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April 10, 2014

Relationships: TV: F/U/C/O

Posted by Buruma [5:19 pm] (link)

This is a complete update of finished, updated and closed forms and overdue for the Relationships: TV category.

Finished Relationships: TV
No forms received since last update.

Moved Relationships: TV
Harvelle, Jo and Dean Winchester (Supernatural); Ruby and Sam Winchester (Supernatural); Gilbert, Elena, Damon Salvatore and Stefan Salvatore (Vampire Diaries, The)

Closed Relationships: TV (Open for application)
Hino, Rei and Ami Mizuno (Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Live Action)); Boykewich, Ben and Amy Juergens (Secret Life of the American Teenager, The); Carlin, Spencer and Ashley Davies (South of Nowhere)

Removed from Troubles (Open for application)
Queen, Oliver and Felicity Smoak (Arrow); Canterbury, Tim and Dawn Tinsley (Office, The (UK))

Extensions Granted
Doctor, The and Donna Noble (Doctor Who series) – April 13th
Bing, Chandler and Joey Tribbiani (Friends) – April 13th
Devereaux, Blanche, Rose Nylund, Sophia Petrillo and Dorothy Zbornak (Golden Girls) – April 12th
Belle and Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold (Once Upon A Time) – April 12th
Adler, Irene and Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock (2010)) – April 16th


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