March 27, 2014
Websites: Applications
This is a partial update of applications for the Websites category.
This is Christine, just taking over for Georgie for the following subject.
Upcoming Websites
March 10, 2014
Websites: Troubles Removals
This is a complete update of troubles removals for the Websites category.
Removed From Troubles: Problem Resolved (Not open for application)
Disbme.com; Smile-Recipe.net
Removed from Troubles: Moved (Not open for application)
Crunchyroll.com; Mysoju.com
Removed from Network (Open for application)
1Kimi.com; Bash.org; Flickr.com; Mugglenet.com; Pinterest.com; Quilting Bee, The; Rutan’s Delight; SecondLife.com; Snark Forums; Twitter.com; Web-Kare; Wikipedia.org
March 9, 2014
Websites: Troubles: Warnings/Removals
This is a complete update of troubles warnings and removals for the Websites category.
Removed From Troubles: Problem Resolved (Not open for application)
AnimeFanlistings.org; AnimeFanlistings.org message board; Dmoz.org; Not-Like-You.com; SXC.hu (Stock.XCHNG); Urbandictionary.com
Removed from Troubles: Moved (Not open for application)
Removed from Troubles: Closed (Open for application)
Last.fm; Tumblr.com
Extensions Granted
Extension to 16th March 2014: Country Delights Graphics
Troubled Websites (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal in 24 hours. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email!
Dead Link: Site Is Not The Fanlisting: Crunchyroll.com; Mysoju.com
Dead Link: 404: Flickr.com; Mugglenet.com; Pinterest.com; Quilting Bee, The; Snark Forums; Wikipedia.org
Inactivity: 2 Months +: Web-Kare
Inactivity: 2 Months + (0 Pending): Bash.org; Disbme.com; Rutan’s Delight; SecondLife.com; Smile-Recipe.net
Inactivity: Pending Members Within Past 2 Months Not Added/Updated: 1Kimi.com; Twitter.com
March 2, 2014
Websites: Troubles, Updated, Closed
This is a complete update of troubles, updated and closed for the Websites category.
Troubled Websites (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on 9th March 2014. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email!
Dead Link: Site Is Not The Fanlisting: Crunchyroll.com; Mysoju.com
Dead Link: 404: Country Delights Graphics; Flickr.com; Last.fm; Mugglenet.com; Pinterest.com; Quilting Bee, The; Snark Forums; Tumblr.com; Wikipedia.org
Inactivity: 2 Months +: Web-Kare
Inactivity: 2 Months + (0 Pending): Bash.org; Disbme.com; Dmoz.org; Not-Like-You.com; Rutan’s Delight; SecondLife.com; Smile-Recipe.net; Swagbucks.com
Inactivity: Pending Members Within Past 2 Months Not Added/Updated: 1Kimi.com; AnimeFanlistings.org; AnimeFanlistings.org message board; SXC.hu (Stock.XCHNG); Twitter.com; Urbandictionary.com
Moved Websites
Closed Websites (Open for application)
February 16, 2014
Websites: Finished, Updated and Closed
This is a complete update of finished, updated and closed for the Websites category.
Just a quick note that the fanlisting for GetGlue.com has been updated to “tvtag.com” in the database because of the recent website name change.
Applications for the Websites category will be processed in a later update.
Finished Websites
Moved Websites
No update forms were received since the last update.
Closed Websites (Open for application)
Google.com; ilovedoodle.com; S.U.G.A.R. – Sisters Uniting Gals of all Races
January 27, 2014
Websites: A/F/U/C
This is a complete update of applications, finished, updated and closed for the Websites category.
Upcoming Websites
Finished Websites
Moved Websites
Yahoo! Mail
Closed Websites (Open for application)
January 28, 2013
Websites: Overdue/Troubles
This is a complete update of overdue and troubles for the Websites category.
Removed From Troubles: Problem Resolved (Not open for application)
Disbme.com (Custom Graphics/Tutorials Sites); Lost-Media.com (Fan Sites); NeoPets.com (Communities/Games); Quilting Bee, The (Webrings/Directories); Rutan’s Delight (Custom Graphics/Tutorials Sites); Sinister-Attraction.org (Fan Sites); Smile-Recipe.net (Custom Graphics/Tutorials Sites)
Removed From Network (Open for application)
GoodReads.com (Communities/Games); ilovedoodle.com (Misc); The Nerd Machine (Misc); Real Women (Custom Graphics/Tutorials Sites);
January 16, 2013
Websites: Full Category
This is a complete update of all for the Websites category.
Upcoming Websites
No applications were received since the last update.
Finished Websites
Google (Web Resources/Services);
Closed Websites (Open for application)
Amazon.com (Auction/Retail Sites); Facebook.com (Communities/Games); FMyLife.com (Misc)
Overdue (Not open for application)
ilovedoodle.com (Misc)
Troubled Websites (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on 24th January, 2013. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email!
Inactivity: 2 Months: GoodReads.com (Communities/Games)
Inactivity: 2 Months + (0 Pending): Disbme.com (Custom Graphics/Tutorials Sites); Lost-Media.com (Fan Sites); Quilting Bee, The (Webrings/Directories); Real Women (Custom Graphics/Tutorials Sites); Rutan’s Delight (Custom Graphics/Tutorials Sites); Sinister-Attraction.org (Fan Sites); Smile-Recipe.net (Custom Graphics/Tutorials Sites)
Update Date: No Date: The Nerd Machine (Misc)
Navigation: Broken Pages: NeoPets.com (Communities/Games)
December 9, 2012
Websites: A/F/U/C
This is a complete update of applications, finished, updated and closed for the Websites category.
Hello! I’m Georgie and I’ll be taking over the Websites category from Stephanie F. 🙂
Upcoming Websites
Amazon.com (Auction/Retail Sites); Facebook.com (Communities/Games); Google.com (Web Resources/Services); ilovedoodle.com (Misc)
Finished Websites
No finished forms received since the last update.
Moved Websites
No moved forms received since the last update.
Closed Websites
No closed forms received since the last update.
October 27, 2012
Websites: Troubles
This is a update of for the Websites category.
Removed From Troubles – NOT OPEN for application
Twitter.com (Communities/Games); Web-Kare (Communities/Games); Real Women (Custom Graphics/Tutorials Sites); 1Kimi.com (Fan Sites)
Removed From Troubles – OPEN for application
Amazon.com (Auction/Retail Sites); Facebook.com (Communities/Games); Swap-Bot.com (Communities/Games); VanillaFields.net (Custom Graphics/Tutorials Sites); DesiringHayden.net (Fan Sites); Google.com (Web Resources/Services)