde, Oscar; Yankovic, Weird Al; Zahn, Timothy
January 26, 2014
Authors/Writers – All
This is a complete update of all for the Authors/Writers category.
Upcoming Authors/Writers
Simons, Paullina
Finished Authors/Writers
No finished forms have been received since the last update.
Moved Authors/Writers
Camui, Gackt
Closed Authors/Writers (Open for application)
Darwin, Charles; Dawkins, Richard
Overdue Authors/Writers
Will be processed after March 1st.
Report Forms
No report forms have been received since the last update.
February 12, 2013
Authors/Writers – Troubles
This is a update of for the Authors/Writers category.
Removed From Troubles – Problem Resolved (Not open for application)
Poehler, Amy; Rand, Ayn
Removed Authors/Writers (Open for application)
Alcott, Louisa May; Andrews, V.C.; Arden, Jann; Cunningham, Scott; Kinsella, Sophie; McCaffrey, Anne; Raskin, Ellen
February 10, 2013
Authors/Writers – Troubles
This is a update of for the Authors/Writers category.
Removed From Troubles – Problem Resolved (Not open for application)
Aldington, Richard; Bujold, Lois McMaster; Cabot, Meg; Glück, Louise; Hamilton, Laurell K; Lackey, Mercedes; McGuire, Seanan (Mira Grant); Peacock, Thomas Love
Troubled Authors/Writers (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal within the next 24 hours. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem/send in a finished form and reply to the troubles email!
Pending Removal
Alcott, Louisa May; Andrews, V.C.; Arden, Jann; Cunningham, Scott; Kinsella, Sophie; McCaffrey, Anne; Poehler, Amy; Rand, Ayn; Raskin, Ellen
Removed Authors/Writers (Open for application)
Andersen, Hans Christian; Borges, Jorge Luis; Boyd, Mark Alexander
February 4, 2013
Authors/Writers – All
This is a update of for the Authors/Writers category.
Upcoming Authors/Writers
No applications have been received since the last update.
Finished Authors/Writers
Haddix, Margaret Peterson
Moved Authors/Writers
Burnett, Frances Hodgson; Lowry, Lois; Potter, Beatrix; Tolkien, J.R.R.
Closed Authors/Writers (Open for application)
Ruiz Zafón, Carlos; Stine, R.L.
Troubled Authors/Writers (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on February 10, 2013. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem/send in a finished form and reply to the troubles email!
Thank you to my trouble checker, Tess! 🙂
Inactivity: 2 Months +
Alcott, Louisa May; Aldington, Richard; Arden, Jann; Bujold, Lois McMaster; Cabot, Meg; Cunningham, Scott; Glück, Louise; Hamilton, Laurell K; Kinsella, Sophie; Lackey, Mercedes; McCaffrey, Anne; McGuire, Seanan (Mira Grant); Peacock, Thomas Love; Poehler, Amy; Rand, Ayn
Navigation: Script Errors
Andrews, V.C.; Raskin, Ellen
Overdue Authors/Writers
No overdue fanlistings.
Removed Authors/Writers (Open for application)
Carrey, Jim
January 3, 2013
Authors/Writers – All
This is a update of for the Authors/Writers category.
Upcoming Authors/Writers
Haddix, Margaret Peterson
Finished Authors/Writers
No finished forms have been received since the last update.
Moved Authors/Writers
No moved forms have been received since the last update.
Closed Authors/Writers (Open for application)
Atkinson, Rowan; Saintcrow, Lilith
Overdue Authors/Writers
No overdue fanlistings.
Report Forms
One report form was received, but the issue has been resolved.
December 2, 2012
Authors/Writers – All
This is a update of for the Authors/Writers category.
Upcoming Authors/Writers
Applications received are for subjects that were recently removed and will be processed on a future applications update.
Finished Authors/Writers
No finished forms have been received since the last update.
Moved Authors/Writers
No moved forms have been received since the last update.
Closed Authors/Writers (Open for application)
No closed forms have been received since the last update.
Removed From Troubles – Problem Resolved (Not open for application)
Bronte, Charlotte
Removed Authors (Open for application)
Cummings, E.E.; Eliot, T.S.; Ginsberg, Allen; Gorey, Edward; Kubrick, Stanley; Mitchell, John Cameron; Salinger, J.D.; Sexton, Anne; Smith, Kevin; Van Sant, Gus; Welsh, Irvine
Removed Authors – Overdue (Open for application)
Christie, Agatha
November 25, 2012
Authors/Writers – T/O
This is a update of for the Authors/Writers category.
Removed From Troubles – Problem Resolved (Not open for application)
Carrey, Jim; Lackey, Mercedes
Removed From Troubles – Moved (Not open for application)
Chan, Jackie
Troubled Authors/Writers (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal within the next 24 hours. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem/send in a finished form and reply to the troubles email!
Pending Removal
Bronte, Charlotte; Cummings, E.E.; Eliot, T.S.; Ginsberg, Allen; Gorey, Edward; Kubrick, Stanley; Mitchell, John Cameron; Salinger, J.D.; Sexton, Anne; Smith, Kevin; Van Sant, Gus; Welsh, Irvine
Pending Removal – Overdue
Christie, Agatha
November 19, 2012
Authors/Writers – All
This is a update of for the Authors/Writers category.
Upcoming Authors/Writers
No applications have been received since the last update.
Finished Authors/Writers
No finished forms have been received since the last update.
Moved Authors/Writers
Fey, Tina; Poehler, Amy; Tsuchiya, Anna
Closed Authors/Writers (Open for application)
Fitzgerald, F. Scott; Norton, Edward; Waters, Sarah
Troubled Authors/Writers (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on November 26, 2012. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem/send in a finished form and reply to the troubles email!
Thank you to my trouble checker, Tess! 🙂
Dead Link: 404/403
Chan, Jackie
Inactivity: 2 Months +
Carrey, Jim; Cummings, E.E.; Eliot, T.S.; Ginsberg, Allen; Gorey, Edward; Kubrick, Stanley; Lackey, Mercedes; Mitchell, John Cameron; Salinger, J.D.; Sexton, Anne; Smith, Kevin; Van Sant, Gus; Welsh, Irvine
Navigation: Broken Pages
Bronte, Charlotte
Overdue Authors/Writers
Christie, Agatha