May 9, 2015
Authors/Writers – Troubles
This is a complete update of problem resolved, removals and pending removal for the Authors/Writers category.
Removed From Troubles – Problem Resolved (Not open for application)
Chaplin, Charlie; Garwood, Julie
Removed Authors (Open for application)
Austen, Jane
Troubled Authors/Writers (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal within the next 24 hours. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem/send in a finished form and reply to the troubles email!
Pending Removal
Remarque, Erich Maria; Tolkien, J.R.R.; Tsuchiya, Ann
Relationships: TV – Pending Removal: Overdue
This is a complete update of pending removals for the Relationships: TV category.
Pending Removal – Overdue (NOT OPEN for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal TOMORROW, May 10, 2015. If your fanlisting is listed below, please submit a finished form and reply to the troubles email. Thank you.
Clegane, Sandor and Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones); Drogo, Khal and Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)
Directors/Producers – Pending Removal: Overdue
This is a complete update of pending removals for the Directors/Producers category.
Pending Removal – Overdue (NOT OPEN for application)
The following fanlisting is scheduled for removal TOMORROW, May 10, 2015. If your fanlisting is listed below, please submit a finished form and reply to the troubles email. Thank you.
O’Donnell, Chris
May 8, 2015
Charaters TV – Pending Removals / Closed
This is a complete update of closed and removals for the Characters: TV category.
Closed Fanlistings (Open for Application)
Commander Strax (Doctor Who Series); Bass, Chuck (Gossip Girl);
Pending Removal (Not Open for Application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal within the next 24 hours. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email!
Clegane, Sandor ‘The Hound’ (Game of Thrones); Drogo, Khal (Game of Thrones); Foster, Gillian (Lie To Me); Curry, Arthur ‘Aquaman’ (Smallville);
May 7, 2015
Actors: F/U/C/O and Troubles Removals
This is a complete update of finished, updated, closed, overdue, and troubles removals for the Actors category.
Finished Actors
Aykroyd, Dan; Ferrell, Will; Gregg, Clark; Green, Seth; Neeson, Liam; Stamos, John; Wheaton, Wil; Wyle, Noah
Updated Actors
Quinto, Zachary (Moved)
Closed Actors (OPEN for application)
No closed actors since last update
Overdue Actors
O’Donnell, Chris; Santos, Al
Removed From Troubles (NOT OPEN for application)
Isaacs, Jason
Pending Removal (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal tomorrow, May 8, 2015. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem and reply to the troubles email!
Depp, Johnny
Navigation: Script Errors
Bamber, Jamie
Games: Applications
This is a complete update of applications for the Games category.
This includes all applications except for two I had questions on.
Upcoming Games
Computer, Console, & Video Games: Borderlands series; Child of Light; Harvest Moon (Bokujou Monogatari) series; Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (Biohazard 3: Last Escape); Spyro series; Super Mario Bros.; Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island; Tomb Raider series; Xenoblade Chronicles (Xenoblade)
Game Characters: Chrono Cross – Karsh; Chrono Cross – Kid; Chrono Cross – Pierre; Chrono Cross – Starky (Star Child); Donkey Kong – Donkey Kong; Earthbound (Mother 2) – Ness; LINE – Cony; Pokemon – Maxie (Matsubusa); Portal – GLaDOS; Resident Evil – Wesker, Albert; Resident Evil 2 – Birkin, William; Silent Hill 2 – Orosco, Angela; Skies of Arcadia – Drachma
Miscellany: Warcraft (series) – Priest (class)
Relationships: Resident Evil 4 – Kennedy, Leon S. & Jack Krauser
Animals: All
This is a complete update of all forms for the Animals category.
Please remember to put the complete subject name (Example: Dogs: Breed of Dog) on your forms.
Upcoming Animals
Alligators (Amphibians & Reptiles); Dogs: Black Labrador Retrievers (Mammals: Canines); Dogs: Poodles (Mammals: Canines); Koala (Mammals: Marsupials)
Finished Animals
Dolphins (Aquatic Animals)
Moved Animals
No moved forms.
Closed Animals (Open for application)
No closed forms.
Troubled Animals (Not open for application)
The following fanlistings are scheduled for removal on May 13, 2015. If your fanlisting is listed below, please fix the problem/send in a finished form and reply to the troubles email!
Thanks to Deborah, Jen and Susanna, for trouble checking the category!
