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February 24, 2015

Relationships: TV – Removals/Closed

Posted by Leigh Ann [3:14 pm] (link)

This is a complete update of removals and closed for the Relationships: TV category.

Removed From Network (OPEN for application)
Amy Pond, Rory Williams and River Song (Doctor Who series); Doctor, The and Jo Grant (Doctor Who series); Drogo, Khal and Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones); Lovett, Ethan and Lesley Lu ‘Lu Lu’ Spencer (General Hospital); Florrick, Alicia and Will Gardner (Good Wife, The); Archibald, Nate and Blair Waldorf (Gossip Girl); Montgomery, Addison and Mark Sloan (Grey’s Anatomy); Montgomery, Addison, Derek Shepherd and Mark Sloan (Grey’s Anatomy); O’Malley, George and Calliope ‘Callie’ Torres (Grey’s Anatomy); Foster, Gillian and Cal Lightman (Lie to Me); Kuroki Yasunori and Tatiana Vishneva (Nodame Cantabile); Crane, Ethan Martin ‘Little Ethan’ and Jane Winthrop (Passions); Honeycutt, Emmett and Ted Schmidt (Queer as Folk (US)); Kinney, Brian and Michael Novotny (Queer as Folk (US)); Kelly, Bridget and Andrew Martin (Ringer); Adler, Irene and Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock (2010)); Dex, Ronon and Rodney McKay (Stargate: Atlantis); Dex, Ronon, Teyla Emmagan, Rodney McKay and John Sheppard (Stargate: Atlantis); Fez and Michael Kelso (That ’70s Show); Harkness, Captain Jack and Ianto Jones (Torchwood); Compton, Bill and Sookie Stackhouse (True Blood); St. James, Marc, Betty Suarez and Amanda Tanen (Ugly Betty)

Removed From Troubles (NOT OPEN for application)
Bashir, Julian and Miles O’Brien (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine); Ashton, Ned, Jason Morgan, Alan Quartermaine, Alan ‘A.J.’ Quartermaine Jr., Dillon Quartermaine, Edward Quartermaine, Emily Quartermaine, Lila Quartermaine, Monica Quartermaine and Tracey Quartermaine (General Hospital); Cassadine, Nikolas, Laura Spencer, Lesley Lu ‘Lu Lu’ Spencer and Lucas Lorenzo ‘Lucky’ Spencer Jr. (General Hospital); Devane, Anna and Robert Scorpio (General Hospital); Drake, Noah and Patrick Drake (General Hospital); Drake, Patrick and Matt Hunter (General Hospital); Scorpio, Robert and Lucas Lorenzo ‘Luke’ Spencer (General Hospital); Allen, Bart, Arthur ‘A.C.’ Curry, Clark Kent, Oliver Queen and Ben Stone (Smallville); Winchester, Dean, John Winchester, Mary Winchester and Sam Winchester (Supernatural); Winchester, John and Mary Winchester (Supernatural)

Closed (OPEN for application)
Dunn, Declan and Miranda Feigelstein (Mysterious Ways)


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