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March 14, 2014

History/Royalty – Troubles

Posted by Courtney C [11:37 pm] (link)

This is a complete update of troubles for the History/Royalty category.

Removed From Troubles (Not open for application)
Romanova, Tatiana (People: Individuals); Tesla, Nikola (People: Individuals)

March 10, 2014

History/Royalty – Troubles (Removals)

Posted by Courtney C [11:47 pm] (link)

This is a complete update of troubles (removals) for the History/Royalty category.

Removed From Troubles (Not open for application)
Bathory, Elizabeth (People: Individuals)

Extensions Granted
Extension to March 17th: Romanova, Tatiana (People: Individuals)

Removed From Network (OPEN for application)
Elizabethan era, The (Eras and Events); Salem Witch Trials, The (Eras and Events); Victorian era, The (Eras and Events); Women’s History (Miscellany); Last Romanovs, The (People: Groups); Pirates (People: Groups); Tudor Dynasty, The (People: Groups); Buddha (Siddhartha Gautauma) (People: Individuals); Christ, Jesus (People: Individuals); de Sade, Donatien Alphonse François (Marquis de Sade) (People: Individuals); Gandhi, Mohandas (Mahatma) (People: Individuals); Joan of Arc (People: Individuals); Mary I (Stuart), Queen of Scotland (People: Individuals); Romanova, Maria (People: Individuals)

March 9, 2014

History/Royalty – Troubles

Posted by Courtney C [7:15 pm] (link)

This is a complete update of troubles for the History/Royalty category.

Removed From Troubles (Not open for application)
Terracotta Army, The (Artifacts and Objects); History of Ireland (Civilizations and Societies); Adams, Abigail and John (Historical Relationships); Elizabeth of York (People: Individuals); Richard III of England (People: Individuals)

Extensions Granted
Extension to March 16th: Tesla, Nikola (People: Individuals)

Pending Removal (NOT OPEN for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal within the next 24 hours. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem AND reply to the troubles email. Thank you.

Dead Link: Account Suspended
Bathory, Elizabeth (People: Individuals)

Dead Link: 404/403:
Elizabethan era, The (Eras and Events); Victorian era, The (Eras and Events); Women’s History (Miscellany); Last Romanovs, The (People: Groups); Buddha (Siddhartha Gautauma) (People: Individuals); Christ, Jesus (People: Individuals); Gandhi, Mohandas (Mahatma) (People: Individuals); Romanova, Maria (People: Individuals); Romanova, Tatiana (People: Individuals)

Inactivity: 2 Months + (0 Pending):
Salem Witch Trials, The (Eras and Events); Pirates (People: Groups); de Sade, Donatien Alphonse François (Marquis de Sade) (People: Individuals); Mary I (Stuart), Queen of Scotland (People: Individuals)

Inactivity: 2 Months:
Tudor Dynasty, The (People: Groups); Joan of Arc (People: Individuals)

March 3, 2014

History/Royalty – Full

Posted by Courtney C [7:19 pm] (link)

This is a complete update of applications, finished, updated, closed, overdue, and troubles for the History/Royalty category.

Upcoming History/Royalty
Dresses: Antebellum (Southern Belle) (Artifacts and Objects); 1940s, The (Eras and Events); Royalty (People: Groups); Tyrants (People: Groups)

Finished History/Royalty
There are no finished forms to process at this time.

Moved History/Royalty
There are no moved forms to process at this time.

Closed History/Royalty (Open for application)
There are no closed forms to process at this time.

Overdue History/Royalty
There are no overdue fanlistings at this time.

Troubled History/Royalty(Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on March 10, 2014. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email!

