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Volunteers: Trouble Checkers

If you would like to be added to our database of potential trouble checkers (ie. the volunteers who help the category staffers check their categories for dead links, rule-breaking, inactivity, etc.), please read the following requirements and then fill out the form below. Please note that you will not become a trouble checker immediately, and some people will never be contacted. You are simply added to a data bank of information which our staffers can select people from. It is up to the individual category staffers to select the trouble checkers they wish to take on.

NOTE: If you are a current trouble checker and wish to update your information, DO NOT fill out this form. Post in the trouble checkers forum instead, in the pinned topic supplied for this purpose. If you are not yet a trouble checker and would like to update your application, please fill out a new form and ensure that you put the word UPDATE (in caps) next to your name. We will then remove your previous application and add your new one to the data bank.

When it comes to trouble-checking, you must have the ability to:

  • Be reliable :: If you are taken on as a permanent trouble-checker, your staffer may need a trouble check on a regular basis, for example once a month. They may also ask for trouble checks at fairly short notice. Please don't apply if you think you may be absent from the internet for lengthy periods of time.
  • Follow instructions :: You will need to be able to follow a strict set of guidelines when trouble-checking. These guidelines have been compiled by experienced staff members and you must adhere to them.
  • Pay attention to detail :: You must check every fanlisting thoroughly to ensure that no rules are being broken.
  • Be objective :: You cannot neglect to report a fanlisting as 'in trouble' just because it belongs to someone you know or to one of our staffers. You must report all fanlistings that break our rules.
  • Cooperate :: If selected as a permanent trouble checker, you will report to your category staffer. You need to be able to communicate and cooperate with your staffer and work as a team!

While we will try to place you in a category you specified as being one of your preferred categories, this is not guaranteed. No special knowledge is required for any of the positions, so you may be placed in any category, with the exception of Adult if you specify that you do not wish to work in that category.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

* Name:
* E-mail:
Please provide a number only:
AIM Username:
MSN Username:
ICQ Username:
Yahoo! Username:
* What is your username at the board?
Which THREE categories would you most like to work in?
Please use correct, exact category names, ordered alphabetically and separated with commas.
Are you willing to work in the Adult category?
Have you trouble checked with us before?
Is there anything else you think we should know?
Type in the letter below in the box to the left.

Support Us

TFL relies on donations and advertising to keep running. There are several ways you can help! Make a donation and get access to the TFL donators package or visit our advertisers. We also have a banner rotation for fanlistings and fansites. Every bit helps! More information can be found on the Support page.

Did You Know?

It's unfortunate that we have to reject people for fanlistings they apply for, but it's what has to be done if more than one person applies for a fanlisting. If you've received more than one rejection from us, please don't take it personally. It may be due to a number of reasons -- the most likely one is that there was more than one applicant for the fanlisting and a final decision had to be made. Often these are very difficult and it isn't a "problem" with you.