August 8, 2014
Actors – Overdue Removals
This is a partial update of overdue removals for the Actors category.
Removed From the Network – Overdue (OPEN for application)
Bottale, Luca (voice actor); D’Andrea, Simone (voice actor)
August 6, 2014
Actors – F/U/C/O
This is a complete update of finished, updated, closed, and overdue for the Actors category.
Just filling in for Sara. 🙂
Finished Actors
Allen, Tim; Boreanaz, David; Caan, Scott; Dallas, Matt; Galecki, Johnny; Hemsworth, Liam; Hoechlin, Tyler; Krause, Brian; Lambert, David; Manganiello, Joe; McAvoy, James; Stewart, James; Stiles, Ryan; Taylor-Johnson, Aaron; Westwick, Ed
Finished: Finished Layouts
Holloway, Josh; Mortensen, Viggo
Updated Actors
Wesley, Paul
Closed Actors (OPEN for application)
Hyun, Bin (aka Kim Tae-Pyung); Lee, Philip
Removed From the Network (OPEN for application)
Benedict, Dirk
Overdue: Temporary Layouts
None at this time.
Overdue Actors (NOT OPEN for application)
The following fanlisting is scheduled for removal on August 13, 2014. If your fanlisting is listed below, please submit a finished form and reply to the troubles email. Thank you.
Quinto, Zachary
Pending Removal (NOT OPEN for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal within the next 24 hours. If your fanlisting is listed below, please submit a finished form and reply to the troubles email. Thank you.
Bottale, Luca (voice actor); D’Andrea, Simone (voice actor)
July 24, 2014
Actors – Applications
This is a complete update of applications for the Actors category.
Please remember to put your subjects name with the last name first and provide a link in your application to their profile at imdb.com.
Upcoming Actors
Cooper, Bradley; Stewart, James; Stiles, Ryan
Crosslisted Actors
Sakurai, Atsushi
June 26, 2014
Actors – F/U/C/O
This is a complete update of finished, updated, closed and overdue for the Actors category.
Davis, Matthew; Hutcherson, Josh; James, Theo; Ledger, Heath; Marsden, Jason; Mortensen, Viggo; Osment, Haley Joel; Samberg, Andy
Updated Info
Fukuyama, Jun (voice actor); Gosling, Ryan; Matsumoto, Jun; McGregor, Ewan; Sutherland, Kiefer
Tsuchiya, Yuichi
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on July 10, 2014. If your fanlisting is listed below, please send in a finished form and reply to the troubles email!
Bottale, Luca (voice actor); D’Andrea, Simone (voice actor); Lambert, David
June 20, 2014
Actors – Applications
This is a complete update of applications for the Actors category.
Please remember to put your subjects name with the last name first and provide a link in your application to their profile at imdb.com.
Upcoming Actors
Allen, Tim; Boreanaz, David; Caan, Scott; Dallas, Matt; Davis, Matthew ‘Matt’; Galecki, Johnny; Hemsworth, Liam; Hoechlin, Tyler; Krause, Brian; Manganiello, Joe; Marsden, Jason; McAvoy, James; Quinto, Zachary; Samberg, Andy; Taylor-Johnson, Aaron; Westwick, Ed
Crosslisted Actors
Jackson, Michael
May 30, 2014
Actors – F/U and Troubles Removals
This is a complete update of F/U and troubles removals for the Actors category.
