May 10, 2015
Stage/Theatre – All
This is a complete update of all for the Stage/Theatre category.
Upcoming Stage/Theatre
Hedwig and the Angry Inch (Musicals)
Finished Stage/Theatre
No finished forms to process, at this time.
Moved/Updated Stage/Theatre
No moved/update forms to process, at this time.
Closed Stage/Theatre (Open for application)
No closed forms to process, at this time.
Troubled Stage/Theatre (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on 16 May 2015. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem(s) or send in a finished form and respond to the troubles email!
Thank you to Trialia for trouble checking the category!
Inactivity: 2 Months +
Tennis no Oujisama: Atobe, Keigo (Stage Show Characters)
Members List Neglect: Spam Members
Wicked (Musicals)
No overdue fanlistings, at this time.
Overdue: Temporary Layouts
No overdue layouts, at this time.
Trouble Reports
No trouble reports to process, at this time.
Characters: Book/Movie – Applications
This is a complete update of applications for the Characters: Book/Movie category.
Applications for subjects from new releases will be processed on a future applications update.
Upcoming Characters: Book/Movie (Not open for application)
Toretto, Dominic (Fast and the Furious Series, The); [+] Zombies (General and Miscellaneous); Nuada (Hellboy and Hellboy II); Coulson, Phil (Iron Man series); Fury, Nick (Iron Man series); Nitta, Sayuri/Chiyo Sakamoto (Memoirs of a Geisha); [+] Stormtroopers ‘Imperial Stormtroopers’ (Star Wars series)
Authors/Writers – Troubles
This is a complete update of problem resolved and removals for the Authors/Writers category.
Removed From Troubles – Problem Resolved (Not open for application)
Tsuchiya, Ann
Removed Authors (Open for application)
Remarque, Erich Maria; Tolkien, J.R.R.
May 9, 2015
Actors – Troubles (Removals) and Finished
This is a complete update of finished and troubles removals for the Actors category.
Ruffalo, Mark
Removed From Troubles (Not Open for application)
O’Donnell, Chris
Removed From Network (Open for application)
Bamber, Jamie; Depp, Johnny
Authors/Writers – Troubles
This is a complete update of problem resolved, removals and pending removal for the Authors/Writers category.
Removed From Troubles – Problem Resolved (Not open for application)
Chaplin, Charlie; Garwood, Julie
Removed Authors (Open for application)
Austen, Jane
Troubled Authors/Writers (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal within the next 24 hours. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem/send in a finished form and reply to the troubles email!
Pending Removal
Remarque, Erich Maria; Tolkien, J.R.R.; Tsuchiya, Ann
Relationships: TV – Pending Removal: Overdue
This is a complete update of pending removals for the Relationships: TV category.
Pending Removal – Overdue (NOT OPEN for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal TOMORROW, May 10, 2015. If your fanlisting is listed below, please submit a finished form and reply to the troubles email. Thank you.
Clegane, Sandor and Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones); Drogo, Khal and Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)
Directors/Producers – Pending Removal: Overdue
This is a complete update of pending removals for the Directors/Producers category.
Pending Removal – Overdue (NOT OPEN for application)
The following fanlisting is scheduled for removal TOMORROW, May 10, 2015. If your fanlisting is listed below, please submit a finished form and reply to the troubles email. Thank you.
O’Donnell, Chris
May 8, 2015
Charaters TV – Pending Removals / Closed
This is a complete update of closed and removals for the Characters: TV category.
Closed Fanlistings (Open for Application)
Commander Strax (Doctor Who Series); Bass, Chuck (Gossip Girl);
Pending Removal (Not Open for Application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal within the next 24 hours. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email!
Clegane, Sandor ‘The Hound’ (Game of Thrones); Drogo, Khal (Game of Thrones); Foster, Gillian (Lie To Me); Curry, Arthur ‘Aquaman’ (Smallville);
May 7, 2015
Actors: F/U/C/O and Troubles Removals
This is a complete update of finished, updated, closed, overdue, and troubles removals for the Actors category.
Finished Actors
Aykroyd, Dan; Ferrell, Will; Gregg, Clark; Green, Seth; Neeson, Liam; Stamos, John; Wheaton, Wil; Wyle, Noah
Updated Actors
Quinto, Zachary (Moved)
Closed Actors (OPEN for application)
No closed actors since last update
Overdue Actors
O’Donnell, Chris; Santos, Al
Removed From Troubles (NOT OPEN for application)
Isaacs, Jason
Pending Removal (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal tomorrow, May 8, 2015. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email!
Depp, Johnny
Navigation: Script Errors
Bamber, Jamie
Games: Applications
This is a complete update of applications for the Games category.
This includes all applications except for two I had questions on.
Upcoming Games
Computer, Console, & Video Games: Borderlands series; Child of Light; Harvest Moon (Bokujou Monogatari) series; Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (Biohazard 3: Last Escape); Spyro series; Super Mario Bros.; Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island; Tomb Raider series; Xenoblade Chronicles (Xenoblade)
Game Characters: Chrono Cross – Karsh; Chrono Cross – Kid; Chrono Cross – Pierre; Chrono Cross – Starky (Star Child); Donkey Kong – Donkey Kong; Earthbound (Mother 2) – Ness; LINE – Cony; Pokemon – Maxie (Matsubusa); Portal – GLaDOS; Resident Evil – Wesker, Albert; Resident Evil 2 – Birkin, William; Silent Hill 2 – Orosco, Angela; Skies of Arcadia – Drachma
Miscellany: Warcraft (series) – Priest (class)
Relationships: Resident Evil 4 – Kennedy, Leon S. & Jack Krauser