October 12, 2023
Sports: Troubles
This is a complete update of problem resolved for the Sports category.
Removed From Troubles: Problem Resolved (Not open for application)
Harper, Bryce (Baseball); Parker, Candace (Basketball); Burrow, Joe (Football: NFL); Manziel, Johnny (Football: NFL); Quinn, Brady (Football: NFL); Tebow, Tim (Football: NFL); Watt, Justin James ‘J. J.’ (Football: NFL); Wilson, Russell (Football: NFL); Pulisic, Christian (Football: Soccer); Alcaraz, Carlos (Tennis); Gauff, Coco (Tennis); Stephens, Sloane (Tennis); Williams, Serena (Tennis); Swimming: Coughlin, Natalie (Water Sports); Swimming: Peirsol, Aaron (Water Sports); Swimming: Rice, Stephanie (Water Sports)