Amell, Stephen; Cumberbatch, Benedict
Updated Info
Nakamura, Yuichi (voice actor)
Removed from Troubles-Problem Resolved (NOT OPEN) for Application
Affleck, Casey; Bacon, Kevin; Everett, Rupert; Fiennes, Joseph; Ford, Harrison; Gant, Robert; Hiddleston, Tom; Jones, Davy; Lavoisier, John-Paul; Mitchell, John Cameron; Nicholson, Jack; Pitt, Michael
Removed From Troubles (Open for application):
Adler, Max; Ahn, Chil Hyun (Kang Ta); Annable, Dave; Atkinson, Matthew; Bardem, Javier; Bell, Jamie; Bennett, Jonathan; Black, Lucas; Blucas, Marc; Boreanaz, David; Brooks, Avery; Caan, Scott; Carter, Aaron; Cassidy, David; Chambers, Justin; Chan, Eason (Yik Shun Chan); Chatwin, Justin; Cho, John; Clifton, Scott; Cooper, Bradley; Coulson, Christian; Crawford, Chace; D’Onofrio, Vincent; Dallas, Matt; Dano, Paul; Dekker, Thomas; DeNiro, Robert; Dooling, Brendan; Duhamel, Josh; Eads, George; Egan, Christopher; Facinelli, Peter; Felton, Tom; Firth, Colin; Foster, Ben; Fry, Stephen; Galecki, Johnny; Gallner, Kyle; Giovinazzo, Carmine; Hallett, Andy; Hansis, Van; Harrison, Randy; Hartley, Justin; Hartman, Phil; Hawkes, Chesney; Hemsworth, Liam; Henney, Daniel; Henriksen, Lance; Hoechlin, Tyler; Holden-Ried, Kris; Huertas, Jon; Inoue, Kazuhiko; Jackson, Michael; James, Bradley; Jane, Thomas (Tom); Johnson, Aaron; Kamiya, Hiroshi (voice actor); Kerr, Ronnie; Kim, Bum; Krasinski, John; Krause, Brian; Kutcher, Ashton; Kwanten, Ryan; Lafferty, James; Lee, Andy (Lee Sun Ho); Lee, Taemin; Lucas, Josh; Madden, Richard; Maguire, Tobey; Manganiello, Joe; March, Forbes; Marsden, Jason; Masuda, Toshiki; McAvoy, James; McConaughey, Matthew; McKenzie, Bret; McKidd, Kevin; Miki, Shinichirou (voice actor); Miller, Ezra; Miller, Jonny Lee; Minghella, Max; Mitchell, Luke; Mongkolpisit, Pawalit; Moon, Eric (Eric Mun/Mun Jung Hyuk/Moon Jeong Hyuk); Morgan, Colin; Morrison, Matthew; Moseley, Bill; Muhney, Michael; Namikawa, Daisuke (voice actor); Neeson, Liam; O’Donnell, Chris; Oakes, David; Palin, Michael; Palladio, Sam; Park, Choong Jae; Parker, Craig; Perry, Luke; Perry, Matthew; Phelps, James; Phelps, Oliver; Phillippe, Ryan; Piven, Jeremy; Potts, Andrew Lee; Priestley, Jason; Quinto, Zachary; Sakurai, Atsushi; Salling, Mark; Samberg, Andy; Sato, Takeru; Slater, Christian; Stone, Benjamin; Sturridge, Tom; Swayze, Patrick; Sweeney, D.B.; Szmanda, Eric; Takigawa, Eiji; Togo, Jonathan; Trammell, Sam; Travolta, John; Tse, Nicholas; Waterston, Sam; Watson, Barry; Webster, Victor; West, Shane; Westwick, Ed; Williams, Robin; Wilson, Owen; Wingfield, Peter; Won Bin (Kim Do Jin); Yabu, Kouta; Yoshino, Hiroyuki (voice actor)
May 28, 2014
Actors – F/U/C and Troubles (Pending) Removals
This is a complete update of F/U/C and Troubles (Pending) Removals for the Actors category.
