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August 16, 2016

Relationships: TV-Troubles

Posted by Evie [7:08 pm] (link)

This is a complete update of troubles for the Relationships: TV category.

Thanks to Sofie for helping with the category check!

Troubled Relationships: TV (NOT OPEN for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on August 23, 2016. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem AND reply to the troubles email. Thank you.

Dead Link: 404/403 Error
Mayer, Noah and Luke Snyder (As the World Turns); Agron and Nasir (Spartacus)

Inactivity: 2 months + (0 pending)
Bristow, Sydney and Michael Vaughn (Alias); Mason Pryor, Beth and JJ Pryor (American Dreams); Allen, Barry and Felicity Smoak (Arrow); Allen, Barry and Oliver Queen (Arrow); Diggle, John, Roy Harper, Laurel Lance, Oliver Queen, and Felicity Smoak (Arrow); Booth, Seeley and Temperance Brennan (Bones); Beckett, Kate and Richard ‘Rick’ Castle (Castle); Delko, Eric and Calleigh Duquesne (CSI: Miami); Allen, Barry and Felicity Smoak (Flash, The); Allen, Barry and Oliver Queen (Flash, The); Geller, Ross and Rachel Green (Friends); Alcazar, Lorenzo and Carly Corinthos (General Hospital); Domyoji Tsukasa and Makino Tsukushi (Hana Yori Dango); Hanazawa Rui and Makino Tsukushi (Hana Yori Dango); Eyre, Jane and Edward Rochester (Jane Eyre); Connell, Mary and Danny McCoy (Las Vegas); Kanzaki Nao and Shinichi Akiyama (Liar Game); Krux, Marguerite and John Roxton (Lost World, The); Jane, Patrick and Teresa Lisbon (Mentalist, The); DiNozzo, Anthony ‘Tony’ and Caitlin Todd (NCIS); Gibbs, Leroy Jethro and Abigail ‘Abby’ Sciuto (NCIS); Noda Megumi ‘Nodame’ and Shinichi Chiaki (Nodame Cantabile); Belle and Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold (Once Upon A Time); David (Prince Charming) and Killian Jones (Captain Hook) (Once Upon A Time); Aino, Minako and Artemis (Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Live Action)); Kinney, Brian and Justin Taylor (Queer as Folk (US)); Kent, Clark and Lois Lane (Smallville); Spock and Nyota Uhura (Star Trek series); Albie, Matt and Jordan McDeere (Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip); Echolls, Logan and Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars); Arnold, Kevin and Gwendolyne ‘Winnie’ Cooper (Wonder Years, The)

Inactivity: 2 months +
Ellison, James ‘Jim’ and Blair Sandburg (Sentinel, The); Chenowith, Billy and Brenda Chenowith (Six Feet Under); Mal Doran, Vala and Cameron Mitchell (Stargate: SG-1); Blake, Sarah and Sam Winchester (Supernatural); Castiel and Sam Winchester (Supernatural); Compton, Bill, Eric Northman and Sookie Stackhouse (True Blood)

Inactivity: Pending Members Within Past 2 Months Not Added/Updated
Blaine and Kurt Hummel (Glee); Danes, Luke, Lorelai Gilmore and Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls); Winchester, Dean and Sam Winchester (Supernatural)


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