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June 16, 2011

Inactivity troubles emails

Posted by Senior Staff [12:07 pm] (link)

This is a update of for the General category.

We have made a change to our ‘Inactivity’ troubles emails. Before, the emails informed fanlisting owners that they needed to post the following message on their fanlisting if there were no pending members to be added to the fanlisting:

[Month] [Day], [Year]
No new members have joined recently!

Since multiple update dates on a fanlisting can be a hassle for trouble checkers, category staffers and visitors to read through, we have removed that part of the troubles email. From now on, please refrain from showing more than ONE update date on your fanlisting, as we will only go by the first date listed on the main page of the fanlisting and trouble checkers and category staffers will no longer be required to check or scroll the rest of the page to look for a second last update date.

If you maintain your fanlisting with a script, you may simply select a current member of the fanlisting (if you joined your fanlisting you can choose yourself) and ‘update’ their information. This will bring the last update date current.

If you maintain your fanlisting without any script, you can just update the last update date manually.

Please keep in mind that you may only do this if there are no pending members to be added and no update forms to be processed. If a member has requested to be removed from the fanlisting, deleting them may not automatically update your last update date if you use a script and you will need to follow the same step listed above.

August 8, 2010

Announcement: HTML/Graphic experience

Posted by Senior Staff [12:32 pm] (link)

This is a update of for the General category.


This is regarding a rule that the network has been lenient in enforcing up until now. We have the following rule regarding HTML/graphics experience:

1. You must have HTML and graphics experience.

* Provide an existing URL that displays your ability with both of these aspects when you apply. This URL must be your own work. You may use pre-made layouts or another persons work on the final fanlisting, but to apply you must present your own work.

As we said, we have been lenient in enforcing this rule. From now on, though, we will be actively making sure that each applicant is using their own work when applying for a subject. This is to make sure that each applicant is being considered on their own merits. This is what we believe to be fair for every applicant.

July 10, 2010

Downtime and Extension requests

Posted by Senior Staff [12:36 pm] (link)

This is a update of for the General category.


It has come to our attention that some members of our community have taken to abusing our downtime/extension procedures. We obviously understand that with the internet things can go wrong and a downtime request may be necessary. We are always understanding and will grant your request. If you find you’re having trouble reaching the deadline you’ve originally agreed upon, we will most likely grant you an extension.

However, if we notice that you’re asking for several extensions without making progress on getting your sites taken care of, we will stop granting extensions. We’re willing to help you as long as you’re willing to do everything you can to make sure your sites are taken care of.

In addition, please make sure that any requests for downtime extensions are made through our downtime request forms, and not directly to staffer(s). Through the request form is the quickest route and we like to have all requests made – and then informed to the staffers – in one place.

April 6, 2010


Posted by Senior Staff [12:37 pm] (link)

This is a update of for the General category.

We’d like to take this time to remind you about cross-listing. If you own a fanlisting in one category and that subject can be listed in another, it is entirely your responsibility to get it listed there. We do not ask our staffers to do this, as they may not always know the subject as well as you – the fans! So be sure to apply in the various categories that a subject may be listed in (if available). It can help to note in the comments section that you are applying for this fanlisting in several categories. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to December 2, 2009

Upcoming limit reminder

This is a update of for the General category.

You are only allowed a maximum of 20 fanlistings on upcoming network wide at a time. In addition to this, you may not have more than 6 fanlistings on upcoming in a single category. We all love applying for things that we enjoy, but please remember to keep an eye on your upcoming list and limit your applications accordingly.

If you have fanlistings that have been completed and the finished forms have not been processed yet, please include that information with your applications – including the finished URLs so we can see that they are in fact finished.

September 17, 2009

Follow us on Twitter!

Posted by Senior Staff [12:39 pm] (link)

This is a update of for the General category.

We are pleased to announce the addition of the TFL Twitter account! All category updates and network news will be posted to Twitter. You’re welcome to follow us @thefanlistings!

May 29, 2009

Rules update

Posted by Senior Staff [12:40 pm] (link)

This is a update of for the General category.