Barton, Steve; Groff, Jonathan; Harmon, Mark; Spader, James
Updated Info
Bale, Christian; Brown, Chris; Fraser, Brendan; Krumholtz, David; Lincoln, Andrew; Nakai, Kazuya; Ueda, Tatsuya
Closed (OPEN for application)
Allen, Tim; Astin, Sean; Bieber, Justin; Brando, Marlon; Burrell, Ty; Dillon, Matt; Dornan, Jamie; Duchovny, David; Eccleston, Christopher; Hamm, Jon; Lewis, Damian; Lillard, Matthew; Macfadyen, Matthew; Narimiya, Hiroki; Newman, Paul; Poitier, Sidney; Wyle, Noah
Removed from Troubles-Problem Resolved (NOT OPEN) for Application
Bamber, Jamie; Cahill, Eddie; Chan, Jackie; Charles, Josh; Clift, Montgomery; Cook, Peter; Day-Lewis, Daniel; Delon, Alain; Dempsey, Patrick; Eisenberg, Jesse; Fraser, Brendan; Fujita, Ray; Jourdan, Louis; Kamakari, Kenta; Kato, Kazuki; Kim, Jeong Hoon (Kim Jung Hoon/John Hoon); Krumholtz, David; Leonard, Robert Sean; Lincoln, Andrew; MacCorkindale, Simon; Matsuda, Ryuhei; McQueen, Steve; Meyer, Breckin; Momoa, Jason; Murciano, Enrique; Nakai, Kazuya; Nishikido, Ryo; Pertwee, Jon; Slater, Kelly; Tamura, Atsushi; Tokuyama, Hidenori; Ueda, Tatsuya
Troubles Pending Removal (NOT OPEN for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal within the next 24 hours. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem AND reply to the troubles email. Thank you.
Dead Link: 404/403 Error
Adler, Max; Ahn, Chil Hyun (Kang Ta); Bennett, Jonathan; Black, Lucas; Blucas, Marc; Boreanaz, David; Brooks, Avery; Caan, Scott; Carter, Aaron; Clifton, Scott; Cooper, Bradley; DeNiro, Robert; Duhamel, Josh; Eads, George; Facinelli, Peter; Fiennes, Joseph; Firth, Colin; Foster, Ben; Fry, Stephen; Galecki, Johnny; Gallner, Kyle; Giovinazzo, Carmine; Hallett, Andy; Hansis, Van; Harrison, Randy; Hemsworth, Liam; Inoue, Kazuhiko; Jackson, Michael; James, Bradley; Jane, Thomas (Tom); Johnson, Aaron; Kamiya, Hiroshi (voice actor); Kerr, Ronnie; Krasinski, John; Krause, Brian; Kutcher, Ashton; Kwanten, Ryan; Lafferty, James; Lee, Andy (Lee Sun Ho); Lucas, Josh; Madden, Richard; Maguire, Tobey; Manganiello, Joe; McKidd, Kevin; Miki, Shinichirou (voice actor); Miller, Jonny Lee; Minghella, Max; Moon, Eric (Eric Mun/Mun Jung Hyuk/Moon Jeong Hyuk); Morgan, Colin; Morrison, Matthew; Muhney, Michael; Neeson, Liam; O’Donnell, Chris; Palin, Michael; Park, Choong Jae; Perry, Luke; Perry, Matthew; Phelps, James; Phelps, Oliver; Piven, Jeremy; Priestley, Jason; Sakurai, Atsushi; Salling, Mark; Sato, Takeru; Swayze, Patrick; Szmanda, Eric; Togo, Jonathan; Trammell, Sam; Travolta, John; Watson, Barry; Webster, Victor; West, Shane; Westwick, Ed; Williams, Robin; Wilson, Owen; Yabu, Kouta; Yoshino, Hiroyuki (voice actor)
Dead Link: Account Suspended
Cho, John; Hartley, Justin; Kim, Bum; Samberg, Andy
Dead Link: Site Is Not The Fanlisting
Annable, Dave; Coulson, Christian; D’Onofrio, Vincent; Dallas, Matt; Dekker, Thomas; Felton, Tom; Hartman, Phil; Henriksen, Lance; Hoechlin, Tyler; Lee, Taemin; March, Forbes; Marsden, Jason; Moseley, Bill; Parker, Craig; Phillippe, Ryan; Quinto, Zachary; Sweeney, D.B.; Tse, Nicholas; Waterston, Sam; Wingfield, Peter; Won Bin (Kim Do Jin)
