December 11, 2023
Albums: F/U/C/O
This is a complete update of finished, updated, closed and overdue for the Albums category.
Finished Albums
Red (Swift, Taylor); 200 km/h in the Wrong Lane (T.A.TU.); 200 Po Vstrechnoy (T.A.TU.); Dangerous and Moving (T.A.TU.); Lyudi Invalidy (T.A.TU.); Waste Management (T.A.TU.)
Moved Albums
No moved forms received since the last update
Closed Albums (Open for application)
No closed forms received since the last update
Overdue Albums (Not open for application)
No overdue fanlistings since the last update
Overdue Albums: Temporary Layouts (Not open for application)
No overdue layouts since the last update