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November 11, 2012

Relationships: Book/Movie – F/U/C/O

Posted by Kibou [12:29 am] (link)

This is a update of for the Relationships: Book/Movie category.

Cross, Aaron and Marta Shearing (Bourne Series, The); Grey, Mia and Ethan Kavanagh (Fifty Shades Series); Fray, Clary and Simon Lewis (Mortal Instruments Series); Cullen, Carlisle and Esme Cullen (Twilight Series); Grey, Jean ‘Phoenix’ and James ‘Logan/Wolverine’ Howlett (X-Men)

Darling, Wendy and Peter Pan (Peter Pan); Reisert, Lisa and Jackson Rippner (Red Eye); Cullen, Alice, Edward Cullen, Jasper Hale and Isabella Swan (Twilight Series)

Closed (OPEN for application)
Lloyd, Emma and Patrick Sullivan (Accidental Husband, The); Everdeen, Katniss and Gale Hawthorne (Hunger Games, The); Holmes, Sherlock and Dr. John Watson (Sherlock Holmes)

Removed From Network (OPEN for application)
Grey, Elliot and Katherine Kavanaugh (Fifty Shades Series)

Removed From Troubles (NOT OPEN for application)
Grey, Mia and Ethan Kavanagh (Fifty Shades Series); Cullen, Carlisle and Esme Cullen (Twilight Series); Grey, Jean ‘Phoenix’ and James ‘Logan/Wolverine’ Howlett (X-Men)


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