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August 24, 2016

Relationships: TV-Troubles Removals

Posted by Evie [6:14 pm] (link)

This is a complete update of troubles removals for the Relationships: TV category.

Removed from Troubles – Problem Resolved (NOT open for application)
Delko, Eric and Calleigh Duquesne (CSI: Miami); Chenowith, Billy and Brenda Chenowith (Six Feet Under); Mal Doran, Vala and Cameron Mitchell (Stargate: SG-1); Blake, Sarah and Sam Winchester (Supernatural); Castiel and Sam Winchester (Supernatural); Compton, Bill, Eric Northman and Sookie Stackhouse (True Blood)

Removed from Troubles – Removed from Network (OPEN for application)
Mason Pryor, Beth and JJ Pryor (American Dreams); Allen, Barry and Felicity Smoak (Arrow); Allen, Barry and Oliver Queen (Arrow); Diggle, John, Roy Harper, Laurel Lance, Oliver Queen, and Felicity Smoak (Arrow); Mayer, Noah and Luke Snyder (As the World Turns); Beckett, Kate and Richard ‘Rick’ Castle (Castle); Allen, Barry and Felicity Smoak (Flash, The); Allen, Barry and Oliver Queen (Flash, The); Blaine and Kurt Hummel (Glee); Connell, Mary and Danny McCoy (Las Vegas); Belle and Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold (Once Upon A Time); David (Prince Charming) and Killian Jones (Captain Hook) (Once Upon A Time); Agron and Nasir (Spartacus); Albie, Matt and Jordan McDeere (Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip)


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