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April 9, 2014

Characters: Book/Movie – All

Posted by Kristina [2:09 pm] (link)

This is a complete update of all for the Characters: Book/Movie category.

Subjects from new releases will be processed on a future applications update.

Upcoming Characters: Book/Movie
Alcott, Cecilia (IS (Infinite Stratos)); Pevensie, Lucy (Chronicles of Narnia); Dobby the House Elf (Harry Potter series); Potter, James ‘Prongs’ (Harry Potter series); [+] Black Family (Harry Potter series); [+] Marauders, The (Harry Potter series); Balin (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Greenleaf, Legolas (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books) (Pending Approval); Took, Peregrin ‘Pippin’ (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); [+] Elves: Noldor (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); [+] Hobbits (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Lannister, Tyrion (Song of Ice and Fire Series, A); [+] Dire Wolves (Song of Ice and Fire Series, A); Picard, Jean-Luc (Star Trek series); Lamia (Stardust); Himeragi, Yukina (Strike The Blood); Kirasaka, Sayaka (Strike The Blood); Donatello (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Series); Ato, Touji (Tokyo Ravens); Kurahashi, Kyoko (Tokyo Ravens); Tsuchimikado, Natsume (Tokyo Ravens); Dragomir, Vasilisa ‘Lissa’ (Vampire Academy Series); Mandragoran, al’Lan ‘Lan’ (Wheel of Time Series, The)

Cross-Listed Characters: Book/Movie
Stark, Arya (Song of Ice and Fire Series, A)

Finished Characters: Book/Movie
Belov, Alexander (Barrington, Alexander) (Bronze Horseman, The); Metanova, Tatiana (Bronze Horseman, The); Smaug (Lord of the Rings series, The and Other Middle Earth Books); Robinson, Detective Inspector John ‘Jack’ (Phryne Fisher Series, The); Book, Shepherd Derrial (Serenity); Bolton, Ramsay ‘Snow’ (Song of Ice and Fire Series, A); Greyjoy, Asha (Song of Ice and Fire Series, A); Lannister, Cersei (Song of Ice and Fire Series, A); Melisandre (Song of Ice and Fire Series, A); Tyrell, Margaery (Song of Ice and Fire Series, A); [+] All Characters (Star Wars Series); [+] Skywalker Family (Star Wars Series)

Moved/Updated Characters: Book/Movie
Sully, Jake (Avatar); Wonka, Willy (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory); Wood, Edward D. Jr. (Ed Wood); Do’Urden, Drizzt (Forgotten Realms Series); Tonks, Nymphadora (Harry Potter series); Creeper, The (Jeepers Creepers Series); Jekyll, Dr. Henry/Mr. Edward Hyde (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The); Palmer, Laura (Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me); Wonka, Willy (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)

Closed Characters: Book/Movie (Open for application)
Blake, William ‘Bill’ (Dead Man); Don Juan (Don Juan DeMarco); De Barbarac, Danielle (Ever After); Luck, Heath (House of Night); Carstairs, James ‘Jem’ (Infernal Devices Series); Farinelli, Lucy (Patricia Cornwell novels); Giry, Meg (Phantom of the Opera, The); Lerner, Pvt. Gator (Platoon); Valentine, Jill (Resident Evil series); Jane (Twilight series); Zafrina (Twilight Series)

Removed From Troubles — Closed (Open for application)
Jones, Bridget (Bridget Jones series)

Troubled Characters: Book/Movie (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on 16 April 2014. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem(s) or send in a finished form and respond to the troubles email!

Dead Link
[+] Zombies (General and Miscellaneous); [+] Pirates (Pirates of the Caribbean series); Dale, Phil ‘Duckie’ (Pretty in Pink); Cooper, Casey ‘Cici’ (Scream series); Fett, Boba (Star Wars series); Cullen, Edward (Twilight series); Swan, Isabella ‘Bella’ (Twilight series); Casteel, Heaven (V.C. Andrews – Casteel Series); Van Voreen, Leigh (V.C. Andrews – Casteel Series); Cutler, Dawn (V.C. Andrews – Cutler Series); Cutler, Lilian (V.C. Andrews – Cutler Series); Dollanganger, Carrie (V.C. Andrews – Dollanganger Series); Dollanganger, Catherine (V.C. Andrews – Dollanganger Series); Dollanganger, Christopher Jr. (V.C. Andrews – Dollanganger Series); Dollanganger, Cory (V.C. Andrews – Dollanganger Series); Landry, Gabriel (V.C. Andrews – Landry Series); Landry, Ruby (V.C. Andrews – Landry Series); Logan, Melody (V.C. Andrews – Logan Series); Adare, Audrina (V.C. Andrews – My Sweet Audrina)

Inactivity: 2 Months +
Pan, Peter (Peter Pan); Weathers, Gale (Scream series); [+] Vampires (Vampire Chronicles)

Standish, Claire (Breakfast Club, The); Mason, Johanna (Hunger Games, The); Montgomery, Aria (Pretty Little Liars); Becker, Casey (Scream series); Ravenscroft, Pam (Southern Vampire Mysteries (Sookie Stackhouse Series))

Removed From Network (Open for application)
Barton, Clinton Francis ‘Clint’ (Hawkeye/Goliath/Ronin) (Avengers, The (2012)); Rogers, Steve ‘Captain America’ (Captain America: The First Avenger); Stark, Tony (Iron Man series); Tam, River (Serenity); Washburne, Zoe (Serenity); Stark, Robb (Song of Ice and Fire Series, A); Northman, Eric (Southern Vampire Mysteries (Sookie Stackhouse Series); Stackhouse, Sookie (Southern Vampire Mysteries (Sookie Stackhouse Series); Klaus (Owlia) (Vampire Diaries series, The); Saltzman, Alaric (Vampire Diaries series, The); Thor (Thor); Frost, Emma ‘White Queen’ (X-Men series)


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It's unfortunate that we have to reject people for fanlistings they apply for, but it's what has to be done if more than one person applies for a fanlisting. If you've received more than one rejection from us, please don't take it personally. It may be due to a number of reasons -- the most likely one is that there was more than one applicant for the fanlisting and a final decision had to be made. Often these are very difficult and it isn't a "problem" with you.