Inactivity: 2 months +
Affleck, Casey; Atkinson, Matthew; Bacon, Kevin; Bardem, Javier; Bell, Jamie; Cassidy, David; Chan, Eason (Yik Shun Chan); Chatwin, Justin; Crawford, Chace; Dano, Paul; Egan, Christopher; Everett, Rupert; Ford, Harrison; Gant, Robert; Hawkes, Chesney; Hiddleston, Tom; Huertas, Jon; Jones, Davy; Masuda, Toshiki; McAvoy, James; McConaughey, Matthew; McKenzie, Bret; Miller, Ezra; Mitchell, John Cameron; Mongkolpisit, Pawalit; Namikawa, Daisuke (voice actor); Nicholson, Jack; Pitt, Michael; Potts, Andrew Lee; Slater, Christian; Stone, Benjamin; Sturridge, Tom; Takigawa, Eiji
Navigation: Script Errors
Henney, Daniel
Chambers, Justin; Holden-Ried, Kris; Mitchell, Luke; Oakes, David; Palladio, Sam
Temporary Layout
Dooling, Brendan
Update Date: No Date
Henney, Daniel; Lavoisier, John-Paul
Overdue Extensions granted (NOT OPEN for application) – Until June 04, 2014
Cumberbatch, Benedict; Osment, Haley Joel
May 21, 2014
Actors – F/U/C/T
This is a complete update of F/U/C/T for the Actors category.
Choi, Seung Hyun (T.O.P); Gubler, Matthew Gray; Henson, Jim; Holloway, Josh; Lawrence, Matthew; Murray, Bill; Rickman, Alan; Rooney, Mickey
Updated Info
Brown, Chris; Parsons, Jim
Hiyama, Nobuyuki
Troubled Actors (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on May 28, 2014. This update is of report forms and overdue fanlistings. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email!
Barton, Steve; Chambers, Justin; Groff, Jonathan; Holden-Ried, Kris; Mitchell, Luke; Oakes, David; Osment, Haley Joel; Palladio, Sam
Dead Link: 404/403 Error
Adler, Max; Ahn, Chil Hyun (Kang Ta); Allen, Tim; Bennett, Jonathan; Bieber, Justin; Black, Lucas; Blucas, Marc; Boreanaz, David; Brando, Marlon; Brooks, Avery; Burrell, Ty; Caan, Scott; Carter, Aaron; Clifton, Scott; Cooper, Bradley; DeNiro, Robert; Dillon, Matt; Duchovny, David; Duhamel, Josh; Eads, George; Eccleston, Christopher; Facinelli, Peter; Fiennes, Joseph; Firth, Colin; Foster, Ben; Fry, Stephen; Galecki, Johnny; Gallner, Kyle; Giovinazzo, Carmine; Hallett, Andy; Hamm, Jon; Hansis, Van; Harrison, Randy; Hemsworth, Liam; Inoue, Kazuhiko; Jackson, Michael; James, Bradley; Jane, Thomas (Tom); Johnson, Aaron; Kamiya, Hiroshi (voice actor); Kerr, Ronnie; Krasinski, John; Krause, Brian; Kutcher, Ashton; Kwanten, Ryan; Lafferty, James; Lee, Andy (Lee Sun Ho); Lewis, Damian; Lucas, Josh; Macfadyen, Matthew; Madden, Richard; Maguire, Tobey; Manganiello, Joe; McKidd, Kevin; Miki, Shinichirou (voice actor); Miller, Jonny Lee; Minghella, Max; Moon, Eric (Eric Mun/Mun Jung Hyuk/Moon Jeong Hyuk); Morgan, Colin; Morrison, Matthew; Muhney, Michael; Neeson, Liam; O’Donnell, Chris; Palin, Michael; Park, Choong Jae; Perry, Luke; Perry, Matthew; Phelps, James; Phelps, Oliver; Piven, Jeremy; Poitier, Sidney; Priestley, Jason; Sakurai, Atsushi; Salling, Mark; Sato, Takeru; Swayze, Patrick; Szmanda, Eric; Togo, Jonathan; Trammell, Sam; Travolta, John; Watson, Barry; Webster, Victor; West, Shane; Westwick, Ed; Williams, Robin; Wilson, Owen; Wyle, Noah; Yabu, Kouta; Yoshino, Hiroyuki (voice actor)