Dead Link: Account Suspended
Bathory, Elizabeth (People: Individuals)

Dead Link: 404/403:
Elizabethan era, The (Eras and Events); Victorian era, The (Eras and Events); Women’s History (Miscellany); Last Romanovs, The (People: Groups); Buddha (Siddhartha Gautauma) (People: Individuals); Christ, Jesus (People: Individuals); Gandhi, Mohandas (Mahatma) (People: Individuals); Romanova, Maria (People: Individuals); Romanova, Tatiana (People: Individuals); Tesla, Nikola (People: Individuals)

Inactivity: 2 Months + (0 Pending):
Salem Witch Trials, The (Eras and Events); Pirates (People: Groups); de Sade, Donatien Alphonse François (Marquis de Sade) (People: Individuals); Elizabeth of York (People: Individuals); Mary I (Stuart), Queen of Scotland (People: Individuals); Richard III of England (People: Individuals)

Inactivity: 2 Months:
History of Ireland (Civilizations and Societies); Tudor Dynasty, The (People: Groups); Joan of Arc (People: Individuals)

Navigation: Broken Pages
Terracotta Army, The (Artifacts and Objects)

TFL Link: No Link
Adams, Abigail and John (Historical Relationships)

February 18, 2014

History/Royalty – F/U/C

Posted by Courtney C [7:49 pm] (link)

This is a complete update of finished, updated, and closed for the History/Royalty category.

Finished History/Royalty
Renaissance Gowns (Artifacts and Objects); Battle of Gettysburg (Eras and Events); Longstreet, James (People: Individuals)

Moved History/Royalty
Cleopatra VII (People: Individuals)

Closed History/Royalty (Open for application)
There are no closed forms to process at this time.

February 9, 2014

History/Royalty – Applications

Posted by Courtney C [5:45 pm] (link)

This is a complete update of applications for the History/Royalty category.

Upcoming History/Royalty
Renaissance Gowns (Artifacts and Objects); Battle of Gettysburg, The (Eras and Events); Keller, Helen (People: Individuals); Longstreet, James (People: Individuals)

February 2, 2014

History/Royalty – F/U/C

Posted by Courtney C [7:01 pm] (link)

This is a complete update of finished, updated, and closed for the History/Royalty category.

Finished History/Royalty
There are no finished forms to process at this time.

Moved History/Royalty
Victorian Costume (Artifacts and Objects); Colonial America (Eras and Events); Adams, Abigail and John (Historical Relationships); Borgia, Cesare and Lucrezia (Historical Relationships); Borgias, The (People: Groups)

Closed History/Royalty (Open for application)
Boleyn, Anne (People: Individuals); Darwin, Charles (People: Individuals); Kennedy, John F. (People: Individuals)

February 13, 2013

History/Royalty – Troubles Removals

Posted by Mitzrael [1:18 am] (link)

This is a update of for the History/Royalty category.

Removed from Network (OPEN for application)
1940s, The (Eras and Events); French Revolution (Eras and Events);

February 10, 2013

History/Royalty – Troubles

Posted by Mitzrael [8:39 pm] (link)

This is a update of for the History/Royalty category.

Removed From Troubles History/Royalty (Not open for application):
History of Ireland (Civilizations and Societies);

Troubled History/Royalty (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal tomorrow, February 21, 2013. This update is of pending removal fanlistings. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email!

Pending Removals History/Royalty
1940s, The (Eras and Events); French Revolution (Eras and Events);

February 2, 2013

History/Royalty – All

Posted by Mitzrael [11:08 pm] (link)

This is a update of for the History/Royalty category.

Upcoming History/Royalty
No application forms have been received since the last update.

Finished History/Royalty
No finished forms have been received since the last update.

Moved History/Royalty
Ancient Rome (Civilizations and Societies); Boleyn, Anne and Henry VIII (Historical Relationships); Knights (People: Groups); Catherine of Aragon (People: Individuals); Elizabeth I of England (People: Individuals);

Closed History/Royalty (Open for application)
Alibata (Baybayin) (Miscellany); Bonifacio, Andrés (People: Individuals); Lady Godiva (People: Individuals);

Troubled History/Royalty (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on February 9, 2013. This update is of report forms, overdue and troubled fanlistings. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email!

Overdue History/Royalty
No fanlistings are currently overdue.

Report Forms for History/Royalty
No report forms have been received since the last update.

Inactivity: 2 Months +
History of Ireland (Civilizations and Societies); 1940s, The (Eras and Events); French Revolution (Eras and Events);


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