April 4, 2024
Animals: All
This is a complete update of all forms and troubles for the Animals category.
Please remember to put the complete subject name (Example: Dogs: Breed of Dog) on your forms.
Upcoming Animals
No applications.
Finished Animals
Cats: Maine Coon (Mammals: Feline)
Moved Animals
Blackbirds (Birds); Dogs: Bichon Frise (Mammals: Canines)
Closed Animals (Open for application)
Cockatoos (Birds); Kakapos (Birds)
Troubled Animals (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on April 11, 2024. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem/send in a finished form and reply to the troubles email!
Thanks to Deborah, Jen and Susanna, for trouble checking the category!
Countries: Problems: Lemurs (Mammals: Primates)
Dead Link: Jellyfish (Aquatic Animals)
Update Date: No Date: Dolphins: Commerson’s (Aquatic Animals); Dolphins: Hourglass (Aquatic Animals); Whales (Aquatic Animals); Budgerigar (Parakeet) (Birds); Black Animals (General Animals); Dogs: Belgian Shepherds (Mammals: Canines); Dogs: Border Collies (Mammals: Canines); Dogs: White Shepherds (Berger Blanc Suisse) (Mammals: Canines); Horses: Black (Mammals: Equines); Horses: White (Mammals: Equines); Tigers: Bengal (Mammals: Felines); Tigers: Siberian (Mammals: Felines); Tigers: White (Mammals: Felines)
Overdue: No overdue fanlistings.
Overdue: Temporary Layouts: No overdue temporary layouts.