November 8, 2012
Actors – All
This is a update of for the Actors category.
Please remember to put your subjects name with the last name first and provide a link in your application to their profile at imdb.com.
Upcoming Actors
Barrowman, John; Butler, Gerard; Christensen, Hayden; Garfield, Andrew; Manganiello, Joe; Mount, Anson; Pearce, Guy; Schwarzenegger, Arnold; Yan, Aaron (Yan Ya Lun)
Finished Actors
Alves, Kevin; Armstrong, Jonas; Clarke, Jason; Eisenberg, Jesse; Farrell, Colin; Madsen, Michael; Phoenix, Joaquin
Moved Actors
Evans, Chris (V); Favreau, Jon; Hall, Michael C.; Murphy, Cillian
Closed Actors (Open for application)
Adler, Max; Bateman, Jason; Colbert, Stephen; Elia, Nicholas; Endou, Yuuya; Galifianakis, Zach; Harding, Ian; Rady, Michael; Roth, Eli; Spader, James
Troubled Actors (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on November 15, 2012. This update is of report forms and overdue fanlistings. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email!
Inactivity: 2 Months +: Carlyle, Robert
Navigation: Script Errors: Dempsey, Patrick
Overdue Actors: Mizobata, Junpei
October 17, 2012
Actors – Troubles
This is a update of for the Actors category.
Removed From Troubles (Not open for application): Charles, Josh; Lavoisier, John-Paul; Morrow, Kirby; Sheehan, Robert; Stone, Benjamin; Weber, Brent
Removed From Troubles – Moved (Not open for application): Rush, Geoffrey
Removed From Troubles (Open for application): Balfour, Eric; Barantini, Philip (Phil); Barrowman, John; Butler, Gerard; Chen, Calvin (Chen Yi Ru); Cassel, Vincent; Chou, Collin (Sing Ngai); Connery, Sean; Cook, Dane; Etebari, Eric; Groff, Jonathan; Heston, Charlton; Hiraoka, Yuuta; Jayston, Michael; Kilmer, Val; Lam, Raymond; Manganiello, Joe; Moore, Shemar; Moyer, Stephen; Murray, Sean; Nichols, Austin; O’Quinn, Terry; Pearce, Guy; Reno, Jean; Tsukamoto, Takashi; Williams, Lee; Wu, Vanness; Yen, Donnie; Zahn, Steve; Zeng, Figaro (aka Ceng Shao Zong)
October 13, 2012
Actors – Troubles
This is a update of for the Actors category.
Removed From Troubles (Not open for application): Argentero, Luca; Armisen, Fred; Armitage, Richard; Bamber, Jamie; Cahill, Eddie; Gallner, Kyle; Hader, Bill; Kwok, Aaron; Margera, Bam; Narimiya, Hiroki; Northam, Jeremy; Phelps, James; Phelps, Oliver; Rapp, Anthony; Seki, Toshihiko; Stoltz, Eric; Taantino, Quentin
Removed From Troubles – Moved (Not open for application): Day-Lewis, Daniel
Troubled Actors (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal within the next 24 hours. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email!
Pending Removal: Balfour, Eric; Barantini, Philip (Phil); Barrowman, John; Butler, Gerard; Chen, Calvin (Chen Yi Ru); Cassel, Vincent; Charles, Josh; Chou, Collin (Sing Ngai); Connery, Sean; Cook, Dane; Etebari, Eric; Groff, Jonathan; Heston, Charlton; Hiraoka, Yuuta; Jayston, Michael; Kilmer, Val; Lam, Raymond; Lavoisier, John-Paul; Manganiello, Joe; Moore, Shemar; Morrow, Kirby; Moyer, Stephen; Murray, Sean; Nichols, Austin; O’Quinn, Terry; Pearce, Guy; Reno, Jean; Rush, Geoffrey; Sheehan, Robert; Stone, Benjamin; Tsukamoto, Takashi; Weber, Brent; Williams, Lee; Wu, Vanness; Yen, Donnie; Zahn, Steve; Zeng, Figaro (aka Ceng Shao Zong)
October 3, 2012
Actors – Overdue
This is a update of for the Actors category.
Removed From Overdue – Closed (Open for application): Howard, Kyle; Pasdar, Adrian
Removed From Overdue (Open for application): Baldwin, Alec; Christensen, Hayden; Claflin, Sam; Garfield, Andrew; Kimura, Ryouhei (voice actor); Ono, Kenshou (voice actor)
Actors – Removals
This is a update of for the Actors category.
Removed Actors (Open for application): Badgley, Penn; Ejiofor, Chiwetel; Ferguson, Mark
October 1, 2012
Actors – All
This is a update of for the Actors category.
Please remember to put your subjects name with the last name first and provide a link in your application to their profile at imdb.com. 🙂
Upcoming Actors
Armstrong, Jonas
Finished Actors
No finished forms have been received since the last update.
Moved Actors
No moved forms have been received since the last update.
Closed Actors (Open for application)
Izzard, Eddie
Troubled Actors (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on October 8, 2012. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email!
Thanks so much for trouble checking the category, Asato, Deanna, Jef, Nekoi and Rika24!
Inactivity: 2 Months +: Armisen, Fred; Armitage, Richard; Balfour, Eric; Bamber, Jamie; Barantini, Philip (Phil); Barrowman, John; Cahill, Eddie; Cassel, Vincent; Charles, Josh; Connery, Sean; Cook, Dane; Groff, Jonathan; Hader, Bill; Heston, Charlton; Hiraoka, Yuuta; Kilmer, Val; Kwok, Aaron; Lavoisier, John-Paul; Moore, Shemar; Morrow, Kirby; Moyer, Stephen; Murray, Sean; Narimiya, Hiroki; Nichols, Austin; Northam, Jeremy; O’Quinn, Terry; Phelps, James; Phelps, Oliver; Rapp, Anthony; Seki, Toshihiko; Sheehan, Robert; Stoltz, Eric; Stone, Benjamin; Tarantino, Quentin; Tsukamoto, Takashi; Weber, Brent; Zahn, Steve; Zeng, Figaro (aka Ceng Shao Zong)
Dead Link: Butler, Gerard; Chen, Calvin (Chen Yi Ru); Chou, Collin (Sing Ngai); Day-Lewis, Daniel; Etebari, Eric; Jayston, Michael; Pearce, Guy; Reno, Jean; Rush, Geoffrey; Williams, Lee; Wu, Vanness; Yen, Donnie
Hiatus: Undefined: Lam, Raymond
Navigation: Script Errors: Argentero, Luca; Margera, Bam
Temporary Layout: Manganiello, Joe
Update Date: Unclear: Gallner, Kyle
Overdue Actors: There are no new overdue fanlistings.
Actors – T/O
This is a update of for the Actors category.
Removed From Troubles (Not open for application): Rudd, Paul
Removed From Overdue – Finished (Not open for application): Cera, Michael; Gibson, Mel; Hoechlin, Tyler; Rheon, Iwan; Ventimiglia, Milo
Troubled Actors (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal within the next 24 hours. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email!
Pending Removal – Overdue: Baldwin, Alec; Christensen, Hayden; Claflin, Sam; Garfield, Andrew; Howard, Kyle; Kimura, Ryouhei (voice actor); Ono, Kenshou (voice actor); Pasdar, Adrian