Blue Green Grey Orange Pink Purple Red Red


General TFL Guidelines

  • Please make sure you've read the rules carefully and checked the approved section before applying.
  • If you're applying for more than one fanlisting, please use a separate form for each fanlisting you want.
  • If the fanlisting you want fits into more than one category, please apply in both categories. This does not apply to certain categories, however. Please check the rules and category list pages for more information.
  • Name, Email, HTML Example and subject are required fields. Your application will NOT go through unless you fill in these fields.
  • Your HTML Example must be your own work. Applications submitted with a link to a website designed and built by someone else will be rejected.
  • PLEASE NOTE: there is a limit on the number of upcoming fanlistings an owner may have. If you have:
    - 6 fanlistings upcoming in a category and/or
    - 20 fanlistings upcoming at the network
    the staffer has the right to reject your application out-right or until you complete some of your upcoming fanlistings..
    If some of these are pending finished forms being processed, include the completed URLs in your application form.
    Do not use more than one email address to apply for your fanlistings.

Specific Webmasters Rules

  • You absolutely MUST include the Name and URL(s) of the webmaster you are applying for! [ie: Danny aka Star (,] Applications without the name and address of the webmaster will NOT be accepted!
  • If you want to build a fanlisting for a particular website [NOT personal] as opposed to the actual webmaster, please apply under Websites.
  • If the webmaster you're applying for is known for more then one large site/collective, please list them all to help avoid double approvals!! You may NOT apply for the fanlisting of a webmaster if that webmaster already has a fanlisting, but it is registered for a different site. For example, if Scott runs both "" and "," and a fanlisting for "Scott (" already exists, you cannot apply for "Scott ("! Please be sure to check carefully the Approved Fanlistings list before applying.
  • If the webmaster you are applying for goes by more then one name, note the names they go by in your application so that it can be listed under both to avoid double approvals!! Before applying, check all aliases to make sure the webmaster is not already listed!
  • If the person whose fanlisting you're running changes his or her website address, please notify us via a Contact form and we will change the way his or her fanlisting is listed in the Network.
  • You cannot apply for more than one webmaster at a time. If you wish to make a fanlisting for 2 different webmasters, fill out the apply form twice. Once for one of the Webmasters, and once for the other Webmaster. The only exception is if both Webmasters run the same site.
  • We do NOT allow fanlisting for webmaster's pets. If you apply for a fanlisting for a webmaster's pet, you will not be approved.
  • Applications for DeviantArt users will NOT be accepted. Please apply for this fanlistings under Arts and Design or Fan Works.

Your Website
Please make sure this HTML example has been made by you.
Category: Webmasters
More Information?
Other names, links to information on the subject, etc.
In order to combat SPAM issues with the application form, we have included a math problem to be answered. Simply add the two numbers together and enter the answer in the input field below. :')
7 + 2 =
I have read and understood the rules and I agree to follow them.

Support Us

TFL relies on donations and advertising to keep running. There are several ways you can help! Make a donation and get access to the TFL donators package or visit our advertisers. We also have a banner rotation for fanlistings and fansites. Every bit helps! More information can be found on the Support page.

Did You Know?

Want to know what we do with all the forms you send in? Or what our policy is on spam? Or what your information is used for? Then our Terms of Use page is for you!