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June 25, 2005

Number of fanlistings allowed on upcoming

Posted by Senior Staff [2:31 pm] (link)

This is a update of for the General category.

After a lot of discussion, we have decided to introduce a network-wide rule as to the number of fanlistings an owner can have on upcoming at any one time. These rules are:

6 fanlistings in a category and/or
20 fanlistings in the network overall

If an owner reaches these limits, the staffer has the right to reject the applicant. Meaning the owner must complete some of their pending fanlistings before they can be approved for more.

The reason for this rule is that we have a number of fanlisting owners who get ‘application happy’ or who apply for many fanlistings at once. Usually, these owners then end up with fanlistings on troubles (too long on upcoming), or they close their fanlistings before the fanlistings have even been built.

We have asked staffers to be careful with this rule in case Finished/Update/Closed staffers are behind schedule, but please feel free to use the Additional Information box to let Applications staffers know if you have submitted finished/closed/update forms recently. Include the URLs to your finished fanlistings in the box, also.

If you have any questions about this rule change, please contact us, or post at the board 🙂


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Did You Know?

TFL does not approve fanlistings on a first-come first-served basis. We feel that that would be rather unfair! Applications are held for at least a week, and then the staffer goes through each application to try and select the best owner.