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General TFL Guidelines

  • Please make sure you've read the rules carefully and checked the approved section before applying.
  • If you're applying for more than one fanlisting, please use a separate form for each fanlisting you want.
  • If the fanlisting you want fits into more than one category, please apply in both categories. This does not apply to certain categories, however. Please check the rules and category list pages for more information.
  • Name, Email, HTML Example and subject are required fields. Your application will NOT go through unless you fill in these fields.
  • Your HTML Example must be your own work. Applications submitted with a link to a website designed and built by someone else will be rejected.
  • PLEASE NOTE: there is a limit on the number of upcoming fanlistings an owner may have. If you have:
    - 6 fanlistings upcoming in a category and/or
    - 20 fanlistings upcoming at the network
    the staffer has the right to reject your application out-right or until you complete some of your upcoming fanlistings..
    If some of these are pending finished forms being processed, include the completed URLs in your application form.
    Do not use more than one email address to apply for your fanlistings.

Specific TV Shows Rules

  • First of all, read and follow the General Guidelines listed above.
  • Accepted in this category:

    • TV Shows, as a whole (i.e. Friends).
    • Individual Seasons, (i.e. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 5). If you're applying for individual seasons, you must send in one application for each season you're applying for.
    • TV Specials, (i.e. The 80th Academy Awards). TV Specials may include special episodes dedicated to a specific event such as a reunion show, an anniversary special on a show, award shows, etc. Approvals will be based on specific comments made regarding the special. If you're not sure or you think it should be considered apply anyway and I will let you know :)

  • Not accepted in this category:

    • Anything animated should be applied for in Animation.
    • Anything anime/manga should be applied for at the Anime Fanlistings Network.
    • Anything wrestling related should be applied for in Sports Entertainment.
    • Episodes (other than those specials mentioned above) should be applied for in Episodes.
    • TV Movies should be applied for in Movies.
    • Macabre Theatre is permanently NOT open for applications.

  • Things you need to know about applying:

    • Applications received before the TV Show/Special has aired are not accepted.
    • For network/cable shows, web series and anything that airs on an episode by episode basis: Approvals will not be made until a week after the third episode has aired (for all new TV series). It is recommended that you do not submit an application form until you have seen at least two episodes since the Pilot/First episode is usually different from even the second episode (the casting may change, plot changes, etc.) and your opinion of the show may change. This rule is in place so to give us all time to watch a few episodes of the show and have a chance to apply for the fanlisting for it.
      Seasons will not be approved until the entire season has aired. This applies to all shows including primetime shows and reality shows. Please wait until the final episode of the season has aired before you apply. You can't know if you are a fan of the season, until it has fully aired.
    • For on-demand shows that make full seasons available at once, such as Netflix or Amazon: Approvals will not be made until three weeks after they debut. This means the release of the full season. If the pilot premiers but the show is not fully aired until months later, you are not to apply three weeks after the pilot, but three weeks after the whole release.
      Seasons will not be approved until two weeks after the whole season is available.
    • Seasons for shows that only aired for one season, or have not yet been announced to have an upcoming second season may not be applied for. Example: Drive: Season 1 is not allowed because less than half of season one aired and there are no upcoming seasons planned for it. Fanlistings for season 1 of any other shows that have their second season still pending will not be approved until it has been announced that there will be a second season.
    • Fanlistings for more than one season (i.e., 90210 - The Early Years or Dark Angel: Season 1-2, etc.) are no longer approvable.

  • Additional Guidelines:

    • Make sure this is the right category! (Please see above for guidelines.)
    • Make sure that the subject you're applying for isn't already Current or Upcoming. If it's listed there with or without a link, you may NOT apply for it.
    • Don't send in more than SIX applications at once. Six is the maximum of upcoming fanlistings you may have under one category, so all applications after your sixth approval will be discarded.
    • Any tv show beginning with 'A' or 'The' should be applied with the 'A' or 'The' at the end. Example: Different World, A
      X-Files, The
    • If you're applying for a K-Drama or shows that are in a non-English language/have subtitles, etc., please give the most commonly used English title (if applicable) and also the most common title in whatever language it is aired in. In the case of K-Dramas, it would be most helpful if you could look up your subject in the Drama Wiki and include that link in your application if one exists.
    • Provide a link to the show at Applications without the link will be discarded.
    • Apply under the official title, do not shorten it (Parks and Rec instead of Parks and Recreation) or use acronyms (OitNB instead of Orange is the New Black). Use any of the links provided above to check the correct title.

  • Failure to follow any of the rules will result in your application being discarded. You are welcome to send in a new application with the correct information, but approvals will not be held off until you do.
  • Please refrain from giving away spoilers for any TV Shows. Thanks! :)

Your Website
Please make sure this HTML example has been made by you.
Category: TV Shows
More Information?
Other names, links to information on the subject, etc.
In order to combat SPAM issues with the application form, we have included a math problem to be answered. Simply add the two numbers together and enter the answer in the input field below. :')
5 + 9 =
I have read and understood the rules and I agree to follow them.

Support Us

TFL relies on donations and advertising to keep running. There are several ways you can help! Make a donation and get access to the TFL donators package or visit our advertisers. We also have a banner rotation for fanlistings and fansites. Every bit helps! More information can be found on the Support page.

Did You Know?

Fanlistings need to be updated at least once every two months. If no one joins during that time period, all you need to do is add a little notice to your fanlisting which states that no one is joining. Make sure you date that notice so we can see that you've checked the site, but there have been no additional members. This will also let visitors know that the site is being maintained.