April 7, 2021
Actresses – troubles
This is a complete update of troubles (removals) for the Actresses category.
Troubled Actresses – Removed from Network (OPEN for application)
Anderson, Gillian; Hathaway, Anne; Johansson, Scarlett; Kidman, Nicole; Sakamoto, Maaya; Streep, Meryl; Thompson, Emma; Wilde, Olivia
Actresses: Applications
This is a complete update of applications for the Actresses category.
Upcoming Actresses
Hsu, Vivian (Xú Ruòxuān)
March 30, 2021
Actresses – troubles
This is a complete update of troubles for the Actresses category.
Troubled Actresses – Problem Resolved (NOT OPEN for application)
Abe, Asami; Alba, Jessica; Beckinsale, Kate; Bonham Carter, Helena; Clarkson, Kelly; Debnam-Carey, Alycia; Dushku, Eliza; Hudson, Kate; Kikuchi, Mika; Lawrence, Jennifer; Mitchell, Shay; Noto, Mamiko; Takimoto, Miori
Troubled Actresses – Pending Removal (NOT OPEN for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal within the next 24 hours. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem AND reply to the troubles email. Thank you.
Anderson, Gillian; Hathaway, Anne; Johansson, Scarlett; Kidman, Nicole; Sakamoto, Maaya; Streep, Meryl; Thompson, Emma; Wilde, Olivia
March 15, 2021
Actresses – F/U/C/O/T + report forms
This is a complete update of finished, updated, closed, overdue, troubles + report forms for the Actresses category.
Finished Actresses (NOT OPEN for application)
Hall, Deidre
Moved/updated Actresses (NOT OPEN for application)
None since the last update.
Closed Actresses (OPEN for application)
Bell, Lake; Cattrall, Kim; Drew, Sarah; Leigh, Chyler; Mol, Gretchen; Philipps, Busy; Sokoloff, Marla; Zehetner, Nora
Overdue Actresses (NOT OPEN for application)
None since the last update.
Overdue Actresses: Temporary Layouts (NOT OPEN for application)
None since the last update.
Actresses Report Forms
None since the last update.
Troubled Actresses (NOT OPEN for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on March 22, 2021. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem AND reply to the troubles email. Thank you.
Attack Site
Alba, Jessica; Dushku, Eliza; Hudson, Kate; Lawrence, Jennifer
Dead Link: 404/403 Error
Anderson, Gillian; Hathaway, Anne; Johansson, Scarlett; Kidman, Nicole; Streep, Meryl; Thompson, Emma; Wilde, Olivia
Inactivity: 2 months + (0 pending)
Abe, Asami; Beckinsale, Kate; Bonham Carter, Helena; Clarkson, Kelly; Debnam-Carey, Alycia; Kikuchi, Mika; Mitchell, Shay; Noto, Mamiko; Takimoto, Miori
Inactivity: Pending Members Within Past 2 Months Not Added/Updated
Sakamoto, Maaya
February 18, 2021
Actresses: Applications
This is a complete update of applications for the Actresses category.
Upcoming Actresses
Hall, Deidre
Crosslisted Actresses
Duff, Hilary; Hermansyah, Aurelie
February 6, 2021
Actresses – F/U/C/O + report forms
This is a complete update of finished, updated, closed, overdue + report forms for the Actresses category.
Finished Actresses (NOT OPEN for application)
Menzel, Idina
Moved/updated Actresses (NOT OPEN for application)
None since the last update.
Closed Actresses (OPEN for application)
Page, Ellen
Overdue Actresses (NOT OPEN for application)
None since the last update.
Overdue Actresses: Temporary Layouts (NOT OPEN for application)
None since the last update.
Actresses Report Forms
Two received; will be processed with the upcoming troubles update.
December 3, 2020
Actresses: Applications
This is a complete update of applications for the Actresses category.
Upcoming Actresses
Menzel, Idina
November 27, 2020
Actresses – F/U/C/O/T + report forms
This is a complete update of finished, updated, closed, overdue, troubles + report forms for the Actresses category.
Finished Actresses (NOT OPEN for application)
None since the last update.
Moved/updated Actresses (NOT OPEN for application)
Metz, Chrissy
Closed Actresses (OPEN for application)
Pfeiffer, Michelle
Overdue Actresses (NOT OPEN for application)
None since the last update.
Overdue Actresses: Temporary Layouts (NOT OPEN for application)
None since the last update.
Actresses Report Forms
One received; will be processed with the next troubles update.
Troubled Actresses – Problem Resolved (NOT OPEN for application)
Baccarin, Morena; Burton, Hilarie; Conlin, Michaela; Ferris, Samantha; Katic, Stana; Marcil, Vanessa; Mays, Jayma; Wilson, Rebel
November 7, 2020
Actresses – F/U/C/O/T + report forms
This is a complete update of finished, updated, closed, overdue, troubles + report forms for the Actresses category.
Finished Actresses (NOT OPEN for application)
Kingston, Alex
Moved/updated Actresses (NOT OPEN for application)
Gui, Gui (Emma Wu)
One more form was received; additional info needed to update.
Closed Actresses (OPEN for application)
Aycox, Nicki; Diaz, Cameron
Overdue Actresses (NOT OPEN for application)
None since the last update.
Overdue Actresses: Temporary Layouts (NOT OPEN for application)
None since the last update.
Actresses Report Forms
None since the last update.
Troubled Actresses – Problem Resolved (NOT OPEN for application)
McAdams, Rachel
Troubled Actresses – Pending Removals – Extension Expired (NOT OPEN for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal within the next 24 hours. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem AND reply to the troubles email. Thank you.
Baccarin, Morena; Burton, Hilarie; Conlin, Michaela; Ferris, Samantha; Katic, Stana; Marcil, Vanessa; Mays, Jayma; Wilson, Rebel
October 16, 2020
Actresses: Applications
This is a complete update of applications for the Actresses category.
Upcoming Actresses
Kingston, Alex