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April 16, 2022

Relationships: TV (A/F/U/C and troubles removals)

Posted by Evie [12:55 pm] (link)

This is a complete update of all forms and removals for the Relationships: TV category.

Upcoming Relationships: TV (Not open for application)
Halliwell, Phoebe, Piper Halliwell, and Paige Matthews (Charmed); Doctor, The and Amy Pond (Doctor Who series)

Finished Relationships: TV (Not open for application)
Doctor, The and Donna Noble (Doctor Who series)

Moved/Updated Relationships: TV (Not open for application)
Grissom, Gil and Sara Sidle (CSI: Crime Scene Investigation); Campbell, Billy and Allison Parker (Melrose Place)

Closed Relationships: TV (Open for application)
No closed fanlistings since the last update.

Overdue Relationships: TV
No overdue fanlistings since the last update.

Overdue: Temporary Layouts
No overdue layouts since the last update.

Report Forms
No report forms have been received since the last update.

Removed from Troubles – Problem Resolved (NOT open for application)
Buck, Lucas and Gail Emory (American Gothic); Cole, Marcus and Susan Ivanova (Babylon 5); Gideon, Captain Matthew and Captain Elizabeth Lochley (Babylon 5); Baltar, Lucifer and Spectre (Battlestar Galactica (1978)); McGarrett, Steven ‘Steve’ and Daniel ‘Danny/Danno’ Williams (Hawaii Five-O (2010)); David, Ziva and Anthony ‘Tony’ DiNozzo (NCIS); Beesly, Pam and Jim Halpert (Office, The (US)); ; Holmes, Sherlock and Molly Hooper (Sherlock (2010); Mendoza, Teresa and James Valdez (Queen of the South); Echolls, Logan and Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars)

Removed From Network (OPEN for application)
Aino, Minako and Artemis (Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Live Action)); Luna and Usagi Tsukino (Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Live Action)); Lane, Lois and Chloe Sullivan (Smallville); Gilbert, Elena and Stefan Salvatore (Vampire Diaries, The)


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