November 30, 2023
Songs: Various – All
This is a complete update of all forms for the Songs: Various category.
Upcoming Songs: Various
Bowie, David: Magic Dance (Labyrinth)
Finished Songs: Various
No finished forms have been received since the last update.
Moved Songs: Various
No moved forms have been received since the last update.
Closed Songs: Various (Open for application)
No closed forms have been received since the last update.
Overdue Songs: Various
No overdue fanlistings.
Overdue: Temporary Layouts
No overdue layouts.
Report Forms
No report forms have been received since the last update.
Songs: Male Solo – All
This is a complete update of all forms for the Songs: Male Solo category.
Upcoming Songs: Male Solo
Life on Mars? (Bowie, David)
Finished Songs: Male Solo
No finished forms have been received since the last update.
Moved Songs: Male Solo
No moved forms have been received since the last update.
Closed Songs: Male Solo (Open for application)
No closed forms have been received since the last update.
Overdue Songs: Male Solo
No overdue fanlistings.
Overdue: Temporary Layouts
No overdue layouts.
Report Forms
No report forms have been received since the last update.
Songs: Female Solo – All
This is a complete update of all forms for the Songs: Female Solo category.
Upcoming Songs: Female Solo
Born to Make You Happy (Spears, Britney); I’m a Slave 4 U (Spears, Britney); Oops!… I Did It Again (Spears, Britney); Out from Under (Spears, Britney)
Finished Songs: Female Solo
No finished forms have been received since the last update.
Moved Songs: Female Solo
No moved forms have been received since the last update.
Closed Songs: Female Solo (Open for application)
No closed forms have been received since the last update.
Overdue Songs: Female Solo
No overdue fanlistings.
Overdue: Temporary Layouts
No overdue layouts.
Report Forms
No report forms have been received since the last update.
Songs: Bands/Groups N-Z – All
This is a complete update of all forms for the Songs: Bands/Groups N-Z category.
Upcoming Songs: Bands/Groups N-Z
No applications have been received since the last update.
Finished Songs: Bands/Groups N-Z
No finished forms have been received since the last update.
Moved Songs: Bands/Groups N-Z
No moved forms have been received since the last update.
Closed Songs: Bands/Groups N-Z (Open for application)
No closed forms have been received since the last update.
Overdue Songs: Bands/Groups N-Z
No overdue fanlistings.
Overdue: Temporary Layouts
No overdue layouts.
Report Forms
No report forms have been received since the last update.
Songs: Bands/Groups 0-M – All
This is a complete update of all forms for the Songs: Bands/Groups 0-M category.
Upcoming Songs: Bands/Groups 0-M
No applications have been received since the last update.
Finished Songs: Bands/Groups 0-M
Free as a Bird (Beatles, The); Take My Breath Away (Berlin); There Must Be an Angel (Playing with My Heart) (Eurythmics)
Moved Songs: Bands/Groups 0-M
No moved forms have been received since the last update.
Closed Songs: Bands/Groups 0-M (Open for application)
No closed forms have been received since the last update.
Overdue Songs: Bands/Groups 0-M
No overdue fanlistings.
Overdue: Temporary Layouts
No overdue layouts.
Report Forms
No report forms have been received since the last update.
Characters: TV – Applications
This is a complete update of applications for the Characters: TV category.
Please remember that the wiki/wikipedia or imdb.com link to the TV character or to the TV show that the character is from must be included in the ‘More Information?’ field.
Upcoming Characters: TV
Monsoon, Edina (Absolutely Fabulous); Stone, Patsy (Absolutely Fabulous); McDonald, Lindsey (Angel); McKay, Dylan (Beverly Hills, 90210); Forester, Dean (Gilmore Girls); Pennywise (It); Palmer, Jimmy (NCIS)
Awards: 250
This is a complete update of 250 awards for the Awards category.
250 Members
No forms have been received since the last update.
Relationships: Book/Movie: F/U/C/O
This is a complete update of finished, moved, closed and overdue for the Relationships: Book/Movie category.
Finished Relationships: Book/Movie (Not open for application)
No finished forms have been received since the last update.
Moved Relationships: Book/Movie (Not open for application)
No moved forms have been received since the last update.
Closed Relationships: Book/Movie (Open for application)
No closed forms have been received since the last update.
Overdue Relationships: Book/Movie
No overdue fanlistings since the last update.
Overdue Layouts
No overdue layouts since the last update.
Characters: Book/Movie: F/U/C/O
This is a complete update of finished, updated, closed and overdue for the Characters: Book/Movie category.
Please remember to put the full subject and subcategory names on your forms.
Finished Characters: Book/Movie
No finished forms have been received since the last update.
Updated Characters: Book/Movie
Granger, Hermione (Harry Potter series); Dawson, Lucy (I Am Sam)
Closed Characters: Book/Movie (OPEN for application)
No closed forms have been received since the last update.
Overdue Characters: Book/Movie
No fanlistings are overdue.
Overdue: Temporary Layouts
No layouts are overdue.
Music Miscellany – All
This is a complete update of all forms for the Music Miscellany category.
Upcoming Music Miscellany
No applications have been received since the last update.
Finished Music Miscellany
Madonna – The Celebration Tour (Tours)
Moved Music Miscellany
No moved forms have been received since the last update.
Closed Music Miscellany (Open for application)
No closed forms have been received since the last update.
Overdue Music Miscellany
There are no overdue fanlistings.
Overdue: Temporary Layouts
There are no overdue layouts.
Report Forms
No report forms have been received since the last update.