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December 5, 2012

TV/Movie/Book Miscellany: All

Posted by Hakka [2:25 am] (link)

This is a update of for the TV/Movie/Book Miscellany category.

Upcoming TV/Movie/Book Miscellany
No form received since last update.

Finished TV/Movie/Book Miscellany
Book of Shadows, The (Charmed); Costumes of (Ever After: A Cinderella Story); House: Gryffindor (Harry Potter); Castiel’s Trench Coat (Supernatural);

Updated TV/Movie/Book Miscellany
Classes: Potions (Harry Potter); Hogsmeade (Harry Potter);

Closed TV/Movie/Book Miscellany (Open for application)
No form received since last update.

Overdue (Not open for application)
No fanlisting on overdue at this time.

Troubles reports
No report to process at this time.

Troubled TV/Movie/Book Miscellany (Not Open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on December 12. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email.

Dead Link 404/403
Gondor (Lord of the Rings, The);

Inactivity: 2 Months +
Movie Posters (General); Liberty Diner, The (Queer As Folk); Destiny (Stargate series);

Inactivity: 2 Months + (0 Pending)
Brian’s Loft (Brian’s Loft); Deathly Hallows, The (Harry Potter); Dances: Brian and Justin (Queer As Folk); Costumes of (Rocky Horror Picture Show, The); Holo-programs (Holodeck Programs) (Star Trek);

Navigation: Script Errors
Stars Hollow (Gilmore Girls); Cullen’s Home, The (Twilight Series);

November 14, 2012

TV/Movie/Book Miscellany: A/F/U/C/O/T

Posted by Hakka [3:55 am] (link)

This is a update of for the TV/Movie/Book Miscellany category.

Upcoming TV/Movie/Book Miscellany
Book of Shadows, The (Charmed); House: Gryffindor (Harry Potter); Castiel’s Trench Coat (Supernatural);

Finished TV/Movie/Book Miscellany
Spell: Avada Kedavra (Harry Potter);

Updated TV/Movie/Book Miscellany
No form received since last update.

Closed TV/Movie/Book Miscellany (Open for application)
No form received since last update.

Overdue (Not open for application)
No fanlisting on overdue since last update.

Troubles reports
No report to process at this time.

October 28, 2012

TV/Movie/Book Miscellany: A/F/U/C/O/T

Posted by Hakka [1:39 am] (link)

This is a update of for the TV/Movie/Book Miscellany category.

Applications for subjects removed during the last round of Troubles aren’t processed at this time.

Upcoming TV/Movie/Book Miscellany
Costumes of (Ever After: A Cinderella Story);

Finished TV/Movie/Book Miscellany
No form received since last update.

Updated TV/Movie/Book Miscellany
Umbrella Corporation (Resident Evil);

Closed TV/Movie/Book Miscellany (Open for application)
Summers’ Home (Buffy the Vampire Slayer);

Overdue (Not open for application)
No fanlisting on overdue at this time.

Troubles reports
No report to process at this time.

October 23, 2012

TV/Movie/Book Miscellany: Troubles

Posted by Hakka [12:47 am] (link)

This is a update of for the TV/Movie/Book Miscellany category.

Removed from Network (Open for application)
Book of Shadows, The (Charmed); Narnia (Chronicles of Narnia, The); Serenity (Firefly/Serenity); Dragonfly Inn (Gilmore Girls); House: Gryffindor (Harry Potter); Castiel’s Trench Coat (Supernatural); Isle Esme (Twilight Series);

October 22, 2012

TV/Movie/Book Miscellany: Troubles

Posted by Hakka [4:31 am] (link)

This is a update of for the TV/Movie/Book Miscellany category.

Back to Upcoming (Not open for application)
Spell: Avada Kedavra (Harry Potter);

Closed TV/Movie/Book Miscellany (Open for application)
Spell: Accio (Harry Potter); V’s Mask (Guy Fawkes Masks) (V for Vendetta);

Removed from Troubles (Not Open for application)
Chocolate Frogs (Harry Potter); Knight Bus, The (Harry Potter); Quidditch (Harry Potter); Spell: Expecto Patronum (Harry Potter); Costumes of (Marie Antoinette); Captain Jack Sparrow’s Compass (Pirates of the Caribbean); Captain Jack Sparrow’s Jar of Dirt (Pirates of the Caribbean); Rose’s Heart of the Ocean Necklace (Titanic);

Pending Removal (Not Open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal tomorrow, October 23. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email.

Book of Shadows, The (Charmed); Narnia (Chronicles of Narnia, The); Serenity (Firefly/Serenity); Dragonfly Inn (Gilmore Girls); House: Gryffindor (Harry Potter); Castiel’s Trench Coat (Supernatural); Isle Esme (Twilight Series);

October 15, 2012

TV/Movie/Book Miscellany: Troubles

Posted by Hakka [3:48 am] (link)

This is a update of for the TV/Movie/Book Miscellany category.

Troubled TV/Movie/Book Miscellany (Not Open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on October 22. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email.

Dead Link: Account issues
Serenity (Firefly/Serenity);

Inactivity: 2 Months +
Book of Shadows, The (Charmed); Narnia (Chronicles of Narnia, The); House: Gryffindor (Harry Potter); Spell: Expecto Patronum (Harry Potter); Castiel’s Trench Coat (Supernatural);

Inactivity: 2 Months + (0 Pending)
Dragonfly Inn (Gilmore Girls); Chocolate Frogs (Harry Potter); Knight Bus, The (Harry Potter); Quidditch (Harry Potter); Spell: Avada Kedavra (Harry Potter); Costumes of (Marie Antoinette); Captain Jack Sparrow’s Compass (Pirates of the Caribbean); Captain Jack Sparrow’s Jar of Dirt (Pirates of the Caribbean); Rose’s Heart of the Ocean Necklace (Titanic); Isle Esme (Twilight Series); V’s Mask (Guy Fawkes Masks) (V for Vendetta);

MySQL Problems
Spell: Accio (Harry Potter);


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