Dead Link: 404/403: Dragonflies (Invertebrates); Dogs: Cane Corso (Mammals: Canines); Dogs: Rottweilers (Mammals: Canines); Dogs: Shih Tzu (Mammals: Canines); Foxes (Mammals: Canines); Bobcats (Mammals: Felines); Cats: Bengal (Mammals: Felines); Cats: British Longhair (Mammals: Felines); Cats: Egyptian Mau (Mammals: Felines); Cats: Kurilian Bobtail (Mammals: Felines); Cheetahs (Mammals: Felines); Cougars (Pumas/Mountain Lions) (Mammals: Felines); Lynxes: Canadian (Mammals: Felines); Pandas: Giant (Mammals: Other Carnivores/Insectivores/Omnivores)
Inactivity: 2 Months +: Birds (Birds); Bees (Invertebrates); Pigs (Mammals: Other Carnivores/Insectivores/Omnivores); Hamsters: Russian (Mammals: Rodents); Squirrels (Mammals: Rodents)
Inactivity: Pending Members Within Past 2 Months Not Added/Updated: Cats: Black (Mammals: Felines)
Members List Neglect: Spam Members: Dogs: Adopted & Rescued (Mammals: Canines)
Overdue: No overdue fanlistings.
Overdue: Temporary Layouts: No overdue temporary layouts.
Report Forms: One report form was received for a subject included in the troubles update.
Academia: All
This is a complete update of all forms for the Academia category.
Upcoming Academia
Archaeology (Subjects/Disciplines)
Finished Academia
Class of 2011 (Class Of)
Moved Academia
No moved forms have been received since the last update.
Closed Academia (Open for application)
No closed forms have been received since the last update.
Overdue Academia: No overdue fanlistings.
Overdue: Temporary Layouts: No overdue layouts.
Report Forms: No report forms have been received since the last update.
May 6, 2015
TFL Joining Spree
This is a update of fun and games for the General category.
Since fanlistings often wind up closing and re-opening with new owners at some point, one of our staffers, Todd, has organized a fanlistings ‘Joining Spree’ at our message board. It’s become a fun activity for many of the members, so for those who don’t visit the board often or haven’t registered at our message board, we decided to post the information here on the updates blog, as well, so that everyone will have a chance to get involved!
The Joining Spree is already a few weeks underway, so this post will include the categories that have been a part of it so far and then from now on, we’ll be making a weekly post (either on Sundays or Mondays) with the category or categories participating for that particular week.
Here is a portion of Todd’s original post announcing the event:
Welcome to the 2015 TFL Joining Spree! In the coming weeks and months, we hope to lead you through a combing of the entire fanlistings network, and motivate you to not only join fanlistings, but to clean up your joined pages! We will go through 1-3 categories a week, depending on the size of the categories, and each week you will be asked to join fanlistings in those categories, and clean up those categories in your joined sections! This will include removing any dead links for closed fanlistings you still have linked, and updating links for any fanlistings you have joined that have moved. Because categories will be divided by size, we will not be going through the network’s categories in alphabetical order. Please do not assume next week’s category is the next one on the list alphabetically.
To participate, simply check out this post each week to see which category or categories we have featured, and get to work joining and cleaning up!
Let’s get to joining fanlistings!
Here are the categories that have been covered so far, so please take this week to join the fanlistings for subjects in the following categories that you are a fan of! (If you don’t have a chance to join everything in one week, we’ll be doing ‘Catch-Up’ weeks later on.)
Movies (Current week)
Actresses (Week 4)
Actors (Week 3)
Animals, Nature (Week 2)
Academia, Arts and Design, Calendar Events (Week 1)
Happy joining!
May 5, 2015
Characters: TV – Applications
This is a complete update of applications for the Characters: TV category.
Please remember that a link about the character from imdb.com must be included in the ‘More Information?’ field.
Upcoming Characters: TV
Coulson, Phil (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.); Montgomery, Madison (American Horror Story); Palmer, Ray ‘Atom’ (Arrow); Palmer, Ray ‘Atom’ (Flash, The); Nygma, Edward ‘The Riddler’ (Gotham); Tolliver, Nadine (Madam Secretary); Mikaelson, Rebekah (Originals, The); (Roseanne); Conner, Roseanne (Roseanne); Rowena (Supernatural); (Tru Calling); Boleyn, Anne (Tudors, The); Enzo (Vampire Diaries, The); Mikaelson, Rebekah (Vampire Diaries, The); Aslaug (Vikings)