We would like to inform you of a slight change to our rules, regarding updating your fanlistings. The rules now state the following:

You must post your fanlisting updates on the actual fanlisting. You may keep your updates on a separate page or on a separate site, but not exclusively.

As always, if you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact the Senior Staff using either our contact forms or the forums.

April 28, 2009

Three strikes rule

Posted by Senior Staff [12:41 pm] (link)

This is a update of for the General category.

The Senior Staff would like to take the time to remind our visitors that it is every owner’s responsibility to care for their own fanlistings and to be familiar with the rules of the network. You may find it helpful to periodically reread the network rules and policies.

We would also like to remind everyone of our three strikes rule for neglect, which states the following:

After having been on the troubles list twice for either: a) lack of updating; or b) members list neglect, a fanlisting found to be neglected for the third time may be removed from the network if the troubles staffer in charge deems it appropriate and a senior staffer confirms that the removal can go ahead. This does not apply to other troubles issues, such as dead links, incorrect links to TFL, or unfair rules. You will receive a personalised email if your fanlisting is removed for repeated neglect. We do not expect removals of this nature to occur on a regular basis.

In addition, it has always been the policy of the network to never disclose any information from our database. The information stored there is for the benefit of our staffers in performing their job at the network. It is the responsibility of the fanlisting owners to keep track of information pertaining to their own fanlistings, including ownership details and troubles records. To find out what fanlistings you have under various e-mails, you can use the Your FLs form.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hestitate to contact the Senior Staff, either through our contact forms or by using the TFL forums.

November 1, 2007

Rule: Email addresses

Posted by Senior Staff [12:44 pm] (link)

This is a update of for the General category.

We have made a slight edit to our rules pages to clarify that members joining a fanlisting are allowed to request that their e-mail address be hidden from public view. Our rules already do state that an owner must edit a person’s required information (e-mail, country) when requested, and we feel this covers the process of hiding e-mail addresses where requested as well, which was not clear in the previous rule. Most fanlisting management scripts have this option, so this shouldn’t be a problem. Manually-run fanlistings should comply if members do request their address hidden.

The section of our requirements for fanlisting owners now reads:

Updates should include any pending members or updating a members information if requested. Members may request that their name; e-mail address (including hiding an e-mail address from public view) and/or country is changed and this should be done within two months of being requested.

If you have any questions, please contact the senior staff or ask on our forums 🙂

May 26, 2007

Rule clarification and reminder

Posted by Senior Staff [11:55 am] (link)

This is a update of for the General category.

We are posting this to clarify two of TFLs rules for applying for and running a fanlisting listed at TFL. The first is a clarification of last updated dates on your fanlistings and the second is what you can use as an example URL when applying for a fanlisting.

Rule Clarification: Javascript/PHP date modifiers
This is an addendum to our current rules relating to the use of javascript as a means to automatically change a fanlisting’s update date to reflect the current date of the server or visitor’s computer clock. This technique has been used in the past by some fanlisting owners to create the illusion that a fanlisting has updated (when it has not) so as to avoid it being troubled for not updating.

Currently the rule states that your fanlisting must not use a JavaScript-generated ‘last updated’ date.

We are expanding this rule to include the use of PHP scripts written solely to create a false update date in order to avoid the troubles list.

The rule is now your fanlisting must not use a JavaScript or PHP-generated last update date intended to create an inaccurate and false update date. Update dates must reflect the last member update.

This clarification is effective immediately. Fanlistings suspected of using these scripts will be troubled as per the usual troubles process. Fanlistings will not be troubled unless there is specific evidence to suggest that the update date is not legitimate.

Regarding Example URLs
We would just like to remind those of you applying for fanlistings that when you apply the URL you submit must be your own work (both graphics and HTML). We have nothing against owners that hire/ask other people to build their fanlistings, help them out and so forth. However, when you initially apply for the fanlistings, it is a requirement of TFL that you show that you have web design abilities.

Applications that submit URLs that are not their own work will be rejected.

If you have any questions regarding these changes, please feel free to ask at the message board, or contact the Senior Staff.


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