Dead Link: Account Suspended
Cho, John; Hartley, Justin; Kim, Bum; Samberg, Andy
Dead Link: Bandwith Exceeded
Lincoln, Andrew
Dead Link: Site Is Not The Fanlisting
Annable, Dave; Astin, Sean; Coulson, Christian; D’Onofrio, Vincent; Dallas, Matt; Dekker, Thomas; Felton, Tom; Hartman, Phil; Henriksen, Lance; Hoechlin, Tyler; Krumholtz, David; Lee, Taemin; Lillard, Matthew; March, Forbes; Marsden, Jason; Moseley, Bill; Narimiya, Hiroki; Newman, Paul; Parker, Craig; Phillippe, Ryan; Quinto, Zachary; Sweeney, D.B.; Tse, Nicholas; Ueda, Tatsuya; Waterston, Sam; Wingfield, Peter; Won Bin (Kim Do Jin)
Inactivity: 2 months +
Affleck, Casey; Atkinson, Matthew; Bacon, Kevin; Bamber, Jamie; Bardem, Javier; Bell, Jamie; Cahill, Eddie; Cassidy, David; Chan, Eason (Yik Shun Chan); Chan, Jackie; Charles, Josh; Chatwin, Justin; Clift, Montgomery; Crawford, Chace; Dano, Paul; Day-Lewis, Daniel; Delon, Alain; Dempsey, Patrick; Dornan, Jamie; Egan, Christopher; Eisenberg, Jesse; Everett, Rupert; Ford, Harrison; Gant, Robert; Hawkes, Chesney; Hiddleston, Tom; Huertas, Jon; Jones, Davy; Jourdan, Louis; Kim, Jeong Hoon (Kim Jung Hoon/John Hoon); Leonard, Robert Sean; MacCorkindale, Simon; Masuda, Toshiki; Matsuda, Ryuhei; McAvoy, James; McConaughey, Matthew; McKenzie, Bret; McQueen, Steve; Miller, Ezra; Mitchell, John Cameron; Momoa, Jason; Mongkolpisit, Pawalit; Murciano, Enrique; Namikawa, Daisuke (voice actor); Nicholson, Jack; Nishikido, Ryo; Pertwee, Jon; Pitt, Michael; Potts, Andrew Lee; Slater, Christian; Slater, Kelly; Stone, Benjamin; Sturridge, Tom; Tamura, Atsushi
Navigation: Script Errors
Fraser, Brendan; Fujita, Ray; Henney, Daniel; Kamakari, Kenta; Kato, Kazuki; Meyer, Breckin; Nakai, Kazuya; Takigawa, Eiji; Tokuyama, Hidenori
Temporary Layout
Dooling, Brendan
TFL Link: No Link
Cook, Peter; Tokuyama, Hidenori
Update Date: No Date
Fraser, Brendan; Fujita, Ray; Henney, Daniel; Lavoisier, John-Paul; Nakai, Kazuya; Takigawa, Eiji
Actors – Applications
This is a complete update of applications for the Actors category.
Please remember to put your subjects name with the last name first and provide a link in your application to their profile at imdb.com.
Upcoming Actors
Choi, Seung Hyun (T.O.P); Hutcherson, Josh; James, Theo; Lambert, David; Ledger, Heath
Crosslisted Actors
Lennon, John
May 1, 2014
Actors – F/U/C and Report Forms
This is a complete update of F/U/C and Report Forms for the Actors category.
Finished Actors
Carlyle, Robert; Dullea, Keir; Meyers, Seth; O’Loughlin, Alex; Phillips, Lou Diamond; Zahn, Steve
Moved Actors
Ahn, Jae Wook; Segel, Jason; Skarsgard, Alexander; Suwabe, Junichi
Closed Actors (Open for application)
Ledger, Heath
Troubles – Report Forms
Report forms will be processed with the next troubles update.